Practitioners can share this editable poster and booklet with the families they support.

Top 10 tips poster (editable version) , file type: PDF, file size: 1011 KB

10 tips to help me learn to talk (editable version) , file type: PDF, file size: 4 MB
Editable versions of the 'Talk with Me' 10 key messages poster and parent booklet have been made available for translation purposes only. Please note that official translations of the booklet are already available in Nepali, Dari, Gujarati, Arabic, Polish, Punjabi, Urdu, Portuguese, Russian, Romanian, French, Ukrainian, Chinese and Bengali.
If you require a version in a language that is not currently available, you may use these editable versions to enable a professional translator to create this. Please note, you will be responsible for the quality of the translation, and Welsh Government takes no responsibility for the content of the translated product. If you are happy to share professionally translated versions with colleagues in other areas please send these to