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Jayne Bryant MS, Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government

First published:
24 September 2024
Last updated:

In response to recommendations made by the Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee following an inquiry about community assets, the Welsh Government, in partnership with Ystadau Cymru, set up the Community Asset Commission.

The commission started work in March 2024 in the form of a task and finish group. It has 18 members, representing key stakeholder groups, including the Plunkett Foundation, One Voice Wales, the Wales Council for Voluntary Action, the Development Trusts Association Wales and Barcud Housing Association. A full membership list is set out in the annex.

Its work will focus on land, building and natural assets – local facilities which bring people together, including art centres, libraries, museums, green spaces and leisure centres. Assets in the public, private or voluntary sector and those under community ownership are all within scope.

Independent academic research and thematic stakeholder workshops will be conducted by Cardiff University from 24 September to understand the challenges faced by community assets; options for ownership and management, and to scope proposals to take the community asset agenda further forward.

The commission’s terms of reference are published on the Ystadau Cymru website at

Annex: Community Asset Commission membership

Chair: Gwyn Roberts, Galeri Caernarfon

Sara Nason, Bangor University

Richard Baker, Welsh Government          

Andrew Charles, Welsh Government

Chris Buchan, Welsh Government

Neil Frow, NHS Shared Services Partnership 

Dominic Driver, Natural Resources Wales

Lorna Cross, Local authority representative

Lyn Cadwallader, One Voice Wales 

John Rose, National Lottery Community Fund Wales

Alun Jones, WCVA

Casey Edwards, CWMPAS

Chris Blake, Sustainable Wales

Meleri Davies, Partneriaeth Ogwen

Chris Cowcher, Plunkett Foundation 

Adam Kennerley, The Development Trusts Association Wales

Joanna Rees, Barcud        

Jonathan Fearn, Carmarthenshire Council