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Ministers’ contact details. Explains how your communications are handled.

You can contact Welsh Government ministers either by email or post (there is no need to do both). Please be aware that while hard copy post will be answered, it will take longer to get to us, particularly at the current time. You may, therefore, wish to use email only. Please be aware that where an email address is provided we will answer by email, even If the incoming correspondence was sent via hard copy. We aim to reply within 17 working days, however due to the increased volume of correspondence being received currently, we may take longer. A significant amount of guidance in relation to coronavirus is already available here. Please check these pages before emailing as this may already provide you with the information you require.

Please note you will receive a single response from the Welsh Government. Therefore please direct your email to only one minister so that we can respond to the entirety of your query as quickly as possible. You will not receive a faster response, or additional responses, by mailing multiple ministers.

Ministers’ pages list the matters for which they are responsible, links to these pages can be found under each minister’s heading below. Non-devolved matters are the responsibility of the UK government, find contact details for the relevant departments.


First Minister of Wales
Vaughan Gething: Contact

Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution & Cabinet Office
Rebecca Evans: Contact

Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs
Huw Irranca-Davies: Contact

Cabinet Secretary for Health & Social Care
Eluned Morgan: Contact

Cabinet Secretary for Education
Lynne Neagle: Contact

Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport
Ken Skates: Contact

Trefnydd and Chief Whip
Jane Hutt: Contact

Counsel General
Mick Antoniw: Contact

Minister for Social Partnership
Sarah Murphy: Contact

Minister for Social Care
Dawn Bowden: Contact

Minister for Mental Health and Early Years
Jayne Bryant: Contact

Or post

Cabinet Secretary / Minister for… 

Welsh Government
5th Floor
Tŷ Hywel
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1NA

How communications with ministers are handled


You can contact the Welsh Government in Welsh or English.

Communications in Welsh are answered in Welsh.

Using Welsh will not lead to a delay in responding.

Who will respond

Ministers cannot always reply personally. You may receive a reply on their behalf from a civil servant.

Communications sent to more than 1 minister will normally only receive 1 response from the most appropriate minister. This response may be from an official on behalf of the minister.

If you copy in ministers you will not usually receive a response.


Organisers of campaigns will generally receive a response from the appropriate minister. Individual campaign letters and postcards will not normally be responded to but will be retained and filed.

Contact your constituency Member of the Senedd

To contact a minister in their separate role as your constituency Member of the Senedd visit the Welsh Parliament.

Correspondence from elected representatives

Sending a meeting request or invitation to a minister