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Information to help and support young people

Sometimes when your family cannot agree on what is best for you, the family court may ask someone from Cafcass Cymru to meet with you. They will talk with you about your feelings and make sure the family court hears what you have to say.

Children’s Rights (UNCRC) and the law about children

All children, no matter who they are or where they are from, have rights. Rights are things you should have as a person, like the right to an education or the right to life.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is an agreement between countries which sets out the rights that all children should have.

If you want to know more, you can watch this short video or visit the Children’s Commissioner for Wales website.

Help and support

We work with a lot of different people to get the best for children and young people in Wales. If you would like more help please look at our list below, review our information booklet or speak with us and we will be happy to help.

Give us your feedback

We always want to improve. So we always want to hear what you thought about the work we did with you. You can fill in a feedback form and we will see if we can improve.