Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Health and Social Services
I am responding today to the 48th Report of the Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) which was laid before Parliament on 21 July 2020. I am grateful to the Chair and members of the DDRB for their report, and I welcome their robust independent recommendations and observations. I know too that their advice is greatly valued by NHS management, trade unions and staff representatives alike.
I am pleased to announce today that I have been able to accept the recommendations of the DDRB in full.
This includes a base increase of 2.8% to all groups of doctors and dentists; this includes consultants, doctors in training, specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors, salaried GPs and dentists.
The recommended 2.8% uplift in pay for contracted GPs and Dentists is part of overall contract changes and my officials will be engaging with the representative bodies.
This pay rise recognises the value and dedication of hardworking doctors and dentists and their key contribution to the NHS, taking into account affordability and the prioritising of patient care.
The UK Treasury has provided no additional funding to help cover the cost of any recommended uplift above 1% and so current budget levels will have to be prioritised to enable this deal to be implemented.
The delivery of excellent care is our top priority which is why we are keen to maintain positive progress supporting the NHS workforce to boost their health, wellbeing and engagement.
This statement is being issued during recess in order to keep members informed. Should members wish me to make a further statement or to answer questions on this when the Senedd returns I would be happy to do so.