The Well-being of Future Generations
In Wales we are doing things differently.
We have a law in Wales that helps us all work together to improve our environment, our economy, our society and our culture.
For people, for our planet. For now, and for our future.
This is called the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act
There are 7 connected well-being goals for Wales. They are:
- A prosperous Wales
- A resilient Wales
- A healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A Wales of more cohesive communities
- A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
- A globally responsible Wales

This is about ensuring that future generations have at least the same quality of life as we do now. The act provides for better decision-making by ensuring that public bodies:
- take account of the long term
- help to prevent problems occurring or getting worse
- take an integrated approach
- take a collaborative approach, and
- consider and involve people of all ages and diversity.

What it is for and how it works.

List of the public bodies and public services boards who are subject to the Act.

The commissioner is supporting the change.
Further information
- Well-being of Future Generations culture change manual
- Well-being of Future Generations National Stakeholder Forum
- Shaping Wales' Future blog
- Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
- Auditor General for Wales
- UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Wales and the Sustainable Development Goals
- UK and the Sustainable Development Goals
The Well-being of Future Generations Act
Read more about the Well-being of Future Generations Act on GOV.WALES