Jane Hutt, Minister for Finance
This week marks the third Welsh National Procurement Week culminating in the 2014 Welsh National Procurement Awards. Wales will be the focal point for this international event that explores the many facets of public procurement, public tendering, business development, advances in procurement training and procurement Law.
Leading procurement practitioners from the public sector, industry, legal and academic communities around the world are participating in a week-long programme of presentations, workshops, seminars and discussions. I am giving the opening address on Procurement Law Day on 20th March and Value Wales officials will also be giving presentations on key procurement policy areas.
There is an intrinsic link between procurement capability and intelligent application of procurement policy and regulation. Growing the procurement profession in Wales is therefore a priority. I have seen at first hand some excellent examples of where public bodies across Wales have embraced my policy expectations with a collective commitment to improve procurement outcomes.
The week concludes on Friday 21st March with the Welsh National Procurement Awards ceremony when progress being delivered through public procurement in Wales will be celebrated. I congratulate all those who have been shortlisted across eight categories and look forward to presenting well deserved awards to the winning nominees.