Leighton Andrews, Minister for Education and Skills
During my Oral Statement in Plenary on 26 June 2012, the Minister for Health and Health and Social Services and I launched a consultation on “Forward in Partnership for Children and Young People with Additional Needs: Proposals for Reform of the Legislative Framework for Special Educational Needs”
The consultation period was set from 26 June to 19 October 2012. However, feedback from stake holders suggests that it would be beneficial to delay the legislative reform. This will enable us to work through the implications of the proposals in more detail with our key partners. We are proposing a complex and significant change in the way we support young people with additional needs and we need to make sure we get it right - additional time now will ensure we can better respond to feedback from our stakeholders in relation to additional needs. We will still be legislating during this Assembly.
The formal consultation exercise will close on 19 October 2012 and a report summarising the responses will be published in due course. In addition I have instructed my officials to continue to work closely with key partners over the coming months to help refine the operational details of the proposals before legislative proposals are brought forward in this Assembly term.