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A summary of the Tech Valleys Strategic Advisory Group's purpose.


The group provides strategic advice to the Tech Valleys Sponsor Group (Welsh Government senior officials) on strategic objectives, priorities and delivery related to Tech Valleys.

Vision for Tech Valleys:

In 2027 the south Wales valleys, and Blaenau Gwent in particular, will be a globally recognised centre for the development of new technologies, to support cutting edge industry.

The vision reflects Welsh Government ambitions for economic growth, as outlined in the economic strategy Prosperity for All and supporting the Economic Action Plan.

Roles and responsibilities

The advisory group will:

  • Provide coordinated advice and act as a critical friend to the Tech Valleys Sponsor Group (Welsh Government senior officials) on:
    • strategic objectives, priorities and delivery related to Tech Valleys
    • best practice and learning in other regions of the UK and internationally
    • forming advice on the development of pipeline projects
    • deployment and roll out of the investment in Tech Valleys to encourage maximum positive impact across Blaenau Gwent in particular, and the wider economy of Wales.
  • Champion / advocate the vision, strategic objectives, and opportunities of Tech Valleys across their working networks
  • Actively review progress of the Tech Valleys programme of projects, providing positive challenge and advice


The group does not hold any budget.

Members of the group are not remunerated. Travel and subsistence expenses incurred in attending group meetings or on visits on behalf of the group will be reimbursed by the Welsh Government at the rate currently applying to members of Government Committees.


Membership of the group is open to highly experienced technology-based professionals from business and academia. It will reflect and represent industry, SMEs, entrepreneurs, local government, specialist project expertise, finance, Further and Higher Education institutions. One seat will be taken by an official from Blaenau Gwent county borough council, and at least one from a business representative.

The membership is not anticipated to exceed 13 including the chair. A single term of appointment is three years but a former member may apply to sit for up to three terms and will be considered alongside all other applications at that time. There is no exclusion on members sitting on other advisory groups at the same time.

The group will exist for the life of the Tech Valleys programme (anticipated to August 2028).

From time to time officials from Welsh Government, seconded and additional specialist expertise may attend the group to provide advice or comment on progress with other projects. They will not become members of the group.

Appointment to the group does not come within the remit of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Appointments are made using a light touch process which takes into account the Nolan Principles with the appointment being made on merit.

Appointments will be made on the basis of a statement of interest, CV and interview.



A chair will be appointed. Should the chair be unavailable, group members will agree a temporary alternative for that meeting.

Frequency of meetings

The group will meet on a monthly basis, with the option to meet additionally as required. The anticipated time commitment should not exceed 18 days per year.

Attendance at meetings

Members are expected to attend meetings regularly. Appointments may be terminated, without notice, if attendance is not possible for three consecutive meetings without prior agreement with the chair.  

In addition to members of the group, meetings will routinely be attended by Welsh Government officials: the chief regional officer: south, the head of strategy, operations and engagements, the programme manager and secretariat.

Substitutes will not be accepted at the meeting.

Meetings will normally be closed to the public. Observers may be invited after consideration by the Chair.


The meeting must reach a quorum to proceed. A quorum shall be reached when more than 50% of members are in attendance.

Ways of working/secretariat

Meetings will normally be held virtually. Should face to face meetings be required, a room can be used in the general office, Ebbw Vale. The group will be guided by a work programme determined by the Tech Valleys Sponsor Group and reflect input from members of the advisory group.  

To facilitate openness, the contents of documents and discussions during group meetings must be treated in confidence. Documentation and other information provided to the group should remain confidential, and should not be disclosed unless Welsh Government has given prior written consent to the release of information.  

Documentation, including meeting notes, may be subject to access to information requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Where such requests are received, Welsh Government's standard Freedom of Information procedures will be followed. 


The group will exist between April 2020 and August 2028. Membership will be reviewed and refreshed every three years. One month’s notice of dissolution of the group may be given by Welsh Government at any time.

Appointments to the group can be terminated by either party by giving one month’s notice in writing to the chair and copied to the senior responsible officer of Tech Valleys Sponsor Group. The chair would, in addition, give one month’s notice in writing to the chief regional officer: south.


Members of the group have one vote and must exercise their best endeavours to reach a consensus on decisions. If no consensus can be reached, the chair will have the casting vote.


Welsh Government reserves the right not to act on any recommendation made by the group if doing so is considered to be inappropriate.