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Introduction: supporting the rural economy and the transition to the Sustainable Farming Scheme

The Programme for Government sets out our commitments to continue supporting farmers to produce food in a sustainable way, whilst taking action to respond to the climate emergency and to help reverse the decline in biodiversity. Funding support for farmers, land managers and associated rural sectors is delivered through a flexible framework of support, with schemes – including the Growing for the Environment Scheme - delivering towards the following themes:

  • farm scale land management
  • on farm environmental improvements
  • on farm efficiency and diversification
  • landscape scale land management
  • woodland and forestry
  • food and farming supply chains

The framework is designed to both support action in response to the challenges and opportunities available and to inform the continuing development of the Sustainable Farming Scheme, which will reward farmers for the work they do now to lower their carbon footprint, improve the environment and produce food in a sustainable way.

Further information on the themes and schemes being developed are available at Homepage | Wales Rural Network

Section A: introduction

These guidance notes explain the Growing for the Environment Scheme. This application window supports the establishment of a range of spring and summer sown crops which can result in improvements in the environmental performance of a farm business. These include mixed leys, protein crops and unsprayed cereals. The full list of eligible crops and requirements have been specified along with a standard payment per hectare. Full list of objectives and eligible crops are available at Annexes A and B.

If you then consider you may qualify for support under this scheme and you want to apply, please see Section D Applying for the Growing for the Environment Scheme and the How to Complete booklet.

The application window will open on 4 November 2024 and close on 13 December 2024.

The indicative budget allocation for this application window is £1.5m.

Growing for the Environment is a grant scheme available to all eligible farmers in Wales. The scheme supports the growing and utilisation of crops, which can result in improvements in the environmental performance of a farm business.

The scheme objectives are to support farmers to:

  • reduce carbon and greenhouse gas emissions
  • adapt to climate change and build greater resilience into farm businesses
  • improve water quality and reduce flood risks
  • contribute towards a reversal in the decline of Wales’ native biodiversity

Crops and activity supported through the Growing for the Environment scheme have been pre-identified as offering clear and quantifiable benefits to the environment and farm business. 

For this round, seven additional new options have been included and their descriptions and requirements are explained at Annex B.

Please read the Growing for the Environment rules and guidance document before submitting an Expression of Interest (EoI).

Any changes will be publicised via the Welsh Government website, GWLAD online and, where necessary, we will contact you directly.

Section B: Growing for the Environment eligibility

You are eligible to apply if:

  • You are registered with the Welsh Government and have been issued with a Customer Reference Number (CRN). Please refer to the Welsh Government website for the how to register guidance or call the RPW Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004.
  • You must:
    • be a primary producer of agricultural products
    • have 3ha of eligible agricultural land registered with RPW in Wales or
    • be able to demonstrate over 550 standard labour hours

We will check if you have an eligible Basic Payment Scheme or Organic Support claim to verify if you are a primary producer of agricultural products and you have 3ha of eligible agricultural land in Wales.

If you have not submitted claims for either of these schemes or we are unable to verify the land, you must submit documentary evidence with your EoI to verify that you are a primary producer of agricultural products and that you meet either the 3ha or 550 standard labour hours’ eligibility criteria.

The primary production of agricultural products includes the following farming sectors:

  • arable
  • beef
  • dairy
  • goats
  • horticulture (including hydroponics and aquaponics)
  • pigs
  • poultry
  • sheep
  • apiculture

You are not eligible if:

  • you are an Equine customer (including grazing horses)
  • you are a Forestry customer (including woodland only owners)
  • a group of farmers (including Producer Organisations) 

However, if two or more agricultural holdings are managed as a single unit, or in a single ownership, or to some extent have common management, common financial accounts, common livestock, machinery and/or feeding stores that will be classed as a single business.

Eligible costs 

Only activity included in the List of Eligible activity set out in Annex B will attract funding.

The activity must meet or exceed the minimum specification described.

Ineligible costs

  • crops not included within the Annex B descriptions
  • crops grown on land not registered to your CRN

Maximum and Minimum Grant

The maximum grant award is £5,000.

The minimum grant award is equivalent to the payment rate for 1 ha of eligible crop.

Your application may exceed the maximum grant. If your EoI is selected, the related claim will be capped to the maximum £5,000.

Key requirements

The minimum area that can be applied for is 1 ha of crops.  The 1 ha minimum area can be comprised of an accumulation of smaller areas in more than one field parcel, providing the contributing area does not fall below 0.10 ha in size in any individual field parcel.

Applicants can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels. 

All crops to be grown to the standards set out in Annex B.

The choice of variety and mix of species needs to be appropriate to the location.

Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.

A soil test must be carried out, or have been undertaken in the 3 years prior to application (see table 1). The minimum requirement for this test is an analysis of P, K and pH levels. A soil test will be required for every individual field parcel, i.e. if a crop is grown in two field parcels, two separate soil tests will be required.

The requirements for utilisation and retention of crops differ, these are summarised in Table 1.

Table 1 – Requirements for utilisation and retention of crops:

Table 1
OptionSoil test requiredEarliest grazeEarliest harvestRetain until
1.    Mixed leys.YesNANA3 years following establishment
2.    Red clover or Lucerne.YesNANA2 years following establishment
3.    Protein crops. (No weed control)YesNA15 July 2025NA
4.    Unsprayed root or forage crop with ungrazed field margins. Yes15 October 202515 October 202515 February 2026 for the ungrazed margins
5.    Unsprayed spring sown cereals. YesNA1 August 2025NA
6.    Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with mixed ley. YesNA1 August 2025 (cereals)3 years following establishment (mixed ley)
7.    Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix. YesNA1 August 2025NA
8.    Unsprayed cereal and protein crop under sown with mixed ley. YesNA1 August 2025 (cereal and protein crop)3 years following establishment (mixed ley)
9.    Under sowing maize (Spring / summer sown)YesNANA15 February 2026 (under sown crop)
10. Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with Red Clover.NoNA1 August 2025 (cereal)2 years from establishment (mixed ley)
11.  Retain unharvested, unsprayed cereal margins.NoNANA15 February 2026
12. Uncultivated fallow cereal marginsNoNANA15 February 2026
13. Cultivated fallow cereal marginsNoNANA15 February 2026
14. Unsprayed spring sown cereals with stubbles retained.NoNA1 August 2025 (cereal)15 February 2026 (stubble)
15. Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix with stubbles retained.NoNA1 August 2025 (cereal and protein crop)15 February 2026 (stubble)
16. Wildlife cover crop. Retained until 15 February in the following year.NoNANA15 February 2026
17. Wildlife cover crop. Retained for 2 years until 15 February 2027.NoNANA15 February 2027

You will be required to take action to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment. (Options 1 – 8 and option 10) This could include the application of lime, fertiliser with appropriate P and K levels, slurry or manure.  Applications must be undertaken in compliance with a recognised fertiliser recommendation system, such as AHDB’s RB209.

For option 9, the results of the soil tests will inform future action required to rectify any deficiencies identified prior to the next crop being established.

A record of all field activity, including cultivation and sowing dates, seed rates, grazing date and stocking rates should be kept and submitted as part of the claim.

In situations where a crop has not been established successfully, due to adverse weather or pest damage, you should inform RPW immediately via your RPW Online account. 

Applicants must ensure seed availability before accepting the Grant Award Letter. 

Prior to submitting an EoI, where appropriate, applicants are encouraged to consider how they will utilise the crop, either through grazing, combining as grain, crimping or harvesting as whole crop silage. Where a cereal crop is to be harvested as forage, the choice of crop and sowing date should be considered in relation to the earliest harvesting date.  Applicants should also consider the management requirements where field margins are to be retained, remain fallow or unharvested.

The Grant Award for this window will end 28 February 2026, all claims must be submitted by this date. Claims can be submitted at any time once the activity has been completed.

No extensions will be granted beyond 31 March 2026.

Section C: other schemes

Details of the relationship between Growing for the Environment and land entered into other schemes are set out below:

Habitat Wales Scheme 

Habitat land included in the Habitat Wales Scheme is not eligible to be included in the Growing for the Environment scheme.  

Organic Conversion Scheme and Organic Support 

Land included in an Organic Conversion Scheme agreement or included in a claim for Organic Support can be included in the Growing for the Environment scheme. 

Section D: consents

You are required to comply with all legal requirements relating to your land. In certain circumstances, consent may be required from relevant authorities, e.g. Natural Resources Wales, in order to undertake certain activity.

It is your responsibility to seek any consent required to carry out the Growing for the Environment activity.

Note - this is not an exhaustive list.

Designated Areas:

Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), National Nature Reserves (NNR), Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Special Areas of Conservation (SAC):

Land designated as a SSSI (including SPAs and SACs) or a NNR can be included within your Growing for the Environment Grant Award area, but the requirements of your Growing for the Environment Grant Award must not conflict with the management requirements of land under such designations. 

Natural Resource Wales (NRW) are the relevant authority for the management of SSSIs and NNRs. It is a legal requirement to obtain written consent from NRW where activity is located on that land. 

Registered Parks and Gardens, Ancient Monuments and other Historic Environment Features:

The requirements of your Growing for the Environment Grant Award must not conflict with the management requirements on land designated as Ancient Monuments or result in damage to Registered Parks and Gardens, Ancient Monuments or other Historic Environment Features. CADW are the relevant authority for the management of Ancient Monuments and Registered Parks and Gardens. Written consent may be required from CADW where you intend to undertake activity on that land. 

If you intend to undertake activity involving ground disturbance on a Historic Environment Feature consent will be required, from the appropriate Welsh Archaeological Trust in your area.

Environmental Impact Assessment (Agriculture) (Wales) (EIA) Regulations 2007:

If you intend to disturb any vegetation which has a composition of less than 25% sown agricultural species, you may require consent under the Environmental Impact Assessment (Agriculture) (Wales) (EIA) Regulations 2007.

Public Rights of Way:

If you intend to undertake an activity that potentially obstructs a Public Right of Way you will require consent from the Local Authority or National Park Authority. 


You must comply with minimum standards and legislative requirements regarding the environment, hygiene, animal welfare and all relevant health and safety standards. 

Section E: applying for the Growing for the Environment Scheme

RPW Online

You can only complete an EoI for the Growing for the Growing for the Environment scheme by accessing Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online.  If you already have a Customer Reference Number (CRN) you should have received a letter informing you of your Activation Code to set up your account. If you no longer have this, please telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004 (Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 17:00, Friday 8:30 – 16:30) and tell the operator your CRN.  They will send you a new Activation Code.

To register your business details for the first time, you need to complete the online registration form. Please refer to the how to register guidance for further details. The vast majority of changes to business details can be done online. However, Welsh Government may require further details on any major changes. Please contact the Customer Contact Centre for further information.

Once registered, you can access your RPW Online account. The Growing for the Environment EoI is available from the “Applications and Claims” section of your account. 

Agents acting on behalf of a client will need to register as a Rural Payments Wales agent.  If you have yet to do this, you are advised to complete an online or paper copy Agent / Farming Union Customer Details (Wales) form immediately. The form is available on the Welsh Government website. Upon receipt of the form, we will send you an Agent Customer Reference Number (Agent CRN) and an RPW Online Activation Code. You will also need to complete an Association Authorisation Form which can be completed once you register with RPW Online, please refer to our how to register guidance.

If you have any questions about registering for RPW Online or completing your EoI, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004.  They will be able to provide advice, including the digital assistance that is available to you.

Further details regarding RPW Online are available on the Welsh Government Website.

Associated skills development and training:

To make full use of the support offered and to ensure the farm business gains the maximum benefit from the scheme, we strongly advise applicants to consider and undertake appropriate training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity that relates to the activity supported through the Growing for the Environment scheme. In particular, the soils module: Soil | Farming Connect

Farming Connect provides a range of subsidised and free courses, further information on the available courses and how to apply is available at Farming Connect - helping you drive your business forward | Farming Connect

Section F: the EoI and selection process

Submitting an EoI

All field parcels where you intend to grow a crop under this scheme must be entered separately in your EoI against the relevant crop.

The maximum area per field parcel which can be claimed is the field size minus any permanent features.

Guidance on how to submit your EoI via RPW Online is available at Horticulture Development Scheme (window 1): using RPW Online to apply | GOV.WALES.

Annex B lists the eligible activity you can apply for under the Growing for the Environment scheme.

For land parcels submitted within an EoI for Growing for the Environment, no changes can be made via the RPW Online Manage My Land (MML) service. If changes are registered on the field parcels during the application process, those areas will not be eligible for support.

We will issue a maximum of 2 reminders for EoIs in draft via your RPW Online account prior to the closing date.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the EoI is correctly completed and that the information provided in support of your project is accurate.


Applicants are required to select the area where the Growing for the Environment activity will be undertaken up to the maximum grant award of £5,000, or an additional area which exceeds this. The system will automatically calculate the applicant’s final score. The highest scoring projects will progress.

The Growing for the Environment activity has been scored following an assessment carried out against the following criteria:

  • reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • adapting to climate change and building greater resilience into farm and forest businesses. 
  • managing our water resources to improve water quality and reduce flood risks.
  • protecting the landscape and the historic environment while improving access. 
  • contributing towards a reversal in the decline of Wales’ native biodiversity.

The resultant score is given in Annex C. 

On submission of your EoI, the activity has been given a score.  The final score is calculated by multiplying the area of activity you have selected by the activity score and adding scores for underlying objectives over the parcel in which the activity will be undertaken.  The scoring matrix and an example score is included in Annex B.

The purpose of this scoring is to allow us to rank the EoIs against the funding available for each EoI window.

Once the EoI is submitted, you cannot make amendments.  If, having submitted the EoI, you need to make changes, provided the EoI window is still open, you must first withdraw your originally submitted EoI and re-submit a new EoI before the deadline to submit expires.

Where EoIs have equal scores and the budget for the scheme permits, the lowest value  EoI will be selected first.

To be supported, an EoI must meet a minimum score of 0.1.

Where applications have equal scores and are of the same value and rank on the available budget threshold, the Welsh Government reserves the right to either select or reject these applications, depending on budget availability.

Selecting Successful EoIs 

If your EoI is selected, you will be notified via your RPW Online account. 

You must accept your Grant Award Letter within 30 calendar days of the date of the Grant Award offer via the blue button on your RPW Online homepage. You cannot start the activity in your Grant Award until you have been offered the Grant Award Letter.

If you do not accept the Grant Award Letter within 30 calendar days, the Grant Award will be withdrawn. 

Full details of when your Grant Award must be accepted and when the activity must be completed and claimed for will be included in the Grant Award Letter.

We will issue a reminder via your RPW Online account prior to the Grant Award Letter acceptance deadline date. 

Withdrawal of EoIs

Once a business has submitted an EoI can it be withdrawn?

  1. Yes - during an open EoI window
  2. Yes - after an EoI window has closed BUT before the business has received the Grant Award Letter.
  3.  No - once the business has been selected and been offered a Grant Award Letter

You can withdraw your application via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account; you may re-submit an application before the window has closed. 

You can withdraw your application via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account.

If you have selected the wrong location or have changed your mind about the activity, you must withdraw your application and apply again in the next round. 

Please remember that the process is competitive and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in the next round.

We cannot accept a withdrawal of the EoI once a Grant Award Letter has been offered. 

We cannot accept changes to the Grant Award Letter regarding the activity or its location at this point.

If you accept a Growing for the Environment Grant Award Letter and withdraw once you have accepted the Grant Award, or do not submit a valid claim, the value of the Grant Award may be deducted from the £5,000 maximum available grant available to you in any subsequent windows.

E.g. EoI submitted for Window 1 and Grant Award Letter accepted with a total Grant Award value of £3,000. Where the Grant Award Letter is subsequently declined, the total amount available for the next window you apply in will be £2,000.

Section G: conditions of grant

The Growing for the Environment Scheme is subject to a range of relevant legislation (see Annex C). The Welsh Government and the applicant / recipient must act in accordance with that legislation.

The offer of a Growing for the Environment grant is made subject to terms and conditions, which will be set out in full in your Grant Award Letter and include those set out below. The Grant Award will be from the date the Grant Award Letter is issued until 31 March 2025.  Failure to meet the terms and conditions of the award could result in the cancellation of your award and / or the recovery of sums already paid, or a reduction of the amount of grant payable.


The award is made on the basis of statements and declarations made by you or your representatives in the application form and the claim form and any subsequent correspondence. The making of false or misleading statements is an offence. 

You must meet any legal obligations imposed and UK law.

No alterations may be made to the Grant Award Letter, including the location of the activity, without the written approval of the Welsh Government.  

The applicant is required to comply with the rules on eligible costs as detailed in the Scheme Guidance Notes.

Activities should be completed within the timetable agreed with the Welsh Government. You should not deviate from this without prior written agreement from the Welsh Government.

Claims must be submitted via the RPW Online Grants Claim application and be supported by all supporting documents as required by the scheme.

Claims must be submitted in accordance with the timetable set out in the Grant Award Letter. You must not deviate from the agreed timing and value of your claims without prior written agreement from the Welsh Government.

You must provide confirmation that no other public funding has been sought. If it is found that you have received public funding from another source your claim may be rejected, payments may be recovered and penalties may be applied.

Records concerning the application and claim for this grant, must be retained for at least five years after the Grant Award Letter end date.

You must allow representatives of the Welsh Government, the Auditor General for Wales or their representatives to inspect the project. On request, you must provide them with information and / or access to original documentation in relation to the project.

The information provided in the application and any supporting documentation is subject to the requirements of the Welsh Government’s Code of Practice on Public Access to Information, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

You should be aware that, if successful, the Welsh Government reserve the right to publish the name of your business or company, the amount of grant you were awarded and a summary of your project.

The information provided in the application is subject to the Privacy Notice. The Privacy Notice explains the Welsh Government’s processing and use of your personal data and your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Section H: payments


The Growing for the Environment scheme is only available to claim using the Grants Claim page on your RPW Online account. Payments will be made following the successful validation of your claim. Claims will only be paid when the Welsh Government is satisfied the relevant expenditure has taken place and that the work has been completed according to plan. Payment will be made by electronic transfer to your bank account.

In order to receive a Growing for the Environment payments you must:

  • have accepted a Growing for the Environment Grant Award Letter within 30 calendar days of the offer date and adhere to all the requirements
  • ensure that you have completed all activity listed in your Grant Award Letter after you have accepted the Grant Award offer
  • ensure that you have undertaken all of the activities listed in your Grant Award Letter
  • submit the claim using the Grant Claim page on your RPW Online account by the claim deadline 28 February 2026
  • submit all supporting documentation

We will issue a maximum of 2 reminders for any outstanding claims via your RPW Online account prior to the claim submission deadline.

A claim is not considered valid unless it has been submitted via the RPW Online Grants Claim page and until all supporting documentation has been submitted.

You can submit your claim at any time once all the activity has been completed. 

Only one claim is permitted per Grant Award Letter. If you accept a Grant Award Letter with multiple options, the claim can only be submitted once the harvest or retention date for all options have passed.

Requests for extensions to the claim deadline date can only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.  Requests should be submitted using “My Messages” on your RPW Online account, setting out the reasons for your request.  Each request will be considered on an individual basis. Where appropriate geo-tagged photographs of the crop or the proposed location of the crop should be included.

Supporting documentation

You can submit invoices and supporting documentation by scanning them and sending them via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account.

The following evidence is required to be submitted by the claim deadline:

  • evidence of soil test (copy of results report that is dated, includes name and address of applicant with field referenced, or evidence to confirm that the soil test has been undertaken in the field where the option is grown).  A soil test is required for each individual field parcel
  • evidence of activity towards rectifying soil deficiencies, if applicable. (Lime and/or fertiliser invoice, record of field activity showing slurry / manure application.)
  • copy of all seed invoices
  • copy of all seed “tickets” which must include details of seed mixture composition
  • copy of all contracting invoices (if contractors used).
  • copy of field activity record
  • geo-tagged photographs of the field/s should be taken at the following stages:

Table 2 – Geo-tagged photographs requirement:

Table 2
OptionDuring cultivations and sowing activity.During harvesting or first grazing of the crop15 October 2025 (or later)15 February 2026 (or later)
1.    Mixed leys.YesYesNANA
2.    Red clover or Lucerne.YesYesNANA
3.    Protein crops. (No weed control)YesYesNANA
4.    Unsprayed root or forage crop with ungrazed field margins. YesNAYesYes (for ungrazed margins)
5.    Unsprayed spring sown cereals. YesYesNANA
6.    Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with mixed ley. YesYesNANA
7.    Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix. YesYesNANA
8.    Unsprayed cereal and protein crop under sown with mixed ley. YesYesNANA
9.    Under sowing maize (Spring / summer sown)YesNANAYes
10. Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with Red Clover.YesYesNoNA
11.  Retain unharvested, unsprayed cereal margins.YesYesNA15 February 2026
12. Uncultivated fallow cereal marginsYesNANA15 February 2026
13. Cultivated fallow cereal marginsYesNANA15 February 2026
14. Unsprayed spring sown cereals with stubbles retained.YesYesNA15 February 2026
15. Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix with stubbles retained.YesYesNA15 February 2026
16. Wildlife cover crop margin. Retained until 15 February in the following year.YesNAYes15 February 2026
17. Wildlife cover crop margin. Retained for 2 years until 15 February 2027.YesNAYes15 February 2027

Guidance on submitting geo-tagged photographs is available at Geotagged photo requirements: Growing for the Environment (window 1 and 3) | GOV.WALES

Where insufficient evidence is provided by the claim deadline, your claim may be rejected.

Activities not delivered

If you have been advised by suppliers that they cannot deliver seeds within the required timescale, you will need to contact us via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account notifying us of the issue.

Where you are unable to deliver the activity, within the required timescales, (e.g. sowing not undertaken by the sowing deadline due to adverse weather), you will need to contact us via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account notifying us of the issue prior to the activity deadline.

In exceptional circumstances where it was impossible to sow the crop for an extended period and the crop is no longer a viable activity for environmental reasons, you will need to contact us via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account to notifying us. In these circumstances all cases will be considered on an individual basis. 

You will need to provide documentary evidence to support your notification. 

Incorrect claims and penalties

You have a responsibility to make sure the claim submitted is eligible and accurate.

All of the activity approved must have been carried out after the Grant Award Letter has been offered. 

Your claim is incorrect if you:

  • have not completed the activity listed in the Grant Award Letter
  • establish crops of the wrong kind or specification
  • have commenced any work before the Grant Award Letter was offered
  • have not submitted all of the requested documentation

You must claim for all of the activity listed in your Grant Award Letter.

Where we find that activity did not meet the specification, or the area sown did not meet the Grant Award requirements, payments will be reduced to the amount of activity undertaken to the required specification.

If it is found the amount of ineligible activity is determined to be more than 10% of the eligible payment, an amount equivalent to the value of ineligible activity will be deducted from your payment.

For example:

A customer claims the following activity worth a total grant value of £4,860


ActivityQuantityGrant value
Mixed ley15 Ha£4,860
Total £4,860

In this example, 1ha, worth £324, does not meet the specification. (for example, no seed invoice was submitted to evidence the crop had been planted across the full 15 ha and no soil tests result for one land parcel). The total amount claimed is £4,860 and the value of the activity not determined is £324. As the value of the ineligible activity is less than 10% of the eligible payment (£4,860) the total payment due is £4,536.

However, if 6ha, worth £1,944, does not meet the specification, the total amount claimed is £4,860 and the value of the activity not determined is £1,944. The value of the ineligible activity, £1,944, is deducted from the original claim of £4,860, leaving a remaining amount of £2,916. As the value of the ineligible activity is more than 10% of the eligible costs (£2,916) an amount equivalent to the value of ineligible item, £1,944, is also deducted from the remaining amount. The total payment due is £972.

Where the claim submitted is partially valid, (e.g. one item does not meet the specification, or supporting documentation is not submitted) the Grant Award value which was not eligible may be deducted from the total amount available for any subsequent window.

It is essential, if you have any doubts about anything you need for your Grant Award, you request written confirmation of its eligibility, before you incur the costs.


Regulation 13 of the Rural Development Programmes (Wales) Regulations 2014 (No. 3222 (W.327)) establishes criminal offences and penalties in relation to certain aspects of rural development funding.  That Regulation and those offences are applicable to the Growing for the Environment Scheme.  Examples of offences include knowingly or recklessly providing false or misleading information in relation to rural development funding, obstructing an inspector or official, and refusing to provide information when requested to do so.

Section I: changes to scheme rules

Legislation Changes (Including Changes in Interpretation)

Legislation may change from time to time and you will be required to abide by any changes to the scheme rules following notification from the Welsh Government.

Changes to Scheme Rules or Grant Award Letter

We may need to make changes to the scheme rules and/or your Grant Award Letter for a number of reasons. For example, we may need to update the management conditions to take account of the latest scientific advice, amend scheme rules to take account of any changes to legislation. We will publicise changes on the Welsh Government website and where necessary contact you directly.

Section J: controls, monitoring and record keeping


The Welsh Government must enforce the Growing for the Environment Scheme rules.

Your claim may be selected for a visit to verify the realisation of the activity before the payment is made to you or it may be selected for a visit after the payment has been made.

All the details in your EoI, the details in your claim and the declarations you made in submitting the EoI and claim will be checked.

The Welsh Government and the specialist control bodies will try to ensure visits cause you the minimum of disruption, but some checks require visits to be unannounced, which means it may not be possible to give you notice. You may be subject to more than one visit during a calendar year.

If you refuse to allow a visit or obstruct an officer or fail to give reasonable assistance, your claim may not be paid, we may recover payments and you may be prosecuted.


It is a requirement that all grant awards are monitored and the effect of the grant on the business is evaluated following completion.

You must allow officials from Welsh Government, or their representatives, to carry out inspections.

Record keeping

You must keep all records and information you need to evidence you have provided complete and accurate information and have complied with your undertakings for five years.

You will also be required to:

  •  supply to the Welsh Government any information about your Growing for the Environment Grant Award and supply that information within the period determined by the Welsh Government.
  • make available to the Welsh Government, its authorised persons or its agents, records, accounts, receipts and other information including access to computer data relating to your Growing for the Environment Grant Award.  Permit the Welsh Government to remove any such document or record to take copies or extracts from them.

Section K: appeals and complaints procedure

Appeals procedure

There are no grounds for appeal if your EoI is unsuccessful

The ‘Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments’ allows you to request a review if you feel the Welsh Government has not reached a correct decision according to the rules of the scheme.  

The appeals process consists of two stages:

  • Stage 1: review by RPW
  • Stage 2: review by an Independent Appeals Panel (if you are dissatisfied with the Stage 1 response).

The Independent Panel make recommendations to the Welsh Ministers, who take the final decision, which concludes the process.

There is no charge for Stage 1 of the process, but there is a charge at Stage 2 – £50 for a written hearing or £100 for an oral hearing.  These charges are repaid in full if the Stage 2 appeal is either partially or fully successful.

Appeals, including supporting evidence, must be submitted via RPW Online within 60 days of the date of the letter outlining the decision you wish to appeal against.

We welcome appeals in Welsh and will respond to any correspondence in Welsh.  This will not lead to delay in processing your appeal.

Further details of the appeals process and how to submit an appeal using the online appeal form, can be obtained from the Customer Contact Centre or our website at: Rural Grants and Payments appeals: Guidance.

Complaints procedure

Complaints will be dealt with under the Welsh Government’s procedure on Complaints. Further advice on how to make a complaint can be obtained from the Complaints Advice Team:

Welsh Government
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ

Tel: 03000 251378


Website: Complaints about Welsh Government

You may also choose to contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales:

1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ

Tel: 0300 790 0203

Website: Ombudsman

Section L: Privacy Notice: Welsh Government grants

How we will handle any personal data you provide in relation to your grant application or request for grant funding

We provide a wide range of grant schemes to help deliver our policies and create a fairer, more prosperous Wales.

We will be data controller for any personal data you provide in relation to your grant application or request for grant funding. The information will be processed as part of our public task (i.e. exercising our official authority to undertake the core role and functions of the Welsh Government) and will help us assess your eligibility for funding.

Before we provide grant funding to you, we undertake checks for the purposes of preventing fraud and money laundering, and to verify your identity. These checks require us to process personal data about you to third party fraud prevention agencies.

If we, or a fraud prevention agency, determine that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk, we may refuse to provide the grant funding you applied for, or we may stop providing existing grant funding to you.

A record of any fraud or money laundering risk will be retained by the fraud prevention agencies, and may result in others refusing to provide services, financing or employment to you.

In order to assess eligibility, we may also need to share personal information relating to your application with:

  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency
  • Veterinary Medicine Directorate
  • Welsh Local Authorities
  • Food Standards Agency Wales
  • Other UK Government Agriculture Offices.
  • Regulatory authorities, such as HM Revenue and Customs, Local Authorities, Health and Safety Executive and the Police.

We may also share your information with organisations which deliver training, knowledge transfer and innovation advice and support on behalf of the Welsh Government for the purposes of appropriate targeting of support.

Your information, including your personal information, may be the subject of a request by another member of the public. When responding to such requests the Welsh Government may be required to release information, including your personal information, to fulfil its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental information Act 2004 or the Data Protection Act 2018.

We will publish details of the amounts paid to Rural Support beneficiaries. Data will be published for all beneficiaries on a searchable website and will include the name and locality of the farmer/land manager and details of the amounts and schemes for which subsidy has been paid. However, for those receiving less than the equivalent of £1,250 in subsidies the name will be withheld. The data will be published annually on 31 May and remain available for two years from the date it is published. The information will be available on the Defra website at:

We will keep personal information contained in files in line with our retention policy. If successful in your application, then your personal data will be kept for 7 years after the date when you, as grant recipient, are free from all conditions relating to the grant awarded and all payment have been made. If you are unsuccessful your details will be kept for one year after the date you provided them.

Under the data protection legislation, you have the right:

  • to access the personal data the Welsh Government holds on you
  • to require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data
  • to (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing
  • for (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is the independent regulator for data protection.

For further details about the information the Welsh Government holds and its use, or if you want to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please see contact details below:

Data Protection Officer
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ


The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are:

2nd Floor, Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH

Telephone: 0330 414 6421


Should you have any queries regarding this privacy statement please contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre.

Privacy notice: Welsh Government grants | GOV.WALES

Section M: legislation

The Growing for the Environment Scheme delivers against a range of Government commitments and objectives, these are listed below along with the legislation and governance that applies.

The growing for the Environment Scheme is governed by Assimilated Law (formally known as Retained EU Law) Council Regulations No. 1305/2013, 1303/2013 and 1306/2013, Implementing Regulation No. 808/2014 and No. 809/2014 and Delegated Regulation 640/2014 and 807/2014 (all as amended from time to time).

The Assimilated Law is implemented in Wales through the following domestic law (all as amended from time to time), including by the Agricultural Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021/400 (W.129):

  • the Rural Development Programmes (Wales) Regulations 2014/3222 (W.327)
  • the Common Agricultural Policy (Integrated Administration and Control System and Enforcement and Cross Compliance) (Wales) Regulations 2014/3223 (W.328)

Funding support for farmers, land managers and associated rural sectors over the next 3 years in response to four Welsh Government strategic objectives which are:

  • fostering the competitiveness of agriculture.
  • contributing towards the sustainable management of natural resources as set out in Part 1 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.
  • ensuring climate resilience.
  • achieving a balanced territorial development of rural economies and communities including the creation and maintenance of employment.

In addition, there are three cross cutting objectives for the Growing for the Environment Scheme:

  • climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • innovation.
  • environment

 Your project will contribute to these cross-cutting objectives. 

Your project will contribute towards the Welsh Governments cross cutting themes of:

  • equality of opportunity and gender mainstreaming.
  • tackling poverty and social exclusion
  • Welsh Language

In addition, applications for the Growing for the Environment scheme will address the strategic and thematic objectives of the Welsh Government.

Activities will address at least one of the following Welsh Government priorities:

(1)  fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry, and rural areas.

(2)  enhancing farm viability and competitiveness of all types of agriculture in all regions and promoting innovative farm technologies and the sustainable management of forests.

(3)  promoting food chain organisation, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture.

(4)  restoring, preserving and enhancing ecosystems dependent on agriculture and forestry.

(5)  promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low carbon and climate resilient economy in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors.

(6)  promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas.

World Trade Organisation and Subsidy Control

1.    Subsidies provided under this scheme are considered to be payments under an environmental programme, which fall within the scope of Annex II of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and have been classified as ‘green box’.

2.    As such, these subsidies are exempt from the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and the interim UK subsidy control regime.

Section N: contacts

Enquiries – Customer Contact Centre

For all enquiries, please contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre

Enquiries can be submitted via RPW Online at any time.

Access to Welsh Government offices for people with disabilities or special needs

If you have any special needs which you feel are not met by our facilities contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004. Welsh Government officials will then endeavour to make arrangements to accommodate your requirements.

Welsh Government Website

For all of the latest Agricultural and Rural Affairs information, visit the Welsh Government’s website. By visiting the website, you can also sign up to receive the Rural Affairs e-newsletter which delivers the latest news directly to your e-mail inbox.


The Gwlad e-newsletter is the Welsh Government’s e-newsletter for farm and forestry businesses and all those involved with agriculture and rural Wales.  It contains news stories, guidance and information in an accessible, easy-to-read format.  To keep informed and up to date with all the latest agriculture news and developments in future we would encourage you to sign up to receive the Gwlad e-newsletter. You can do this either at Announcements | GOV.WALES or at Subscribe to farming and forestry news (Gwlad) | GOV.WALES.

Annex A: Growing for the Environment Option Objectives


  1. Mixed leys.


(Also referred to as multi species or herbal leys)


To provide a diverse sward of deep rooting grasses, legumes and herbs with the aim of:

Sequestering carbon through increased organic soil matter.

Reducing greenhouse emissions through reduced inorganic fertiliser use and locking carbon in the soil layer.

Providing a range of nectar sources and other food plants for pollinator insects and other invertebrates, particularly if the established ley is closed for a period to allow plants to flower. Some of these can assist with pest control, but others, such as butterflies and bumblebees are of conservation concern in their own right.

Provide a seed source for farmland birds.

Increasing water infiltration into the soil layer to mitigate flood risk.

Retaining water for longer within the soil layer to mitigate the effects of prolonged dry weather.

Providing a diverse feed ration for livestock leading to improved animal health and welfare.

  1. Red clover or Lucerne.

To provide additional nectar sources for invertebrates, particularly pollinators, including threatened species such as the shrill carder bee and brown-banded carder bee.


See also, objectives for option 3.

  1. Protein crops. (No weed control)

Encourage a diversity of cropping to:

Break up improved grass monocultures

Provide agronomic benefits within arable rotations

Provide nectar sources for pollinators.

Fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and reduce artificial fertiliser applications.

Provide a diverse ration in livestock feed, leading to increased animal health and welfare.

Reduce the reliance on imported, largely untraceable, protein crops.

  1. Unsprayed root or forage crop with ungrazed field margins. 

To encourage the growth of a wide range of broadleaved plants including rare species such as Cornflower, Shepherds Needle and Small-Flowered Catchfly.


To provide both nesting sites and feeding areas for birds such as Skylark, Grey Partridge, Yellowhammer and Barn Owl, as well as mammals such as Brown Hare.


To provide a range of nectar sources and other food plants for pollinator insects and other invertebrates. Some of these can assist with pest control, but others, such as native butterflies and bumblebees, are of conservation concern in their own right.


To protect and enhance water quality.


Reduce nutrient loss and soil erosion during the winter

  1. Unsprayed spring sown cereals.  

To encourage the growth of a wide range of broadleaved plants including rare species such as cornflower, corn buttercup and small-flowered catchfly.

To provide both nesting sites and feeding areas for birds such as lapwing, skylark, grey partridge, yellowhammer and barn owl, as well as mammals, such as brown hare.

To protect and improve water quality.

To protect and enhance landscape features and uncropped headlands.

To provide a range of nectar sources and other food plants for pollinator insects and other invertebrates. Some of these can assist with pest control, but others, such as butterflies and bumblebees, are of conservation concern in their own right.

  1. Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with mixed ley. 

See objectives for options 1 and 5.



  1. Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix. 
See objectives for options 3 and 5.
  1. Unsprayed cereal and protein crop under sown with mixed ley. 
See objectives for options 1, 3 and 5.
  1. Under sowing maize (Spring / summer sown)



To prevent soil erosion by maintaining a sward cover post maize harvest.


To protect and enhance water quality.


Reduce nutrient loss and soil erosion during the winter

Improve soil structure by breaking up compaction in the soil and encouraging water uptake.

Increase soil organic matter, structure and mineral composition through aeration and locking in nitrogen, making it available to the following spring sown crop.


Provide winter shelter and feeding areas for farmland birds and small mammals.

  1. Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with Red Clover.
See objectives for options 1, 3 and 5.
  1.  Retain unharvested, unsprayed cereal margins.
See objectives for options 1, 3 and 5.
  1. Uncultivated fallow cereal margins
To create a rough grass margin to provide cover and seed sources for native farmland birds and small mammals.
  1. Cultivated fallow cereal margins
To provide a source of food for native seed-eating farmland birds to survive over the winter, such as tree sparrow, linnet, yellowhammer and grey partridge.
  1. Unsprayed spring sown cereals with stubbles retained.
To create a naturally regenerating weed cover providing a food source for native seed-eating farmland birds to survive over the winter, such as tree sparrow, linnet, yellowhammer and grey partridge.
  1. Unsprayed cereal and protein crop mix with stubbles retained.
See objectives for options 14.
  1. Wildlife cover crop margin. Retained until 15 February in the following year.
To provide an abundance of food for native seed-eating farmland birds to survive over the winter, such as tree sparrow, linnet, yellowhammer and grey partridge.
  1. Wildlife cover crop margin. Retained for 2 years until 15 February 2027.
To provide an abundance of food for native seed-eating farmland birds to survive over two winters, such as tree sparrow, linnet, yellowhammer and grey partridge.

Annex B: list of eligible Growing for the Environment options and minimum requirements (Spring/Summer sown crops)

OptionDescription and minimum requirementsScoreGrant value (£/ha)
  1. Mixed leys.


(Also referred to as multi species or herbal leys)


Establish a mixed ley, comprising minimum 5 grass species, 3 legume species and 3 herb species.

(Species not individual varieties within species)

Minimum seed rate 25 kg / ha. 
Maximum Ryegrass content 6 kg / ha
Maximum other grass seed content 9 kg / ha (Maximum total grass seed content 15 kg / ha)

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels). Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • The choice and mix of species must be appropriate to the location.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Mixed ley to be retained for a minimum 3 years from the date of establishment.


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 April and 31 August.
  • Crop can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • Mix the seed in the hopper immediately before sowing a seed mix to stop an uneven spread of crops. 
  • Seed can be broadcast or drilled, but no deeper than 1cm. 
  • Roll after sowing to retain moisture.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic).
  • Once established, do not use pesticides, except herbicides to spot treat or weed-wipe injurious weeds* or invasive non-native species, soft and hard rush, nettles or bracken.
  • Do not use inorganic fertilisers containing nitrogen following establishment until the following spring. (It is recommended that nitrogen fertiliser use is avoided to achieve maximum agronomic and environmental benefits from the diverse ley.)
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Established sward to be managed to maintain sward diversity, to encourage the flowering and seeding of the mixed ley and to avoid poaching.
  • A record of all field activity, including sowing date, evidence of fertiliser and pesticide applications and grazing or cutting dates should be kept for inspection.


  1. Red clover or Lucerne.

Establish a Red clover or Lucerne ley.

Mixtures of red clover cultivars are permitted. 

Red clover can be sown as a monoculture or in combination with a minimum of two grass species.

For Red clover sown as a monoculture, minimum seed rate is 12 kg / ha.

If Red clover is sown in combination with ryegrass the minimum seed rate for Red clover is 7 Kg / ha.

Alsike clover can be included in the seed mixture at a maximum seed rate of 1 kg / ha, additional to the 7kg Red clover

Lucerne to be sown as a monoculture, minimum seed rate is 20 kg / ha.

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed.
  • The location must be appropriate for the crop.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Clover ley to be retained for a minimum 2 years from the date of establishment.


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 April and 31 August.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • Mix the seed in the hopper immediately before sowing a seed mix to stop an uneven spread of crops. 
  • Seed can be broadcast or drilled but no deeper than 1cm. 
  • Roll after sowing to retain moisture.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Once established, do not use pesticides, except herbicides to spot treat or weed-wipe injurious weeds or invasive non-native species, soft and hard rush, nettles or bracken.
  • Do not use inorganic fertilisers containing nitrogen following establishment until the following spring. (It is recommended that nitrogen fertiliser use is avoided to achieve maximum agronomic and environmental benefits from the red clover ley)
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Established sward to be managed to maintain clover content. 
  • A record of all field activity, including sowing date, evidence of fertiliser and pesticide applications and grazing or cutting dates should be kept for inspection.
  1. Protein crops. (No weed control)

Establish and harvest a protein crop with no weed control. 

Eligible crops: Field beans, peas, lupins.

Minimum requirements:

  • The crop must be grown in an appropriate location with consideration of soil type, topography and access for sowing and harvesting.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Soil test carried out, or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application (minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels). Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment. 


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow before 15 May.
  • Establish through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Pests controlled using Integrated Pest Management principles. Where appropriate, consult a qualified agronomist for advice.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning.
  • Do not harvest before 15 July, or until 12 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Do not under sow.
  • A record of all field activity, including evidence of sowing and harvesting date, fertiliser and pesticide applications should be kept for inspection.
  1. Unsprayed root or forage crop with ungrazed field margins. 

Establish an unsprayed root or forage crop with ungrazed field margins.

A minimum 50% of the field boundary to have a 10m ungrazed margin, retained until 15 February 2026.

An assessment on the suitability of the field for growing this option should be undertaken. The option should not be grown on fields with a history of soil erosion or fields with a slope that is sufficient to increase the risk of soil erosion. 

Where the field is next to a water course, all of the water courses must have a 10m ungrazed field margin. (This could require the ungrazed field margin to exceed the minimum 50% requirement) If the field has any slope, the ungrazed margin must be located at the bottom of the slope. 

Eligible crops: Swedes, Fodder beets, White turnips, Soft yellow turnips, Hardy yellow turnips, Brassicas, Forage rape, Chicory. (Or a combination of these crops)

Italian ryegrass, Westerwolds ryegrass or Rye can be included within the 10m retained field margin to enhance the capacity of the margin to reduce run-off.

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test to be carried out, or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels)
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • The choice of crop must be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the crop and earliest grazing and harvest date must be considered when selecting the crop.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 April and 31 July.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Once established, do not use pesticides, except herbicides to spot treat or weed-wipe injurious weeds, soft and hard rush, nettles or bracken or invasive non-native species. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Do not graze or harvest until 15 October.
  • 10m  ungrazed margin to be retained until 15 February 2026.
  • Mature crop can be harvested or grazed in situ.
  • A record of all field activity, including evidence of fertiliser and pesticide applications, grazing or harvesting should be kept for inspection.
  1. Unsprayed spring-sown cereals. 

Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal crop.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye. 

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out, or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • The choice of crop needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crop and variety.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 March and 15 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Crop must not be undersown.
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped, and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning. 
  • A record of all field activity, including evidence of sowing date, fertiliser applications and harvesting date should be kept for inspection.
  1. Unsprayed spring-sown cereals under sown with mixed ley. 

Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal crop, under sown with a mixed ley seed mixture.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye.

Under sown mixed ley, comprising maximum 5 grass and a minimum of 3 legume and 3 herb species.

(Species not individual varieties within species)Minimum seed rate 25 kg / ha. 

Maximum Ryegrass content 6 kg / ha

Maximum other grass seed content 9 kg / ha (Maximum total grass seed content 15 kg / ha)

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate. (A reduced seed rate for the cereal crop should be used to aid the establishment of the mixed ley).
  • The choice of cereal crop and mixed lay mixture needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the cereal crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crop and variety.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Mixed ley to be retained for a minimum 3 years from the date of establishment.


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 March and 31 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. 
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding.
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped, and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning.
  • Grazing of established mixed ley to be managed to maintain species diversity for the following season.
  • Do not use inorganic fertilisers containing nitrogen following establishment until the following spring. (It is recommended that nitrogen fertiliser use is avoided to achieve maximum benefit from the diverse ley)
  • A record of all field activity, including sowing and harvesting date and evidence of fertiliser applications should be kept for inspection.
  1. Unsprayed spring-sown cereal and protein crop mix. 

Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal / protein crop mix.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye / Field beans, peas, lupins, vetches.

Seed mixture to comprise 50% cereal and 50% protein seed by weight.

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • The choice of crop needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crops and varieties.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 March and 15 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Crop not to be undersown.
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped, and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning.
  • A record of all field activity, including sowing and harvesting date and fertiliser applications should be kept for inspection.
  1. Unsprayed spring-sown cereal and protein crop under sown with mixed ley. 

Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal / protein crop mix.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye / Field beans, peas, lupins,

Seed mixture to comprise of 50% cereal and 50% protein crop by weight. 

Under sown mixed ley, comprising maximum 5 grass and a minimum of 3 legume and 3 herb species.

(Species not individual varieties within species)

Minimum seed rate 25 kg / ha. 

Maximum Ryegrass content 6 kg / ha

Maximum other grass seed content 9 kg / ha (Maximum total grass seed content 15 kg / ha)

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate. (A reduced seed rate for the cereal crop should be used to aid the establishment of the mixed ley).
  • The choice of cereal crop and mixed ley mixture needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crops and varieties.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Mixed ley to be retained for a minimum 3 years from the date of establishment.


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 March and 31 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. 
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped, and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning.
  • Grazing of established mixed ley to be managed to maintain species diversity for the following season.
  • Do not use inorganic fertilisers containing nitrogen following establishment until the following spring. (It is recommended that nitrogen fertiliser use is avoided to achieve maximum benefit from the diverse ley)
  • A record of all field activity, including sowing and harvesting dates and fertiliser applications should be kept for inspection.
  1. Under sowing maize (Spring / summer sown)



Establish a cover crop within a growing maize crop. 

Seed mixture to include a minimum of 2 crop species which are suitable for growing within the shade of a maize crop.

Minimum seed rate 15 kg / ha

Minimum requirements:

  • No artificial fertiliser, manure, or slurry to be applied between harvesting the Maize crop and 15 February in the following year.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Soil test to be carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • The soil test will inform future action required to rectify any deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to next crop being established.


  • Crop to be sown by 10 July.
  • Established between rows of established maize by direct drilling or target broadcasting, followed by tines.
  • Broadcasting of seeds across the fields is not eligible.
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Cover crop must remain in situ until 15 February 2026.
  • Crop may be grazed, but do not over-graze so that winter crop cover is maintained and poaching avoided.
  • A record of all field activity should be kept for inspection.
  1. Unsprayed spring cereals under sown with Red Clover.


Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal crop, under sown with Red clover.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye.

Mixtures of red clover cultivars are permitted. 

Under sown Red clover can be in combination with a minimum of two grass species.

For Red clover sown as a monoculture, minimum seed rate is 12 kg / ha.

If Red clover is sown in combination with grass the minimum seed rate for Red clover is 7 Kg / ha.

Alsike clover can be included as part of the seed mixture at a maximum seed rate of 1 kg / ha, additional to the 7 kg Red clover.

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate. (A reduced seed rate for the cereal crop should be used to aid the establishment of the Red clover ley).
  • The choice of cereal crop and clover mixture needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the cereal crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crop and variety.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Red clover ley to be retained for a minimum 2 years from the date of establishment.


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 March and 31 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. 
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding.
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped, and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning.
  • Grazing of established ley to be managed to maintain the clover for the following season.
  • Do not use inorganic fertilisers containing nitrogen following establishment until the following spring. (It is recommended that nitrogen fertiliser use is avoided to achieve maximum benefit from the ley)
  • A record of all field activity, including sowing and harvesting date and evidence of fertiliser applications should be kept for inspection.
  1.  Retain unharvested, unsprayed cereal margins.

Retain an unharvested, unsprayed cereal margins. Unharvested margin retained until 15 February in the following year.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye. (Unharvested margin after maize is not eligible)

Where this option is selected, other options, e.g. options 5 and 7 can be used for the remainder of the field.

Minimum requirements:

  • Minimum area 0.1 ha
  • Minimum width of 6m for unharvested margin.
  • Maximum width of 12m for unharvested margin.


  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow cereal crop before 15 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • Crop must not be undersown.
  • Once established, on proposed unharvested margin, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Unharvested margin to be retained until 15 February in the following year.

A record of all field activity should be kept for inspection.

  1. Uncultivated fallow cereal margins

Retain an uncultivated, unsown margin next to a spring sown cereal crop. Fallow margin retained until 15 February in the following year.

Where this option is selected, other options, e.g. options 5 and 7 can be used for the remainder of the field.

Minimum requirements:

  • Minimum area 0.1 ha
  • Minimum width of 6m for fallow margin.
  • Maximum width of 12 m for fallow margin.


  • No pesticides or mechanical weed control to be used.
  • Do not top or harvest fallow margin
  • No grazing or access to livestock during the winter.
  • Fallow margin to be retained until 15 February in the following year.

A record of all field activity should be kept for inspection.

  1. Cultivated fallow cereal margins

Retain a cultivated, unsown margin next to a spring sown cereal crop. Cultivated unsown margin retained until 15 February in the following year.

Where this option is selected, other options, e.g. options 5 and 7 can be used for the remainder of the field.

Minimum requirements:

  • Minimum area 0.1 ha
  • Minimum width of 6m for fallow margin.
  • Maximum width of 12m for fallow margin.


  • Use appropriate cultivation to achieve a level seedbed. (Ploughing followed by cultivation or deep disking) 
  • No pesticides or mechanical weed control to be used.
  • Do not top or harvest margin.
  • No grazing or access to livestock during the winter.
  • Cultivated unsown margin to be retained until 15 February in the following year.

A record of all field activity should be kept for inspection

  1. Unsprayed spring-sown cereals with stubbles retained.

Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal crop with stubble retained until 15 February in the following year.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye. 

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test to be carried out, or have been undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • The choice of crop needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crop and variety.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).
  • Stubble to be retrained until 15 February of the following year.
  • No grazing / access to livestock during the winter.


  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Sow between 1 March and 15 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Crop must not be undersown.
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Crop must not be desiccated prior to harvesting.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, it is recommended that a nutrient analysis of the forage crop is undertaken to support the ration planning.

A record of all field activity, including evidence of sowing date, fertiliser applications and harvesting date, should be kept for inspection.

  1. Unsprayed spring-sown cereal and protein crop mix with stubbles retained.

Establish an unsprayed, spring-sown cereal / protein crop mix with stubble retained until 15 February in the following year.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye / Field beans, peas, lupins, vetches.

Seed mixture to comprise 50% cereal and 50% protein seed by weight.

Minimum requirements:

  • Soil test carried out or undertaken in the 3 years prior to application. (Minimum requirement is to test for the P, K and pH levels) 
  • Action taken to rectify any immediate deficiencies identified in P, K and pH levels prior to establishment.
  • Only use certified seed at the recommended seed rate.
  • The choice of crop needs to be appropriate to the location.
  • The utilisation of the crop and earliest harvest date must be considered when selecting the crops and varieties.
  • Minimum area of 1 ha. (You can split the minimum 1ha area across one or more land parcels, provided the area is at least 0.1ha).


  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow between 1 March and 15 May.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Crop not to be undersown.
  • Once established, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)

Crop must not be desiccated prior to harvesting.

  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Can be harvested as grain, crimped, and stored using an additive or ensiled as forage (within a silage pit or as baled silage).
  • Do not harvest before 1 August, or until 14 weeks after sowing, whichever is the latest.
  • If harvested as forage, a nutrient analysis of the forage crop must be undertaken to support the ration planning.

A record of all field activity, including sowing and harvesting date and fertiliser applications should be kept for inspection.

  1. Wildlife cover crop. Retained until 15 February in the following year.

Establish a wildlife cover crop. Wildlife cover crop to be retained until 15 February 2026.

Eligible wildlife cover crop: 

  • Minimum seed rate 12.5 kg / ha
  • Seed mixture to include a minimum 6 species, which provide a good winter food source for wildlife.  
  • Maximum cereal content of 80% by weight.
  • Examples of suitable species include:

Cereals: barley, oats, wheat, Rye

Brassicas: Forage rape, radish, mustard, oilseed rape, turnips.

Other species: Sunflower, linseed, Chicory, common vetch, Alsike Clover, Red clover, Quinoa etc.

Where this option is selected, other options, e.g. options 5 and 7 can be used for the remainder of the field.

Minimum requirements:

  • Minimum area 0.1 ha
  • 6m minimum width of wildlife cover crop margin.
  • Individual block of wildlife cover to be a maximum area of 1 ha


  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow wildlife cover crop between 1 March and 1 June.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Crop must not be undersown.
  • Once established, on proposed wildlife cover crop margin, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Wildlife cover crop to be retained until 15 February in the following year.

A record of all field activity, including evidence of sowing dateshould be kept for inspection.

  1. Wildlife cover crop . Retained for 2 years until 15 February 2027.

Establish a wildlife cover crop . Wildlife cover crop to be retained until 15 February 2027.

Eligible crops: Barley, Wheat, Oats, Triticale, Rye. 

Eligible wildlife cover crop:

  • Minimum seed rate 50 kg / ha
  • Seed mixture to include a minimum 6 species which provide a good winter food source for wildlife.
  • Maximum cereal content of 70% by weight.
  • Examples of suitable species include:

Cereals: barley, oats, wheat, Rye

Brassicas: Forage rape, radish, mustard, oilseed rape, turnips.

Other species: Sunflower, linseed, Chicory, common vetch, Alsike Clover, Red clover, Quinoa etc.

Where this option is selected, other options, e.g. options 5 and 7 can be used for the remainder of the field.

Minimum requirements:

  • Minimum area 0.1 ha
  • 6m minimum width of wildlife cover crop
  • Individual block of wildlife cover to be a maximum area of 1 ha


  • Maintain a 1m grass buffer strip adjacent to a hedge, earth bank or watercourse.
  • Do not plough or cultivate land before 1 March.
  • Sow wildlife cover crop between 1 March and 1 June.
  • Can be established through ploughing, traditional cultivations and drilling, minimum tillage or direct drilling.
  • If using minimum tillage or direct drilling, the use of an appropriate, approved herbicide to spray off an existing grass sward is required. (This requirement not applicable for farmers certified as organic)
  • Crop must not be undersown.
  • Once established, on proposed wildlife cover crop, do not use pesticides or mechanical weeding. (Fungicides can be used if applied to the seed before sowing.)
  • Wildlife cover crop to be retained until 15 February 2027.

A record of all field activity, including evidence of sowing date, should be kept for inspection.





ANNEX C: expression of interest scoring

Spring/Summer Sown Crops
LayerSCORECounts for options
Lake41 - 17
River41 - 17
Pond11 - 17
Ditch61 - 17
Biological SSSIs & 300m buffer61 - 17
Prioritised Biological Coastal and Lowland SSSI481 - 17
Chough (targeted management)43, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Corn bunting (targeted management)103, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Curlew (targeted management)43, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Golden plover (targeted management)83, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Lapwing (targeted management)43, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Turtle dove (targeted management)83, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Twite (targeted management)83, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Gwyniad61, 2, 6, 8 & 9
Freshwater pearl mussel41, 2, 6, 8 & 9
Lichens of old wayside trees and parklands31, 2, 6, 8 & 9
Brown Banded Carder Bee41 - 17
Shrill Carder Bee41 - 17
Arable plants13, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Lowland Priority one61 - 17
Upland Priority three41 - 17
Ffridd23, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17
Water Quality - Priority one301 - 17
Water Quality - Priority two101 - 17
Water Quality - Priority three31 - 17
Water Quality - Priority four21 - 17
Water Quality - Priority five11 - 17
Proportion of catchment where land management can reduce flood risk & protect water supplies 40-50%11 - 17
Proportion of catchment where land management can reduce flood risk & protect water supplies 50-60%21 - 17
Proportion of catchment where land management can reduce flood risk & protect water supplies 60-70%101 - 17
Proportion of catchment where land management can reduce flood risk & protect water supplies 70-80%181 - 17
Proportion of catchment where land management can reduce flood risk & protect water supplies 80-90%321 - 17
Proportion of catchment where land management can reduce flood risk & protect water supplies 90-100%601 - 17
Reduce flood risk (Water Storage and flood peak regulation - wetland and washland restoration and creation)201 - 17
WFD & protected areas which have a deadline for achieving environmental objective by 2015201 - 17
Evidenced Nutrient Issues81 - 17

Example score:

Applicant selects the following options

Option 3 – Protein Crop (no weed control) = 35 points
Option 4 – Unsprayed Root or Forage Crop = 28 points
Option 9 – Undersown Maize (spring or summer grown) = 36 points 

2.4ha of Option 3 selected in field parcel A with the following underlying objectives:
Biological SSSIs & 300m buffer (6 points)
Sensitive river (4 points)
Water quality priority five (1 point)

1.6ha of Option 4 selected in field parcel B with the following underlying objectives:
Twite (targeted management) (8 points)
Sensitive river (4 points)
Water quality priority five (1 point)

2.2ha of Option 4 selected in field parcel C with the following underlying objectives:

Ditch (6 points)
Sensitive river (4 points)
Water quality priority five (1 point)

5.7ha of Option 9 selected in field parcel D with the following underlying objectives:
Lichens of old wayside trees and parklands (3 points)
Sensitive river (4 points)
Water quality priority five (1 point)

Scoring carried out as follows:

2.4 (ha of option 3) X (35 points (option 3) + 6 points (SSSI + 300m Buffer) + 4 points (Sensitive River) + 1 point (Water quality priority area five))
Therefore: 2.4 X (35 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 46)
Therefore: 2.4 X 46 = 110.4
Field A score = 110.4 points

1.6 (ha of option 4) X (28 points (option 4) + 8 points (Twite (targeted management) + 4 points (Sensitive River) + 1 point (Water quality priority area five))
Therefore: 1.6 X (28 + 8 + 4 + 1 = 41)
Therefore: 1.6 X 41 = 65.6
Field B score = 65.6 points

2.2 (ha of option 4) X (28 points (option 4) + 6 points (Ditch) + 4 points (Sensitive River) + 1 point (Water quality priority area five))
Therefore: 2.2 X (28 + 6 + 4 + 1 = 39)
Therefore: 2.2 X 39 = 85.8
Field C score = 85.8 points

5.7 (ha of option 9) X (36 points (option 9) + 3 points (Lichens of old wayside trees and parklands) + 4 points (Sensitive River) + 1 point (Water quality priority area five))
Therefore: 5.7 X (36 + 3 + 4 + 1 = 44)
Therefore: 5.7 X 44 = 250.8
Field D score = 250.8 points

Final score achieved by adding individual field scores (A+B+C+D) = (110.4 + 65.6 + 85.8 + 250.8) = 512.6 divide by 11.9 (total area (ha)) = 43.08

Final score = 43.08