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2. Full-time undergraduates

Eligible first time undergraduates are able to apply for financial support to help with living costs while studying. The support is a combination of grants and loans (depending on eligibility), and for most will be equivalent to the National Living Wage. Students must be under 60 years old on the first day of the first academic year of their course to access an undergraduate maintenance loan.

Full-time undergraduates studying in academic year 2025 to 2026 could be eligible for up to £15,415 a year towards their living costs if they live away from home and study in London, up to £12,345 per year if they live away from home and study elsewhere in the UK or up to £10,480 if studying and living at home. Every eligible full-time student will receive a grant of at least £1,000 regardless of household income. This grant does not have to be paid back.

The figures in the table are for illustrative purposes.

Living away from home : Outside London
Household incomeGrantLoanTotal
£59,200 or over£1,000£11,345£12,345

Students studying away from home, outside London, are entitled to a maximum amount of maintenance support of £12,345. The maximum grant is £8,100. This is reduced by £1 for every additional £5.750 of income above £18,370. The balance to the maximum amount of £12,345 can be taken as loan.

Living away from home : In London
Household incomeGrantLoanTotal
£59,200 or over£1,000£14,415£15,415

Students studying away from home, in London, are entitled to a maximum amount of maintenance support of £15,415. The maximum grant is £10,124. This is reduced by £1 for every additional £4.475 of income above £18,370. The balance to the maximum amount of £15,415 can be taken as loan.

Living at home
Household incomeGrantLoanTotal
£59,200 or over£1,000£9,480£10,480

Students living at home are entitled to a maximum amount of maintenance support of £10,480. The maximum grant is £6,885. This is reduced by £1 for every additional £6.937 of income above £18,370. The balance to the maximum amount of £10,480 can be taken as loan.

Under the support package, students will be eligible for loans to cover tuition fees. Most students won’t have to pay anything upfront for their course. Students studying with the Open University in Wales must apply for part-time support, regardless of intensity of study.

For information about funding for the 2024 to 2025 academic year visit Student Finance Wales.

Students who began their course before August 2018 will continue to receive the student support package they currently get.

In addition to living costs and tuition fee support you could get the following support:

Childcare Grant: you could receive a Childcare Grant as a contribution towards the cost of your childcare if you have children in registered or approved childcare and are studying at an intensity of 50% or more. The amount you could receive will also depend on your household income. You won’t qualify for this grant if either you or your partner claims the child element of Working Tax Credit or Universal Credit, Childcare Allowance from the NHS or Tax-Free Childcare from HMRC.

Parents’ Learning Allowance: you could receive help with course-related costs if you have a dependent child or children. The maximum amount you could get is £1,945 per year but this will depend on your household income and course intensity.

Adult Dependants’ Grant: you may be eligible to be considered for an Adult Dependants’ Grant if you have a partner or another adult who is financially dependent on you. The maximum amount you could get is £3,407 per year but this will depend on your household income and course intensity.

Disabled Students’ Grants are also available to support you during your full-time course.

Further information about support is available on the Student Finance Wales website.

Follow Student Finance Wales on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates.

Bursaries and scholarships: some universities and colleges may offer discretionary bursaries or scholarships. You can talk to your Student Support Service to see what additional financial help may be available to you. If you’re on a course which leads to a qualification in medicine, dentistry or healthcare then you might be able to get a bursary from the National Health Service (NHS). Visit the Student Award Services website to find out further information.

All figures are subject to regulations being made.