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Role and purpose

Preventing and tackling perpetration and working with those who commit violence and abuse is fundamental to our public health approach to Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. To achieve this, we will build on existing work in this area by developing an evidence-based approach which tackles the root causes of perpetration. This will require us to tackle perpetration at the whole society level as well as increase our collective focus on those who perpetrate Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.

We will adopt an approach that will both challenge and support those who carry out abuse to deter and disrupt perpetration, manage risk and facilitate changes in behaviour. We will work to embed this approach within the criminal and civil justice systems through collaboration with public services and within non-statutory services aimed at those who carry out Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence.

We will seek co-ordination between perpetrator services and specialist survivor support for the whole system to address abuse alongside supporting victims. Crucially, we will work with commissioners to ensure perpetrator interventions are safe, well-resourced and do not compromise the level of provision for victims and survivors.

Equality statement

The impact of VAWDASV is not uniform, affecting different people in different ways. Most obviously, women are disproportionally affected by VAWDASV and the strategy recognises this gender imbalance. This is both a cause and consequence of gender inequality. Gender inequality provides the underlying conditions for violence against women. It exists at many levels in our society; from the disproportionate levels of men in leadership and decision-making roles, economic factors like the gender pay gap, and family and relationship roles and expectations. There is a strong and consistent association between gender inequality and violence against women.

Beyond this, however, the lived experience of VAWDASV is intrinsically linked to factors that relate to a wider range of equality characteristics. As a result of intersecting forms of discrimination and oppression, some groups of people experience different, more frequent, or more severe violence, or face additional barriers to help-seeking. Crucially, the impact can be cumulative for people with more than one such characteristic (e.g. black women or LGBTQ+ children). An intersectional approach is therefore vital, to help us develop our understanding of VAWDASV and address the diverse needs of all those affected, including children, older people, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, disabled people and LGBTQ+ communities. Each workstream will need to take these issues into consideration throughout their work, to ensure our outcomes promote equality consistently and comprehensively.

Roles and responsibilities

Workstream co-chairs

The key role of the Workstream Co-chair is to:

  • take forward the vision of the VAWDASV Blueprint, in respect of Tackling Perpetration
  • make decisions and be proactive in providing workstream leadership and direction for the duration of the project
  • lead the delivery of the workstream, including ensuring activities are within scope and on track
  • make significant decisions within delegated authority and identify where decisions are beyond scope and need to be escalated through the relevant governance structures
  • ensure there is support and commitment from own organisation, recognising that changes and demands to core role may impact on ability to lead the work
  • hold members of the workstream group to account for delegated actions and activities
  • provide progress updates to the VAWDASV Blueprint Programme Boards, with support from the core delivery team
  • support the Blueprint SRO’s through workstream development, monitoring progress via the delivery plan, resolving issues and initiating appropriate corrective action to support programme assurance
  • ensure the correct level of skill and team resources are identified to enable successful delivery of the workstream
  • ensure engagement and agreement amongst stakeholders as to what the objectives and benefits are
  • ensure strategic fit of workstream giving consideration to theories of change, and benefit realisation
  • ensure lessons learned are captured

VAWDASV blueprint programme delivery team

  • Support Workstream Co-chairs in delivery of workstream priorities.
  • Oversee and monitor delivery of objectives, risks and issues through maintaining overarching programme plan and risk register.
  • Highlight to the Workstream Co-chairs where key decisions, or corrective action is required to support programme delivery.
  • Support Workstream Co-chairs in ensuring that workstream activity is integrated with and/or takes account of other workstreams/projects as appropriate and aligns with wider strategic activity/priorities.
  • Support Workstream Co-chairs in providing updates to Blueprint Programme Boards, as required.

Workstream members

Workstream members are requested to support Workstream Co-chairs in delivering the vision of the Workstream by:

  • contributing to the delivery of the workstream project plan and lead on individual action points, where appropriate
  • contributing advice, expertise, time, and resource to support workstream product development
  • supporting Workstream Co-chairs in identifying workstream opportunities, monitoring risks, issues and identifying resolutions
  • supporting Workstream Co-chairs to develop strategic policy, feeding up to the National Partnership Board
  • seeking support and commitment from own organisation to you being involved in this work
  • support the delivery of the stakeholder engagement and communications plan in promoting this work at relevant forums and partnerships
  • taking responsibility for identifying where there may be conflict of interest in relation to your own role (e.g., in respect of workstream discussions around potential bid opportunities) and taking appropriate action to remove the risk
  • where core members are unable to attend a meeting and are unable to send a deputy, a written update must be provided prior to the meeting to ensure momentum of the workstream

Support for members

The success of the workstream is very much dependent on successful partnership working and collaboration.  Free-flowing communication is very much encouraged and to support this the Project Delivery Manager will be accessible to all members outside of workstream meetings. Please know that all members are able to contact the Project Delivery Manager in relation to any queries them may have or activities concerning the workstream and VAWDASV Strategy.

It is very much acknowledged that participation in the VAWDASV workstream is an extra work commitment for members of the working group. If members have any concerns about their capacity to contribute to the workstream, they can contact the Project Delivery Manager who would be happy to discuss this with them, and where possible, work with them to find a practical solution.

Discussing and working on VAWDASV topics can be distressing, trigger past trauma and/or cause vicarious trauma. It is vital for the workstream to remain trauma informed in its approach, and this includes being sensitive the needs of all members of the working group.

Members can reach out to the Project Delivery Manager if they have any concerns about how participation in the group maybe affecting them, or if they have any other concerns linked to VAWDASV or for their mental wellbeing. The Project Delivery Manager cannot provide therapeutic support but would be available to listen in confidence and sign-post members to the most appropriate support. Members may also want to speak to their line-manager, and/or contact and access resources from:

  • Live Fear Free - Providing help and advice about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence: 0808 8010 800
  • C.A.L.L. – Mental Health Helpline for Wales: 0800 132 737, or text ‘help’ to 81066


Attendance is by invitation. 

This list is not exhaustive, and partners may be invited to attend on a case basis, as required.


  • Welsh Women’s Aid
  • His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service

Blueprint delivery and Welsh Government policy

  • South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Welsh Government VAWDASV Policy


  • National Advisor
  • Gwent Police
  • South Wales Police
  • South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner
  • His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service
  • His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Services
  • Regional Advisors
  • Violence Prevention Unit
  • Public Health Wales
  • New Pathways
  • Calan DVS
  • Plan UK
  • Threshold
  • Cardiff University
  • Relate

Frequency of meetings and timing

Meetings will take place on a quarterly basis and will work to a consistent and structured agenda that achieves the business purpose of the meeting. Task and Finish groups will meet as required and provide progress updates to the quarterly workstream meetings.

Administration support for meetings will be provided by the Blueprint Programme Delivery team.

Meetings will take place remotely, via Microsoft Teams, or face to face if members agree.


A minimum strategic representation from at least 1 workstream Co-Chair (or their identified Deputy and/or support from the core Blueprint Team) will be required for the Workstream to proceed, in addition to core members.

Survivor Voice Scrutiny and Involvement Panel

The Survivor Voice Scrutiny and Involvement Panel (henceforth ‘the Panel’) has been established through the Blueprint to gain valuable insight and involvement from survivors of VAWDASV. The Panel will scrutinise and offer suggestions on the work developed by each Blueprint workstream. To facilitate scrutiny, the Panel will be provided with the minutes of each workstream meeting, and any other relevant documentation produced for the Blueprint when requested.