Kirsty Williams MS, Minister for Education
On 29 October, I made an Order to commence various powers in the Additional Learning Needs Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018, including the provision for establishing a list of Independent Special Post-16 Institutions (ISPIs) as outlined in Section 56 of the ALNET Act. The ISPI list will commence on 4 January 2021 and signals the intention, as set out in the Act for the duties to transfer to local authorities in the future.
I have today laid before the Senedd the ‘The Additional Learning Needs (List of Independent Special Post 16 Institutions) Wales) Regulations 2020’ (“the ISPI regulations”). Welsh Ministers must establish and maintain a list of ISPIs in Wales and England and these regulations among other things, set out the requirements that need to be met to be in the list. Local authorities will only be permitted to secure education or training provision for young people with ALN at an ISPI if it is included in the list.
The commencement of the ISPI list will provide stakeholders with time to consider their position and apply to be included in the list; also for local authorities and partners to begin to plan for receipt of these learners in the future. Those ISPIs who have been approved to be listed will be available to local authorities when they become responsible for securing post-16 specialist placements of young people at ISPIs in the future.