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Supporting the Marine, Fisheries and Aquaculture sector

The Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme (WMFS) is a funding scheme to support environmentally and economically sustainable growth in the Welsh seafood industry and encourage Welsh coastal communities to thrive.

The guidance set out in this document is to be considered in conjunction with the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme: Overarching guidance document.

These Guidance Notes explain the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme (WMFS) General Funding round window 2.  Please read it carefully.  If you then feel that your project may qualify for support under this scheme, please read the ‘How to Apply Section’ of this Guidance Note and the accompanying guidance entitled ‘Using RPW Online to Apply’ which will be published on the Welsh Government website.

Section A: introduction

This is a general funding round to support a broad range of projects under the funding categories detailed in Annex A.

The application window will open on 13th January 2025 and close on 24 March 2025. 

The earliest projects would be expected to formally start would be June 2025 following receipt of a Grant Award letter from Welsh Government.

The indicative budget allocation for this funding round is £1.4 million, this is broken down in to £700k capital and £700k revenue.

The strategic aims and objectives of the General funding round window 2 are to support projects that: 

  • contribute to Wales having a marine environment which is resilient and sustainable against the effects of climate change
  • contribute to Wales having the science and evidence to inform future decisions in the Welsh marine, fisheries and aquaculture sector from species data to co-existence of marine sectors
  • contribute to Wales having a biodiverse marine environment and a thriving, sustainable ecosystem
  • contribute to a sustainable, profitable and diverse Welsh seafood sector which has a strong domestic market coupled with an expanding worldwide market

This general funding round is discretionary, the amount of grant offered would relate to the individual circumstances and would always be the minimum amount necessary to allow the investments to go ahead.  If your project is selected, you must be able to complete and claim for all work items and activities by 31 March 2026. 

There are 11 categories covering a total of 36 sub-categories that you may be eligible to apply for to support one or more of the funding rounds aims. 


Marine enterprise: 

An enterprise relating to or operating or undertaking activity wholly or partially within the marine environment and/or relying wholly or partially on the marine environment for its continued purpose and existence.

Aquaculture enterprise: 

Individuals, businesses or enterprises undertaking any of the following activities: catching; operating vessels for catching or processing aquaculture products; undertaking aquaculture activities; and processing aquaculture products from both marine and freshwater environments.  Also, eligible organisations from public and private sectors that undertake research, innovation and support the economic development of the aquaculture supply chain.

Seafood enterprise: 

Individuals or businesses undertaking any of the following activities: catching fish; operating vessels for catching or processing fish; undertaking aquaculture activities; transporting fish or fish products; loading and unloading fish or fish products; and processing fish from both marine and freshwater environments. Also, eligible organisations from public and private sectors that undertake research, innovation and support the economic development of the supply chain.

Collective Interest and Collective Beneficiary: 

A ‘collective’ beneficiary’ is an organisation recognised as representing the interest of its members, of a group of stakeholders, or of the public at large.  The beneficiary of the project should be the collective organisation itself and not its members.

Collective interest is defined as actions undertaken by this organisation which are in the collective interest of its members, of a group of stakeholders or of the general public.  Such actions should thus encompass more than the sum of the individual interests of the members of this collective beneficiary.

If a project has no direct financial benefit to either the applicant delivering the project or the beneficiary of the project and has both collective interest and a collective beneficiary (or beneficiaries) then it can be considered collective.

If a project has a direct financial benefit to either the applicant delivering the project or the beneficiary of the project, then it is considered as non-collective.

Fisheries and Aquaculture processors:

For the purpose of the WMFS a Fisheries or Aquaculture processor is defined as a business/operator who carries out processes on fisheries or aquaculture products that have already been caught/harvested/sourced including but not limited to washing, chilling, skinning, gilling and gutting, filleting, shucking, cooking, smoking, salting, drying, preserving, or canning (dependent on which species of seafood is being processed and if it is sold fresh or frozen), dispatching, transporting (except from retail premises to consumer, or in a vehicle from which the seafood will be sold by retail).

Section B: eligibility

You are eligible to apply if:

  • your Business/Organisation is based in Wales
  • you are registered with the Welsh Government and have been issued with a Customer Reference Number (CRN). Please refer to the Welsh Government website for the how to register guidance or call the RPW Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004.

And you are:

  • a Welsh marine, seafood or aquaculture enterprise which is either:
    • SME-Micro-entity, 
    • SME-non Micro-entity. 
    • non-SME, 
    • organisations or collectives of acting in a collective manner for the benefit of multiple enterprises or a sector.


 A Public Sector Body (including Public Law Bodies and Academia) 

  • a third sector body- non-charity
  • charity

Where projects are research based, involve evidence data and analysis, or are exploring the technical or economic feasibility of innovative products and/or processes, they shall be carried out by, or in collaboration with, scientific or technical bodies, recognised by the Welsh Government. The scientific or technical bodies shall validate the results of such projects.

Businesses with commercial fishing vessels are required to have the vessel registered and licenced in Wales.

Aquaculture businesses are required to be registered on the Aquaculture production business (APB) register (CEFAS).

Projects involving research, evidence/data gathering and analysis, or feasibility studies will be required to produce a final evaluation report to confirm the outcomes and lessons learned from the project prior to final payment. Reports may be published by Welsh Government.

You are not eligible if you:

  • have been convicted of fraud under any other grant scheme
  • have been found to have committed a serious violation of conservation or management measures within the preceding 12 months
  • or a vessel you operate is listed for engaging in IUU fishing by the UK; or the flag State of the vessel; or a Regional Fisheries Management Organization or Arrangement (RFMO/A); or has been notified for engaging in IUU fishing under the WTO Agreement on Fishing Subsidies
  • have been convicted of an offence considered to be a ‘serious infringement’ (including any illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing or fraud), in the 12 months before applying

Please see Section C: ‘Categories and sub-categories’ and also ‘Annex A’ for applicant eligibility requirements that apply to specific Sub-Categories.

Section C: categories and sub-categories

You are able to submit multiple applications, however, you are only allowed to submit one application per sub-category. Please note that sub-categories each have specific requirements as to who can apply and what indicators will be required to be demonstrated. The following information on the categories should be read in conjunction with the detail in Annex A.

The categories are:

  1. Innovation
  2. Advisory services
  3. Promotion of human capital and networking
  4. Health, safety and wellbeing
  5. Fishing ports, landing sites and shelters
  6. Increasing the potential of aquaculture sites
  7. Marketing measures
  8. Processing of fishery and aquaculture produce to add value and improve product quality
  9. Limitation of the impact of seafood production on the marine environment, and adaptation of fishing to the protection of species
  10. Protection, restoration and enhancement of marine biodiversity and ecosystems
  11. Energy efficiency 

1. Innovation

In order to stimulate innovation in the marine environment, fisheries and aquaculture, the WMFS may support projects aimed at: 

1.1    Developing technical, scientific or organisational knowledge, which, in particular, reduces the impact on the environment, fosters a sustainable use of resources, facilitates co-location and/or co-existence with other marine activities, improves animal welfare or facilitates new sustainable production methods. Operations under this sub-category should be carried out by or in collaboration with, recognised public or private scientific or technical bodies, which shall validate the results of such operations. Funding under this sub-category is revenue only.
1.2    Conserving marine biological resources. Operations under this sub-category should be carried out by or in collaboration with, recognised public or private scientific or technical bodies, which shall validate the results of such operations. Funding under this sub-category can be capital and/or revenue.
1.3    Developing or introducing on the market new products with good market potential, new or substantially improved products, new or improved processes. Evidence will be required such as an independent marketing report by the applicant to demonstrate good market potential. Funding under this sub-category can be capital and/or revenue.

2. Advisory services 

In order to improve the overall performance and competitiveness of operators, to promote sustainable practices and to reduce the negative environmental impact of their operations the WMFS may support:

2.1    Access to professional advice on either 
o    marine environmental sustainability
o    business and marketing strategies
o    professional technical advice on products and processes.

All advice provided must be supplied by a relevantly qualified professional person or business.

Funding under this category is revenue only.

3. Promotion of human capital and networking 

In order to promote human capital, networking and social dialogue and foster the transfer of knowledge between scientists, marine users, fishers and aquaculture businesses and local communities, the WMFS may support:

3.1    Participation of non-mandatory professional training, lifelong learning, and the acquisition of new professional skills, in particular linked to the sustainable management of marine ecosystems, courses on sustainable fishing practices and the conservation of marine biological resources co-existence and/or co-location with other marine activities and activities in the maritime sector including health, safety, hygiene and wellbeing. Funding under this sub-category is not restricted to certain applicants, however, any training provided must be carried out by a qualified body.
3.2    The creation or development of networks.  Independent scientific/technical bodies may also participate. The purpose being the dissemination of knowledge, networking, exchange of experiences including best practices and social dialogue at UK, Wales, regional or local level involving marine users, fishers and aquaculture businesses, social partners, coastal community development and other relevant stakeholders including the promotion of equal opportunities between genders and the role of women in the sector and its communities and the promotion of opportunities for other under-represented groups.  Funding under this sub-category is not restricted to certain applicants, however, any training provided must be carried out by a qualified body.
3.3    The promotion of occupational safety and improved working conditions over and above the basic statutory requirements. Funding under this sub-category is not restricted to certain applicants, however, any training provided must be carried out by a qualified body.
3.4    The provision, creation and development of non-mandatory professional      training in particular linked to any of the following:
o    the sustainable management of marine ecosystems,
o    co-existence and/or co-location with other marine activities, 
o    health safety and wellbeing, 
o    activities in the maritime sector innovation and entrepreneurship.  

Funding under this sub-category is restricted to businesses that are qualified to provide training only.

The activities referred to above may cover non-mandatory data collection and management activities, studies, pilot projects, dissemination of knowledge and research results, seminars and best practices.

Funding under this category is revenue only.

4. Health, safety and wellbeing 

In order to improve health, safety and wellbeing amongst the sector, support can include:

4.1    Research to increase understanding of health, safety and wellbeing needs amongst the marine, fishers and aquaculture sector and their communities. Applications under this category are limited to recognised public or private bodies which have scientific or technical expertise in this area or business/organisations working in collaboration with one.
4.2    Promotion of mental health awareness including tackling isolation and direct support amongst the marine, fishers and aquaculture sector including organisations working with these and their families. Applications under this category are limited to recognised public or private bodies which have scientific or technical expertise in this area or business/organisations working in collaboration with one.
4.3    Non-mandatory and non- statutory capital items which have the purpose of improving health, safety and wellbeing, on-board vessels and/or at a designated marine, fisheries, aquaculture work site. Applications under this category are not limited to certain applicant types. However, applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are in control/own/responsible for the vessels or sites

Funding under this category can be capital and/or revenue.

5. Fishing ports, landing sites and shelters 

The WMFS may support investments to establish new or improved existing infrastructure, including fishing ports, landing sites and shelters, facilities for waste and marine litter collection to:  

5.1    Increasing energy efficiency.
5.2    Contributing to environmental protection.
5.3    Improving safety and working conditions.

This would be limited to applicants who are in control/own/responsible for the sites.

Funding under this category can be capital and/or revenue.

6. Increasing the potential of aquaculture sites 

In order to contribute to the development of the aquaculture sites and infrastructures, and to reduce any negative environmental impacts of the operations, the WMFS may support:

6.1    The improvement and development of support facilities and infrastructures required to increase the potential of aquaculture sites and to reduce any negative environmental impacts of aquaculture, including investments in land consolidation, energy supply or water management. Funding under this sub-category is capital only.
6.2    The purchase of equipment aimed at protecting the farms from wild predators. Funding under this sub-category is capital only.
6.3    Investments resulting in a substantial reduction in the impact of aquaculture enterprises on water usage and quality, in particular through reducing the amount of water or chemicals used, or through improving the output water quality, including through the deployment of multi–trophic aquaculture systems. Funding under this sub-category is capital only.
6.4    Investments or energy audits aimed at increasing energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy. Funding under this sub-category can be capital and/or revenue.

Funding under this category is limited to aquaculture Business/Organisations only.

7. Marketing measures 

The WMFS may support marketing measures for non-commercial brands of fishery and aquaculture products which may include the production, processing and marketing activities along the supply chain which are aimed at:

7.1    Finding new markets, conducting market research, surveys and studies and improving the conditions for the placing on the market of fishery and aquaculture products. Funding under this sub-category is limited to applicants who are not Public Sector Bodies or a Third Sector Body-non-charity.
7.2    Promoting the quality and the value added by facilitating the certification, registration and the promotion of sustainable fishery and aquaculture products, including products from small scale coastal fishing, and of environmentally friendly processing methods. Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants.
7.3    The direct marketing of fishery and aquaculture products to include brand development; marketing collateral; web and social media marketing; ecommerce platforms. The presentation and packaging of products; market testing; focus groups. Funding under this sub-category is limited to applicants who are not Public Sector Bodies or a Third Sector Body-non-charity.
7.4    Conducting regional, national or international communication and promotional campaigns to promote Welsh Seafood. Raising public awareness of sustainable fishery and aquaculture products, including, but not exclusively, in market support, such as meet the buyer events. Attendance at trade events or similar. Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants.

Funding under this category is revenue only.

8. Processing of fishery and aquaculture produce to add value and improve product quality 

The WMFS may support investments in the processing of fishery and aquaculture products that:

8.1    Contribute to energy saving or reducing the impact on the environment, including waste treatment. Funding under this sub-category is limited to Fisheries and Aquaculture processors.
8.2    Improve safety, health and working conditions. Funding under this sub-category is limited to Fisheries and Aquaculture processors.
8.3    Support the processing of catches of commercial fish that cannot be destined for human consumption including by-products resulting from main processing activities. Funding under this sub-category is limited to Fisheries and Aquaculture processors.
8.4    Investments that add value to fishery products, in particular by allowing fishers to carry out the processing, marketing and direct sale of their own catches. Funding under this sub-category is limited to commercial fishers. Support shall only be granted where the gear or other equipment referred to has a demonstrably better size-selection or a demonstrably lower impact on the ecosystem and on non-target species than the standard gear or other equipment permitted.
8.5    Innovative investments on board that improve the quality of the fishery products. Funding under this sub-category is limited to commercial fishers. 
Funding under this category is limited to activities up to, but not including, point of retail which is defined as ‘the purchase of goods for re-sale or the delivery of an added-value service at the point of delivery such as restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, including mobile outlets’.

Funding under this category can be capital and/or revenue.

9. Limitation of the impact of seafood production on the marine environment and adaptation of fishing to the protection of species 

In order to reduce the impact of fishing on the marine environment, to foster the elimination of unwanted catch and to facilitate sustainable exploitation of living marine biological resources, the WMFS may support investments:

9.1    In equipment improving size selectivity or species selectivity of fishing gear. 
9.2    On board that eliminates discards by avoiding and reducing unwanted catches, or that deals with unwanted catches to be landed.
9.3    In equipment that limits and, where possible, eliminates the physical and biological impacts of fishing on the ecosystem or the seabed. 

Funding under this category is limited to commercial fishing vessel owners and commercial aquaculture vessel owners.

Support shall only be granted where there is no increase in fishing effort and the gear or other equipment referred to above has a demonstrably better size-selection or a demonstrably lower impact on the ecosystem and on non-target species than the standard gear or other equipment permitted.

Funding under this category is capital only.

10. Protection, restoration and enhancement of marine biodiversity and ecosystems 

In order to protect and restore marine biodiversity and ecosystems the WMFS may support the following operations:

10.1    Increasing environmental awareness, involving fishers and other marine users, with regard to the protection and restoration of marine biodiversity. 
10.2    Actions aimed at maintaining and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as the restoration of specific marine and coastal habitats including their scientific preparation and evaluation.
10.3    Research of species which are deemed data limited and non-quota stock. Including evidence gathering for exploitation of sustainable fisheries.
Funding under this category is limited to applicants who are public or private bodies with scientific or technical expertise or applicants working in conjunction with one.

Funding under this category can be capital and/or revenue.

11. Energy efficiency 

In order to improve the energy efficiency of fishing vessels and other marine vessels, the WMFS may support:

11.1    Investments in on board equipment aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants or greenhouse gases and increasing the energy efficiency of fishing vessels and other marine vessels. Funding under this sub-category is limited to commercial fishing vessel owners and commercial aquaculture vessel owners. Funding under this sub-category is capital only.
11.2    Energy efficiency audits. Funding under this sub-category is revenue only.
11.3    Studies to assess the contribution of alternative propulsion systems and hull designs to the energy efficiency of fishing vessels. Funding under this sub-category is limited to recognised scientific or technical bodies or commercial fishing vessel owners/commercial aquaculture vessel owners in conjunction with a recognised scientific or technical body. Funding under this sub-category can be capital and/or revenue.

Section D: eligible costs

Eligible costs

All revenue costs in relation to the project. For example, but not limited to: 

  • running costs of the project such as key staff costs
  • consultancy fees, other technical and professional fees; fees incurred for statutory permissions, licenses and consents, not before the Grant Award offer issued
  • consumables (items which are normally written off within a year) which are necessary for and directly related to the delivery of the project

All capital items that are directly required for the project except those listed in the ineligible costs.

Ineligible costs

The following items are examples of expenditure, which are not eligible for grant support. This is not a definitive list, and all items of expenditure will be considered on a case by case basis.

  • any equipment secured under a hire purchase or lease hire agreement
  • items which are required to meet regulatory standards
  • activities which fall outside of the grant funding timescale
  • operating costs (business not project)
  • reclaimable VAT (business not project)
  • purchase of trading stock
  • costs associated with the completion of WMFS application forms, including the payment of consultants to provide support in the completion of the application forms
  • preventative or scheduled maintenance costs for vessels and equipment and for existing buildings, plant or equipment, including vehicle maintenance costs.
  • own labour and equipment costs
  • like for like replacement of existing machinery and equipment
  • recreational equipment (though televisions, projectors etc. for educational or business purposes may be eligible)
  • landscaping, ornamental work, and provision of leisure amenities
  • general office equipment and furniture except desks, chairs, telephone equipment, computer and other IT equipment, software and teleprinters, laboratory and lecture-room equipment essential for the delivery of the project 
  • expenses of outside directors. 
  • costs connected with a leasing contract such as the lessors margin, interest financing cost, overheads and insurance charges
  • costs of arranging overdraft facilities, loans or other financial support instruments including any associated fees or other charges 
  • overheads allocated or apportioned at rates materially in excess of those used for any similar work carried out by the applicant 
  • notional expenditure
  • payments for activity of a religious and/or political nature 
  • contingent liabilities
  • contingencies/provisions 
  • profit made by the applicant 
  • dividends
  • interest charges
  • service charges arising on finance leases, hire purchase and credit arrangements.
  • costs resulting from the deferral of payments to creditors 
  • costs involved in winding up a company
  • payments for unfair dismissal
  • payments into private pension schemes
  • payments for unfunded pension
  • compensation for loss of office
  • compensation for additional costs incurred and/or income foregone
  • bad debts arising from loans to employees, proprietors, partners directors. guarantors, shareholders or a person connected with any of these
  • payments for gifts and donations
  • personal entertainments (including alcohol)
  • costs associated with requirements arising from statutory enforcement action.
  • statutory fines and penalties
  • statutory taxes (excluding irrecoverable VAT)
  • criminal fines and damages 
  • legal expenses in respect of litigation
  • purchasing of vehicles that are not used exclusively to provide a direct contribution to the business and/or project
  • overhead costs

Costs are only eligible for grant aid when the cost has been correctly defrayed by the claimant prior to submitting a claim. 

As part of your application, you will be required to provide a breakdown of capital against revenue costs for your project.

Travel and subsistence

Travel & Subsistence costs that relate only to the delivery of the project and are compliant with HMRC guidance on employee business travel costs are eligible.

Accommodation costs and any other subsistence costs are eligible, however, associated costs related to items such as alcoholic drinks are not eligible. All costs must be considered as reasonable in nature and value (i.e. not excessive in terms of quantity or cost).

You are responsible for ensuring and evidencing that you have used the most effective, economical and sustainable method of travel taking into account:

  • cost of travel,
  • cost of subsistence,
  • saving of official time, 
  • practicality of the journey, and
  • shortest route to reach your business destination.

Key project staff costs

Staff salary costs for people that are directly engaged in project delivery, on a full or part time basis, are eligible. 

A flat rate model will be used to reimburse staff costs. Rates for common project roles have been calculated based on reference costs and will be available to all projects where staff costs are eligible project expenditure.

The rates below have been provided and confirmed by Welsh Government statisticians and are based on analyses using the ’Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings’ (ASHE). For the costs presented below, data was taken from Wales level data calculated by Economic Stats division for the 2020 year. The hourly rates have been uplifted to cover overhead costs. 

Hourly rate

Business & financial project management professionals

Business & related research professionals

Other administrative occupations

Elementary trades, administration and service occupations

The rates shown above are at 100% intervention rate. These rates would be reduced in-line with the intervention rate applied to your application.

In order to evidence staff costs you will need to provide completed timesheets signed by an authorised project officer for each member of staff that you are claiming for. 

The above rates do not include or restrict specialised contracted services.

Maximum and minimum grant rate 

The maximum Grant Award is £100,000 per project, the minimum Grant Award is £500 per project.

The grant can be either capital, revenue or a mixture of both.

Maximum grant threshold

Maximum Grant Threshold/Intervention rate is dependent on the type of applicant (see box below).

Maximum Grant Threshold/Intervention rate



Maximum intervention rate 



Third sector (non charity),

Co-operative, Industrial and Provident society or Mutual

A micro-entity is a business that has less than 10 employees at the time of application and one of the following characteristics: a) a turnover of £632,000 or less; b) £316,000 or less on its balance sheet. 



SME- non Micro-entity 
An SME is a business that has less than 250 employees at the time of application and one of the following characteristics: a) turnover of less than £36 million; b) £18 million or less on its balance sheet.



Private (Non-SMEs).30%
 Collective interest or collective beneficiaries (e.g. Producer organisations or Fisherman’s Associations).100%
 Public sector organisations (including public law bodies).100%

Your application may exceed the maximum grant however if selected, the Grant Award would be capped to the maximum £100,000.

Section E: key requirements

Activity must be completed, and expenditure defrayed and claimed by 31 March 2026.

The Project would not proceed without grant assistance.

That the project outputs benefits Wales directly.

Permissions, planning consents and licences

If your investment requires planning consent, you must obtain any necessary planning consent and abide by any other relevant statutory requirements. Applicants also need to check their proposals do not break any byelaws, obstruct rights of way etc, and must avoid damaging the environment or causing pollution.

Welsh Government understands that, in some instances, applicants are unable to have these in place when making an application, therefore in this instance applications will be accepted prior to having these in place. However, these agreements will be required to be detailed within the application and will be required to be obtained before the project begins. A failure to have the necessary licences and or agreements in place may result in a withdrawal of Grant Award.

The payment of any grant will not be made until the original licence and/or agreement approval documents have been received and approved by the Welsh Government or if the project has been considered by the planning authority not to require planning consent, you will need to provide evidence from the planning authority.

Section F: Applying for the WMFS: General Funding Round

RPW Online

You can only complete an Application for the WMFS General Funding Round by accessing Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online.  If you already have a Customer Reference Number (CRN) you should have received a letter informing you of your Activation Code to set up your account. If you no longer have this, please telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004 (Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 17:00, Friday 8:30 – 16:30) and tell the operator your CRN.  They will send you a new Activation Code.

To register your business details for the first time, you need to complete the online registration form. Please refer to the how to register guidance for further details. The vast majority of changes to business details can be done online. However, Welsh Government may require further details on any major changes. Please contact the Customer Contact Centre for further information.

Once registered, you can access your RPW Online account. The WMFS General Funding Round application is available from the “Applications and Claims” section of your account. 

If you have any questions about registering for RPW Online or completing your application, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004.  They will be able to provide advice, including the digital assistance that is available to you.

Further details regarding RPW Online are available on the Welsh Government Website.

The two stage assessment process

The assessment process will be in two stages. Applications submitted will be in direct competition with one another. At Stage 1, the following sections

of the application will be assessed and scored against selection criteria:

  • strategic fit
  • suitability of investment
  • long term sustainability

The applications that score the highest will be selected in ranked order until the funds available have been allocated.

As this funding round is predominantly capital budget, once the revenue budget has all been allocated, then only capital projects with no revenue required remaining which have passed the first stage and in merit order will be able to proceed to next stage until the capital budget has been allocated.

You will be notified whether or not your application has been selected through your RPW online account. 

If selected, the application will progress to Stage 2 and the following sections will be assessed to complete the full appraisal of the application.

  • value for money
  • project delivery
  • project management
  • risk and risk management
  • financial and compliance
  • cross cutting themes
  • indicators and outcome

Submitting an application

Guidance on how to submit your application via RPW Online is available at General funding round window 2 (Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme): using RPW on-line to apply | GOV.WALES.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the application is correctly completed, and that the information provided in support of your project is accurate.

You must complete the application in full and provide comprehensive documentation in support of the application to enable Welsh Government to assess the project. Please ensure you follow the guidance as failure to do so may delay the appraisal of your application.

Supporting documentation

In addition to completing the application online you will need to submit the following supporting documents online for appraisal by the Welsh Government:

  • three year business plan (not required if applicant is a Public Law Body or Academia)
  • three years of certified accounts (not required if applicant is a Public Law Body or Academia)
  • three years financial projections (not required if applicant is a Public Law Body or Academia)
  • evidence of match funding available (bank loan, overdraft, etc) where applicable
  • planning permission if appropriate and any other approvals/consents required under UK Law.

You will be required to submit any quotes via the new online Quotes Submission form if your application is successful and you are issued with a Grant Award Letter. 

For applications from Business/Organisations less than three years old which have not been operating for at least three years, the available accounts will be considered.

Business plan

The business plan should provide full details of the business. As a minimum, the business plan should be for the next three years and include the following:

  • business details
  • executive summary
  • activity plan
  • financial plans
  • risk management.

The assessment will not commence until the application and ALL of the supporting documentation has been received by the Welsh Government. You may provide other documentation and evidence in addition to the above to support your application.

Stage 1 – Assessment for Selection

For stage 1 appraisal of the WMFS General Funding Round all applications will be assessed against a set of selection criteria and scored using a scoring scale of

0 – 4, then multiplied by the associated weighting factor to give a total score.

The applications will be ranked in order of merit. Projects will be selected in ranked order until the revenue and capital funds available have been allocated or the maximum number of applications has been reached. There is no guarantee that all of the funds will be allocated or that the maximum number of projects will be selected for stage 2 of the process.

Details of the selection criteria are set out below.

Business/project plan section to be assessed

  • strategic fit
    score: 0 to 4
    weighting: multiplied by 4
  • suitability of investment
    score: 0 to 4
    weighting: multiplied by 5
  • long term sustainability
    score: 0 to 4
    weighting: multiplied by 2

No application will progress which scores less than the minimum quality threshold of 22.

A score of 1 or 0 (zero) in any of the selection criteria will prevent the application from being considered for selection for stage 2 of the process.

For each section, the assessment will be made on the basis of the information and explanations given.

Higher scores will be achieved by providing comprehensive explanations supported by examples of proposed activities and details of how those activities will be managed.

Lower scores will be awarded where explanations are simply statements of intent, for example, “we will hold meetings with stakeholders on a regular basis throughout the project”.

Stage 1 application questions and assessment criteria:

Strategic Fit

For a project to meet the scheme Strategic Fit, you will need to demonstrate how the proposed investment will contribute to the aim/objective that you have selected and demonstrate why the investment is required. 

Score 4:

The response provided significant and clear evidence that the selected aim/objective would be met and clear justification that the investment is required.  No weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 3:

The response provided clear evidence that the selected aim/objective would be met and clear justification to support why the investment is required.  There were no weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 2:

The response provided satisfactory evidence that the selected aim/objective would be met and provided satisfactory justification that the investment is required.  There were some minor weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 1:

The response provided limited evidence that the selected aim/objective would be met and limited justification to support that the investment is required.  There were major weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 0

The response was incomplete and did not demonstrate that the selected aim/objective would be met or did not provide justification for the investment being required.

Suitability of investment

You will need to demonstrate why your proposal is suitable for a grant investment.  Thought needs to be given to risks and benefits of the proposal and whether the nature of the investment aligns with the Welsh Governments 7 Well-being goals which are: 

  • a prosperous Wales
  • a resilient Wales
  • a healthier Wales
  • a more equal Wales
  • a Wales of more cohesive communities
  • a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
  • a globally responsible Wales

More detailed information can be found at Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015: the essentials.

Score 4:

The response provided significant and clear evidence that risks and benefits had been considered, one or more WG Well-being goals would be met and the proposal and applicant was suitable for investment with no weaknesses or areas of concern with the content of the application.

Score 3:

The response provided clear evidence that risks and benefits had been considered, one or more WG Well-being goals would be met and the proposal and applicant was suitable for investment with no weaknesses or areas of concern with the content of the application.

Score 2:

The response provided satisfactory evidence that risks and benefits had been considered, one or more WG Well-being goals would be met and the proposal and applicant was suitable for investment. There were some minor weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 1:

The response provided limited evidence that the risks and benefits had been considered, one or more WG Well-being goals would be met and the proposal and applicant was suitable for investment. There were major weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 0:

The response was incomplete and did not demonstrate that the risks and benefits had been considered, did not demonstrate any WG Well-being goals being met or that the proposal and applicant was suitable for investment.

Long term sustainability

You will need to demonstrate the anticipated long term impact that your project will have following the end of the proposals project period. 

For example, this can be delivering a positive economic or environmental long term impact.

Score 4: 

The response provided significant and clear evidence that there would be a long term positive impact following the end of the proposals project period, with no weaknesses or areas of concern with the content of the application.

Score 3:

The response provided clear evidence that there would be a long term positive impact following the end of the proposals project period, with no weaknesses or areas of concern with the content of the application.

Score 2:

The response provided satisfactory evidence that there would be a long term positive impact following the end of the proposals project period. There were some minor weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 1:

The response provided limited evidence that there would be a long term positive impact following the end of the proposals project period.  There were major weaknesses or concerns with the content of the application.

Score 0

The response was incomplete and did not demonstrate that that there would be a long term positive impact following the end of the proposals project period.

There are three possible outcomes from the Stage 1 appraisal:

1. Your application is not eligible for the Grant Award.

2. Your application is not selected for stage 2 assessment of the application.

3. Your application is successful at stage 1 for selection and will proceed to stage 2.

If you are not selected, but your application meets the minimum threshold, we will inform you via your RPW on-line account that you have not been selected but your application will be held in reserve.

Successful stage 1 selection

If your application is selected, you will be notified via your RPW Online account. You must either accept or decline the selection by completing and returning the Application Annex included with your selection notification letter to the Welsh Government via your online account by the date given in your letter.

We will issue a reminder via your RPW Online account prior to the deadline date in your letter.

If you accept selection, your application will progress to Stage 2 of the appraisal process.

The selection letter does not allow you to start work on the Project. You must not start any work until you receive a Grant Award Letter via your RPW Online account. Any projects which breach this rule may not be considered for support.

If you do not accept selection, or do not reply to the Welsh Government by the date in the letter, your application will not progress further, and the offer of selection will be withdrawn.

If your application does not meet the scheme eligibility criteria or is not selected, you will be notified via your online account.

Stage 2 – Full appraisal of the application following selection

If selected, the application will progress to Stage 2 and the following sections will be assessed to complete the appraisal of the application and consideration of offer of a grant.

  • value for money
  • project delivery
  • project management
  • risk and risk management
  • financial and compliance
  • cross cutting themes
  • indicators and outcomes

Result Indicators

For result indicators relevant to each sub-category, please see Annex A.

The indicators that will be monitored as a result of the investment will be dependent on the sub-category. You will need to choose a minimum of one indicator (detailed at Annex A) as part of the application. 

You will be expected to justify your rationale for achievement of these targets as part of the project. Some indicators require initial baseline figures to enable measurement over an agreed time period. A baseline of zero, where applicable, will be accepted. If this is not provided, then the application may be rejected. 

Please note the target that you should enter is the target that you will achieve 3 years post investment or sooner where applicable. i.e. a report/study indicator would be completed prior to this target.

The indicators and outcomes will need to be monitored and you may be required to provide information confirming the current indicators level being achieved as well as confirming the level achieved three years from the end of your Grant Award.

Cross cutting themes

The application will also ask you to explain how your project will contribute towards one or more of the Welsh Governments cross cutting themes of:

  • Welsh Language
  • Equality of opportunity and Gender mainstreaming 
  • Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion

Stage 2 Assessment Scoring

For the stage 2 appraisal the information provided in the remaining seven sections will be assessed against the following rating criteria from which a decision can be taken about the award of grant assistance to the project:

  • high: The applicant has provided robust and detailed responses against all of the evidence requirements.
  • medium: The applicant has provided satisfactory and detailed responses against most of the evidence requirements.
  • low: The applicant has provided potentially incomplete or insufficient responses against one or more of the evidence requirements.

The quality threshold is a rating of Medium across all ten categories. If the application does not meet this requirement, you may be requested to provide further information. If a satisfactory rating cannot be achieved the project will be rejected.

Your application will be appraised in accordance with the Funding Round Guidance and eligibility rules. They will be subject to full due diligence (where required), appraisal and eligibility checks and only at that point will a final decision be taken to offer grant funding or reject the application. There is no guarantee that a project proposal will be approved for a grant. We will aim to complete the appraisal of the application within 90 days of the window closing. Appraisal of complex applications may take longer. If you delay replying to requests for further information this will extend the time taken to complete appraisal of your application.

Please note, we recommend you follow the guidance carefully in order to provide the information requested with the application.

There are two possible outcomes from the Stage 2 appraisal:

  1. Your project is unsuccessful and is not approved for a Grant Award. You will be informed of the reasons why your application was not successful via your RPW Online account. You may apply again with the same project should further application windows be made available, (amending the application if you wish), but only if you have not started work.
  2. Your project is successful and is approved for a Grant Award. A Grant Award Letter will be issued to you setting out the terms and conditions of the Grant Award via your RPW Online account, which you will be asked to accept within 30 days as agreement that you accept the terms and conditions therein. The Grant Award Letter will also provide you with the authority to start work. You will need to accept or decline the offer of Grant Award within 30 days. Failure to accept the Grant Award within 30 days will lead to the Grant Award being withdrawn.

We will issue a reminder via your RPW Online account prior to the acceptance deadline date.

Full details of when your Grant Award must be accepted and when items must be purchased and claimed for will be in the Grant Award Letter.

If you accept your offer of a Grant Award, you will also be required to complete a delivery profile to confirm when you will be making your claims and the value.

If, after being issued with a Grant Funding Offer letter, you decide not to proceed with your Grant Award or fail to accept the offer of a Grant Award within the time permitted, you may not be able to apply for WMFS under any subsequent rounds. If you decide to withdraw from the Grant Award prior to completing the work or if you do not complete all the work approved in your Grant Award Letter, you may not be able to apply under any subsequent rounds.

Subject to the requirements of the Welsh Government’s Code of Practice on Public Access to Information, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004: all information given to the Welsh Government will be treated in strict confidence. You should be aware that if successful, the Welsh Government reserve the right to publish the name of your company, the amount of grant you were awarded and a summary of your project.

Starting work

You must not start work until you have been offered your Grant Award. If you do start work, the Welsh Government would not pay on any work undertaken prior to the Grant Award offer being issued and may terminate the Grant Award and recover any payments made.

Section G: conditions of grant

You must meet any legal obligations imposed and UK law.

The offer of a WMFS grant is made subject to terms and conditions, which will be set out in full in your Grant Award Letter and include those set out below. The Grant Award duration will be dependent on the funding round and will be from the date the Grant Award Letter is issued. Failure to meet the terms and conditions of the Grant Award could result in the cancellation of your Grant Award and / or the recovery of sums already paid, or a reduction of the amount of grant payable.


1.    The Grant Award is made on the basis of statements made by you or your representatives in the application form and subsequent correspondence. You have given details that are true, accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief on the applications and any supporting documentation. The making of false or misleading statements is an offence.
2.    You will need to accept or decline the offer of Grant Award within 30 days of the offer.
3.    You must not begin any work on the project without first obtaining written authority to do so from Welsh Government. You must have bought the equipment (if applicable) and contacted RPW via RPW Online or through the post by the claim deadline within the Grant Award Letter.
4.    You must meet any legal obligations imposed under UK law, including Health and Safety; employment; hygiene; environmental management and protection; animal or crop health and welfare that apply during the time of this project.
5.    You agree to abide by any changes following notification by the Welsh Ministers.
6.    You acknowledge that neither Welsh Government nor any adviser appointed by Welsh Government shall be responsible for any advice given, including without limit any advice given in relation to the applications and that you are solely responsible for all business decisions undertaken.
7.    If it is found that work has commenced prior to issuing the WMFS: General Funding round Grant Award Letter, the Welsh Government will either reject the work started and allow the applicant to carry on with the eligible part of the application or reject the whole application and approval. 
8.    Examples of commencement of work include the following: 
i.    Entering into a legally binding contract (i.e. with a supplier, etc).
ii.    Purchasing equipment/materials – accepting delivery of the same.
iii.    Paying deposits/incurring expenditure in relation to the proposed application will all be viewed by the Welsh Government as commencement of work prior to grant approval.
9.    If you have not contacted RPW within that time, the Grant Award offer will be automatically rejected.
10.    No alterations may be made to the project, including the location of the activity, without the written approval of the Welsh Government.
11.    The transfer of fishing vessels from Wales to other States, including through 
the creation of joint enterprises is not permitted.
12.    You are required to comply with the rules on eligible costs as detailed in the Scheme Guidance Notes.
13.    Projects should be completed within the timetable agreed with Welsh Government. You should not deviate from this without prior written agreement from Welsh Government.
14.    Claims must be submitted via the RPW online Grants claim application and supported by all supporting documents as required by the scheme.
15.    Claims must be submitted in accordance with the timetable set out in the Grant Award Letter. You must not deviate from the agreed timing and value of your claims without prior written agreement from Welsh Government.
16.    Grant can only be paid on expenditure that has been defrayed, that is, on payments that have cleared from a bank account.
17.    All items or services must be purchased in accordance with the Welsh Government Competitive Tendering and Procurement requirements.
18.    You must confirm that none of the items or services covered by the application are replacements under an insurance claim.
19.    You must provide confirmation that no other public funding (whether from EU or UK sources) has been sought for this project. If it is found that you have received public funding from another source your claim may be rejected, payments may be recovered, and penalties may be applied.
20.    As part of your application, you will need to provide details of any public funding your enterprise has received within this and the previous two financial years.
21.    Records concerning the application and claim for this Grant Award, including all original invoices and any other related documents, must be retained for at least six years after the project end date.
22.    You must allow representatives of Welsh Government, the Auditor General for Wales or their representatives to inspect the project. On request, you must provide them with information and / or access to original documentation in relation to the project.
23.    The information provided in the application and any supporting documentation is subject to the requirements of the Welsh Government’s Code of Practice on Public Access to Information, the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Data Protection Act 2018.
24.    You should be aware that, if successful, the Welsh Government reserve the right to publish the name of your business or company, the amount of grant you were awarded and a summary of your project.
25.    The information provided in the application is subject to the Privacy Notice. The Privacy Notice explains the Welsh Government’s processing and use of your personal data and your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
26.    If you are convicted of an offence considered to be a ‘serious infringement (Including any illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing or fraud), within 12 months of receiving the final grant payment then we may seek recovery of payments made.
27.    If you, or a vessel you operate is listed for engaging in IUU fishing by the UK; or listed by the flag State of the vessel; or a Regional Fisheries Management Organization or Arrangement (RFMO/A); or has been notified for engaging in IUU fishing under the WTO Agreement on Fishing Subsidies within 12 months of receiving the final grant payment then we may seek recovery of payments made.
28.    If you have been convicted of fraud under any other grant scheme within 12 months of receiving the final grant payment, then we may seek recovery of payments made.
29.    If you have been found to have committed a serious violation of conservation or management measures within the preceding 12 months of receiving the final grant payment, then we may seek recovery of payments made.

The document ‘Welsh Governments expectations of grant recipients’  details further information and clarification on the types of behaviours, cultures and values Welsh Government expects to see ‘lived out’ by its grant recipients. It also outlines what Welsh Government as a funder, can do, should a grant recipient fall short of upholding these core values and behaviours.

Section H: competitive tendering and procurement

You must follow the Welsh Government guidance and requirements for Competitive Tendering & Public Procurement via the following:

Competitive Tendering & Public Procurement – Guidance   

Section I: payments


The WMFS is only available to claim using the Contract Claim form page on your RPW Online account; payments will be made following the successful validation of your claim. Claims will only be paid when the Welsh Government is satisfied the relevant expenditure has taken place and that the work has been completed according to plan. Payment will be made by electronic transfer to your bank account.

You can submit multiple payment claims throughout the duration of your project, in phases, as your project progresses.

In order to receive WMFS payment you must:

  • have accepted a WMFS Grant Award within 30 calendar days of the offer date and adhere to all the requirements.
  • ensure that you have only purchased items or services listed in your Grant Award Letter  after you have been offered the Grant Award.
  • ensure all items and services are purchased in accordance the Welsh Government Competitive Tendering and Public Procurement requirements and quotes submitted and verified. 
  • final claims for payment of grant should be submitted via the Contract Claim form page on your RPW Online account as soon as possible after the work on the project has been completed. All final claims must be received no later than 31 March 2026 in order for Welsh Government to make the payment. Failure to submit claims may result to the grant paid to date being recovered.
  • we will issue a maximum of two reminders for any outstanding claims via your RPW Online account prior to the closing date.
  • submit invoices for all claimed items or services. 
  • submit evidence of defrayment of expenditure for all claimed items or services.
  • submit evidence of planning permission approval if required.

A claim is not considered valid unless it has been submitted via the Contract Claim form page and until all supporting documentation has been submitted.

Supporting documentation

You must submit an invoice for each item or service in your Grant Award Letter. 

You must submit bank statements as evidence of defrayment of expenditure for each item or service listed in your Grant Award Letter.

You can submit the invoices and bank statements by scanning them and sending them via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account.

Where insufficient evidence is provided, payment will be withheld.

Incorrect claims and penalties

You have a responsibility to make sure the claim submitted is eligible and accurate, that it is only for defrayed expenditure (the money has gone from your bank account), that all the items and costs are eligible, and the claim is submitted on time.

All of the investments approved must have been carried out after the Grant Award has been offered.

Your claim is incorrect if:

  • you have bought items or services before the Grant Award is offered.
  • you have not submitted a claim and supporting documents by the claim deadline. 

If the claim is incorrect, then your claim will be reduced to the amount that is eligible and the grant to be paid will be calculated accordingly. 

It is essential that if you have any doubts about anything that you need for your project that you request written confirmation of its eligibility before you incur the costs.

Section J: changes to scheme rules

Legislation Changes (including changes in interpretation)

Legislation may change from time to time, and you will be required to abide by any changes to the scheme rules following notification from the Welsh Government.

Changes to scheme rules or grant award

We may need to make changes to the scheme rules and/or your Grant Award for a number of reasons. For example, we may need to update the management conditions to take account of the latest scientific advice, amend scheme rules to take account of any changes within the programme. We will publicize changes on the Welsh Government website and where necessary contact you directly.

Section K: control, monitoring and record keeping


The Welsh Government must enforce the WMFS rules.

Your claim may be selected for a visit to verify the realisation of the investment before the payment is made to you or it may be selected for a visit after the payment has been made.

All the details in your application, the details in your claim and the declarations that you made in submitting the application and claim will be checked.

The Welsh Government and the specialist control bodies will try to ensure that visits cause you the minimum of disruption, but some checks require visits to be unannounced, which means it may not be possible to give you notice. You may be subject to more than one visit during a calendar year.

If you refuse to allow a visit or obstruct an officer or fail to give reasonable assistance, you claim may not be paid, we may recover payments and you may be prosecuted.

Monitoring and evaluation

It is a requirement that all grant awards are monitored and the effect of the grant on the business is evaluated following completion.

You must allow officials from Welsh Government, or their representatives, to inspect the items (where applicable) purchased within this five year period and have access to associated paperwork e.g., invoices, certificates, permissions etc.

Site visits will be made on a percentage of the projects approved within five years following payment of final claim to ensure the business is performing as expected where applicable.

If you submit an application whether successful or not, you agree to co-operate with any evaluation of the scheme as a whole and for successful applicants additionally any post-implementation evaluation of your projects.

Record keeping

You must keep all records and information you need to evidence that you have provided complete and accurate information and have complied with your undertakings for six years.

You will also be required to:

  • supply to the Welsh Government any information about your WMFS Grant Award and supply that information within the period determined by the Welsh Government
  • make available to the Welsh Government, its authorised persons or its agents, records, accounts, receipts and other information including access to computer data relating to your WMFS Grant Award
  • permit the Welsh Government to remove any such document or record to take copies or extracts from them

Section L: appeals and complaints procedure

Appeals Procedure

There are no grounds to appeal decisions concerning Stage 1 Assessment for Selection. 

Should you wish to appeal a decision in relation to your full application or Grant Award, then appeals including supporting evidence, must be submitted via RPW Online within 60 days of the date of the letter outlining the decision you wish to appeal against.

Special circumstances or disagreement with any aspect of the scheme’s eligibility criteria will not be grounds for appeal.

An appeal officer/s independent of the original decision will consider the appeal. The appeal officer/s will then make a final decision and notify the appellant together with the reasons for that decision. 

We welcome receiving correspondence in Welsh and will respond to any correspondence in Welsh if that is your preferred language.  This will not lead to delay.

Complaints procedure

Complaints will be dealt with under the Welsh Government’s procedure on Complaints. Further advice on how to make a complaint can be obtained from the Complaints Advice Team:

Welsh Government
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park

CF10 3NQ

Tel: 03000 251378


Website: Complaints about Welsh Government

You may also choose to contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales:

1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae}
CF35 5LJ

Tel: 0300 790 0203

Website: Ombudsman

Section M: Privacy Notice: Welsh Government financial assistance

How we will handle any personal data you provide in relation to your grant application or request for grant funding.

The Welsh Government provides a wide range of grant schemes to help deliver our policies and create a fairer, more prosperous Wales.

The Welsh Government will be data controller for any personal data you provide in relation to your grant application or request for funding. The information will be processed as part of our public task (i.e. exercising our official authority to undertake the core role and functions of the Welsh Government) and will help us assess your eligibility for funding and administer the grant.

Before we provide funding to you, we undertake checks for the purposes of preventing fraud and money laundering, and to verify your identity. These checks require us to process personal data about you to third party fraud prevention agencies.

If we, or a fraud prevention agency, determine that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk, we may refuse to provide the grant funding you applied for, or we may stop providing existing funding to you.

A record of any fraud or money laundering risk will be retained by the fraud prevention agencies, and may result in others refusing to provide services, financing or employment to you.

In order to assess eligibility, we may also need to share personal information relating to your application with:

  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency
  • Veterinary Medicine Directorate
  • Welsh Local Authorities
  • Food Standards Agency Wales
  • Marine Management Organisation (MMO)
  • Other UK Government Marine and Fisheries Administrations
  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency
  • Regulatory authorities, such as HM Revenue and Customs, Local Authorities, Health and Safety Executive and the Police.

The Welsh Government may publish details of grant recipients, amounts and business name on a transparency register where we are obliged to do so, for example, under the Subsidy Control Act 2022. 

Your contact details may be used for research and evaluation purposes, including where Welsh Government commission an independent contractor who may contact you to assess your views and experiences of the scheme.

We will keep personal information contained in files in line with our retention policy. If successful in your application, then your personal data will be kept for 7 years after the date when you, as grant recipient, are free from all conditions relating to the grant awarded and all payment have been made. If you are unsuccessful your details will be kept for one year after the date you provided them.

Under the data protection legislation, you have the right:

  • to access the personal data the Welsh Government holds on you
  • to require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data
  • to (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing
  • for (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is the independent regulator for data protection.

Should you have any queries regarding this privacy statement please contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre

Or if you would like further details about the information the Welsh Government holds and its use, or if you want to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please see contact details below:

Data Protection Officer
Welsh Government
Cathays Park

CF10 3NQ


The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are:

2nd Floor, Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH

Telephone: 0330 414 6421


Section N: legislation

The Marine, Fisheries and Aquaculture (Financial Assistance) Scheme (Wales) Regulations 2022 creates and sets the terms for the WMFS. These Regulations are made under Paragraph 2 of Schedule 6 of the Fisheries Act 2020.

World Trade Organisation and Subsidy Control

Since leaving the EU regulatory jurisdiction, spending on fisheries and most related topics has had to comply with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures (ASCM) and the UK’s obligations under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). 

The Subsidy Control Act 2022 received Royal Assent in April 2022 and came into force on 4 January 2023. 

The subsidy control principles in the World Trade Organisation Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and in the Free Trade Agreements that the UK Government negotiates with countries following EU Exit (UK Trade Agreements in effect) currently apply to the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme: General Funding Round.

A "subsidy" in this context means financial assistance, which is given by a public authority, is specific and confers an economic advantage on one or more enterprises, and has, or is capable of having an effect on competition or investment within the UK, or trade or investment between the UK and another country or territory. Not all grants awarded from the Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme: General Funding Round will fall into the category of a subsidy. The Welsh Government subsidy control guidance has more information about what a subsidy is and what subsidy control means.

Your details may be published on a register of public funding recipients if the funding meets the criteria for public disclosure. 

Section O: Contacts

Enquiries – Customer Contact Centre

For all enquiries, please contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre.

Enquiries can be submitted via RPW Online at any time.

Access to Welsh Government offices for people with disabilities or additional needs

If you have any special needs which you feel are not met by our facilities, contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004. Welsh Government officials will then endeavour to make arrangements to accommodate your requirements.

Welsh Government Website

For all of the latest Marine and Fisheries information, visit the Welsh Government’s website.

ANNEX A: table of categories

Table of categories
CategorySub-categoryCaveatsSpecific IndicatorsCapital or Revenue
1.        Innovation
 In order to stimulate innovation in the marine environment, fisheries and aquaculture, the WMFS may support projects aimed at: 
1.1 Developing technical, scientific or organisational knowledge, which, in particular, reduces the impact on the environment, fosters a sustainable use of resources, facilitates co-location and/or co-existence with other marine activities, improves animal welfare or facilitates new sustainable production methods.Operations under this sub-category should be carried out by, or in collaboration with, recognised public or private scientific or technical bodies, which will validate the results of such operations.No. of studies/papers published.Revenue only
1.2 Conserving marine biological resources.Operations under this sub-category should be carried out by, or in collaboration with, recognised public or private scientific or technical bodies, which will validate the results of such operations.

No. of studies/papers published.

No. of new products developed.

Can be capital and/or revenue
1.3 Developing or introducing on the market new products with good market potential, new or substantially improved products, new or improved processes.Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants. 

No. of new products developed.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue
2.        Advisory services 
In order to improve the overall performance and competitiveness of operators, to promote sustainable practices, and to reduce the negative environmental impact of their operations the WMFS may support: 
2.1 Access to professional advice on either:
marine environmental sustainability 
business and marketing strategies
professional technical advice on products and processes.

Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are not Public Sector Bodies or a Third Sector Body-non-charity.


All advice provided must be supplied by a relevant qualified person or business.


No. of professional reports produced (environmental, business/marketing etc).Revenue only
3.        Promotion of human capital and networking
In order to promote human capital, networking and social dialogue and foster the transfer of knowledge between scientists, marine users, fishers and aquaculture businesses and local communities, the WMFS may support: 

(The activities referred to may cover non-mandatory data collection and management activities, studies, pilot projects, dissemination of knowledge and research results, seminars and best practices).
3.1 Participation of non-mandatory professional training, lifelong learning, and the acquisition of new professional skills, in particular linked to the sustainable management of marine ecosystems, courses on sustainable fishing practices and the conservation of marine biological resources co-existence and/or co-location with other marine activities and activities in the maritime sector including health, safety, hygiene and wellbeing.Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants, however, any training provided must be carried out by a qualified body.No. of courses/training completed.Revenue only
3.2 The creation or development of networks. Independent scientific/technical bodies may also participate. The purpose being the dissemination of knowledge, networking, exchange of experiences including best practices and social dialogue at UK, Wales, regional or local level involving marine users, fishers and aquaculture businesses, social partners, coastal community development and other relevant stakeholders including promotion of equal opportunities between genders and the role of women in the sector and its communities and the promotion of opportunities for other under-represented groups.   Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants, however, any training provided must be carried out by a qualified body.

No. of networks created or developed to share knowledge.


No. of partnership agreements, associations or joint projects created to share knowledge.

Revenue only
3.3 The promotion of occupational safety and improved working conditions, over and above the basic statutory requirements.     Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants, however, any training provided must be carried out by a qualified body.Reduction in the number of work-related injuries and accidents (baseline evidence required).
Revenue only
3.4 The provision, creation and development of non-mandatory professional training in particular linked to any of the following:
 the sustainable management of marine ecosystems, co-existence and/or co-location with other marine activities, health safety and wellbeing, and activities in the maritime sector innovation and entrepreneurship. 
Applications under this sub-category are limited to businesses that are qualified to provide training.

No. of attendees at courses/awareness events.

No. of course/awareness events held.

Revenue only
4.        Health, safety and wellbeing  

In order to improve health, safety and wellbeing amongst the sector, support can include:
4.1 Research to increase understanding of health, safety and wellbeing needs amongst the marine, fishers and aquaculture sector and their communities.Applications under this sub-category are limited to recognised public or private bodies which have scientific or technical expertise in this area or business/organisations working in collaboration with one.No. of studies/reports published.Can be capital and/or revenue
4.2 Promotion of mental health awareness including tackling isolation and direct support amongst the marine, fishers and aquaculture sector including organisations working with these and their families. Applications under this sub-category are limited to recognised public or private bodies which have scientific or technical expertise in this area or business/organisations working in collaboration with one.

No. of events provided.

No. of seminars held.

No of individuals engaged in Mental Health awareness.

Can be capital and/or revenue
 4.3 Purchase of non-mandatory and non- statutory capital items which have the purpose to improve health, safety and wellbeing, on-board vessels and/or at a designated marine, fisheries, aquaculture work site. 

Applications under this sub- category are not limited to certain applicant types. 

Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are in control/own/responsible for the vessels or sites.

Reduction in the number of work-related injuries and accidents (baseline evidence required).


No. of improvements to safety, health and working conditions.

5.        Fishing ports, landing sites and shelters

The WMFS may support investments to establish new or improve existing infrastructure: including fishing ports, landing sites and shelters, facilities for waste and marine litter collection. 
5.1 Increasing energy efficiency. Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are in control/own/responsible for the sites.Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Change in fuel efficiency (baseline evidence required).
Can be capital and/or revenue
5.2 Contributing to environmental protection.Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are in control/own/responsible for the sites.

Reduction in unwanted catches (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in waste production (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in no. of environmental incidents (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue
5.3 Improving safety and working conditions. Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are in control/own/responsible for the sites.Reduction in the number of work-related injuries and accidents (baseline evidence required).
Can be capital and/or revenue
6.        Increasing the potential of aquaculture sites 

In order to contribute to the development of the aquaculture sites and infrastructures, and to reduce the negative environmental impact of the operations, the WMFS may support:
6.1 The improvement and development of support facilities and infrastructures required to increase the potential of aquaculture sites and to reduce the negative environmental impact of aquaculture, including investments in land consolidation, energy supply or water management. Applications under this sub-category are limited to aquaculture enterprises only.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in waste production (baseline evidence required).

Change in fuel efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

Increase in value of sales (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in operational costs (baseline evidence required).

Increase in the volume of production (baseline evidence required).

Increase in the value of production (baseline evidence required).

6.2 The purchase of equipment aimed at protecting the farms from wild predators.Applications under this sub-category are limited to aquaculture businesses or in conjunction with an aquaculture business.

Reduction in livestock mortality due to wild predators (baseline evidence required).

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

Increase in the volume of production (baseline evidence required).


6.3 Investments resulting in a substantial reduction in the impact of aquaculture enterprises on water usage and quality, in particular through reducing the amount of water or chemicals or through improving the output water quality, including through the deployment of multi–trophic aquaculture systems.Applications under this sub-category are limited to aquaculture businesses or in conjunction with an aquaculture business.

Reduction in water usage (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in waste production (baseline evidence required).

The reduction in the quantity of chemicals used (baseline evidence required).

6.4 Investments or energy audits aimed at increasing energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy. Applications under this sub-category are limited to aquaculture businesses or in conjunction with an aquaculture business.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in operational costs (baseline evidence required).

No. of renewable energy sources used (baseline evidence required).


No of audits carried out.


Can be capital and/or revenue

7.        Marketing measures 

The WMFS may support marketing measures for non-commercial brands of fishery and aquaculture products which may include the production, processing and marketing activities along the supply chain which are aimed at: 

7.1 Finding new markets, conducting market research, surveys and studies and improving the conditions for the placing on the market of fishery and aquaculture products.Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are not Public Sector Bodies or a Third Sector Body-non-charity.

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

Increase in value of sales (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in operational costs (baseline evidence required).

Increase in the value of production (baseline evidence required).

No. of market research, surveys or studies carried out.

No. of new markets for Welsh fishery and aquaculture products.

7.2 Promoting the quality and the value added by facilitating: 
the certification, registration and the promotion of sustainable fishery and aquaculture products, including products from small scale coastal fishing, and of environmentally friendly processing methods. 
Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants.

No. of new products certified.

No. of new products promoted.

7.3 The direct marketing of fishery and aquaculture products to include:
Brand development; marketing collateral; web and social media marketing, ecommerce platforms
the presentation and packaging of products; market testing; focus groups.
Applications under this sub-category are limited to applicants who are not Public Sector Bodies or a Third Sector Body-non-charity.

Increase in value of sales (baseline evidence required).

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

No. of focus groups established.

No. of market research, surveys or studies carried out.

7.4 Conducting regional, national or international communication and promotional campaigns to promote Welsh Seafood.
• Raising public awareness of sustainable fishery and aquaculture products, including, but not exclusively, in meet the buyer events.
•attendance at trade events or similar.
Applications under this sub-category are not restricted to certain applicants.

No. of promotional campaigns completed.

No. of trade events attended.

No. of meet the buyer events.

08.      Processing of fishery and aquaculture produce to add value and improve product quality

The WMFS may support investments in the processing of fishery and aquaculture products that: 
8.1 Contribute to energy saving or reducing the impact on the environment, including waste treatment.

Applications under this sub-category are limited to Fisheries and Aquaculture processors.


Operations under this sub-category are limited to activities up to, but not including, point of retail which is defined as ‘the purchase of goods for re-sale or the delivery of an added-value service at the point of delivery such as restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, including mobile outlets’.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in waste production (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in no. of environmental incidents (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue
8.2 Improve safety, health and working conditions.

Applications under this sub-category are limited to Fisheries and Aquaculture processors.


Operations under this sub-category are limited to activities up to, but not including, point of retail which is defined as ‘the purchase of goods for re-sale or the delivery of an added-value service at the point of delivery such as restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, including mobile outlets’.

Reduction in the number of work-related injuries and accidents (baseline evidence required).


No. of improvements to safety, health and working conditions.

Can be capital and/or revenue
8.3 Support the processing of catches of commercial fish that cannot be destined for human consumption including by-products resulting from main processing activities.

Applications under this sub-category are limited to Fisheries and Aquaculture processors.


Operations under this sub-category are limited to activities up to, but not including, point of retail which is defined as ‘the purchase of goods for re-sale or the delivery of an added-value service at the point of delivery such as restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, including mobile outlets’.

Reduction in unwanted catches (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in waste production (baseline evidence required).

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

Increase in value of sales (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in operational costs (baseline evidence required).

Increase in the value of production (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue
8.4 Investments that add value to fishery products, in particular by allowing fishers to carry out the processing, marketing and direct sale of their own catches.

Applications under this sub-category are limited to commercial fishers and support shall only be granted where the gear or other equipment referred to has a demonstrably better size-selection or a demonstrably lower impact on the ecosystem and on non-target species than the standard gear or other equipment permitted.

Operations under this sub-category are limited to activities up to, but not including, point of retail which is defined as ‘the purchase of goods for re-sale or the delivery of an added-value service at the point of delivery such as restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, including mobile outlets’.

Increase in value of sales (baseline evidence required).

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).


Increase in the value of production (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue
8.5 Innovative investments on board that improve the quality of the fishery products. 

Applications under this sub-category are limited to commercial fishers. 


Operations under this sub-category are limited to activities up to, but not including, point of retail which is defined as ‘the purchase of goods for re-sale or the delivery of an added-value service at the point of delivery such as restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets, including mobile outlets’.

Increase in net profits (baseline evidence required).

Increase in value of sales (baseline evidence required).

Increase in the value of production (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue
09.      Limitation of the impact of seafood production on the marine environment and adaptation of fishing to the protection of species 

In order to reduce the impact of fishing on the marine environment, to foster the elimination of unwanted catch and to facilitate sustainable exploitation of living marine biological resources, the WMFS may support investments:
9.1 In equipment improving size selectivity or species selectivity of fishing gear.Applications under this sub-category are limited to vessel owners who are commercial fishers or commercial aquaculture. Support shall only be granted where there is no increase in fishing effort and the gear or other equipment referred to has a demonstrably better size-selection or a demonstrably lower impact on the ecosystem and on non-target species than the standard gear or other equipment permitted.

Change in fuel efficiency of fish capture (baseline evidence required).

Reduction in unwanted catches (baseline evidence required).

9.2 On board that eliminates discards by avoiding and reducing unwanted catches of commercial stocks, or that deals with unwanted catches to be landed. Applications under this sub-category are limited to vessel owners who are commercial fishers or commercial aquaculture. Support shall only be granted where there is no increase in fishing effort and the gear or other equipment referred to has a demonstrably better size-selection or a demonstrably lower impact on the ecosystem and on non-target species than the standard gear or other equipment permitted.Reduction in unwanted catches (baseline evidence required).Capital
9.3 In equipment that limits and, where possible, eliminates the physical and biological impacts of fishing on the ecosystem or the sea bed.Applications under this sub-category are limited to vessel owners who are commercial fishers or commercial aquaculture. Support shall only be granted where there is no increase in fishing effort and the gear or other equipment referred to has a demonstrably better size-selection or a demonstrably lower impact on the ecosystem and on non-target species than the standard gear or other equipment permitted.Reduction in unwanted catches (baseline evidence required).Capital
10.      Protection, restoration and enhancement of marine biodiversity and ecosystems 

The WMFS may support the following operations: 
10.1 Increasing environmental awareness, involving fishers and other marine users, with regard to the protection and restoration of marine biodiversity.Applications under this sub-category are limited to recognised scientific or technical bodies or in conjunction with one.

No. of attendees at courses/awareness events.

No. of course/awareness events held.

Can be capital and/or revenue
10.2 Actions aimed at maintaining and enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services, such as the restoration of specific marine and coastal habitats including their scientific preparation and evaluation. Applications under this sub-category are limited to recognised scientific or technical bodies or in conjunction with one.

No. of marine and coastal habitats restored.

No of studies/reports published.

Can be capital and/or revenue
10.3 Research of species which are deemed data limited and non-quota stock. Including evidence gathering for exploitation of sustainable fisheries.Applications under this sub-category are limited to public or private bodies with scientific or technical expertise or in conjunction with one.No. of studies/reports published.

Can be capital and/or revenue







11     Energy efficiency 

In order to improve the energy efficiency of fishing vessels and other marine vessels, the WMFS may support: 
11.1 Investments in equipment on board aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants or greenhouse gases and increasing the energy efficiency of fishing vessels and other marine vessels. Applications under this sub-category are limited to vessel owners who are commercial fishers or commercial aquaculture.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Change in emissions produced (baseline evidence required).


Change in fuel efficiency (baseline evidence required).

11.2 Energy efficiency audits. Applications under this sub-category are limited to vessel owners who are commercial fishers or commercial aquaculture.

No of audits carried out.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Change in emissions produced (baseline evidence required).

11.3 Studies to assess the contribution of alternative propulsion systems and hull designs to the energy efficiency of fishing vessels. Applications under this sub-category are limited to Commercial fishing/aquaculture vessel owners in conjunction with or by a scientific/technical body (private or public).

No of studies published.

Change in energy efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Change in emissions produced (baseline evidence required).


Change in fuel efficiency (baseline evidence required).

Can be capital and/or revenue