How to create and submit documents to PEDW in the correct format to reduce delays.
How to send documents
You can submit files up to 30 MB by email:
To submit larger files (up to 50 MB) you must use our file sharing platform (Objective Connect). You will need to provide the email address for the person who will upload the files. We will send them an invitation to share files.
We cannot accept submissions:
- by any other file sharing platform such as Dropbox or WeTransfer
- on disc or USB stick
- larger than 50MB
Typed documents should use a sans serif font such as Arial or Verdana in font size 11 or larger.
Handwritten documents should use capital letters and black ink. All documents, including images, must be clear and legible.
Use A4 or A3 paper size wherever possible.
Submissions should include:
- a document list to explain where we can find information in the submission
- a contents list for lengthy documents such as an Environmental Statement
- all essential supporting documents for the relevant appeal or application form
Documents must:
- not be password protected or read only
- have printing and redacting enabled
We accept the following file formats:
- PDF .pdf
- Microsoft Word .doc or .docx
- TIF .tif or .tiff
- JPEG .jpg or .jpeg
- ZIP .zip
You must have the owner’s permission and pay any copyright licence fee before submitting documents.
We promote and encourage the use of Welsh. We welcome communication in a Welsh, bi-lingual or English format. We will correspond with you in your stated language preference.
Video evidence
PEDW will only accept video or audio evidence that is:
- hosted on a publicly accessible website
- included in the Video or audio evidence submission sheet (this can be on its own or as an appendix to other evidence documents)
It is the responsibility of the person submitting video or audio evidence to ensure that the:
- links provided are correct
- information to be considered by the Inspector is clearly referenced
Footage will not be seen by an Inspector if it:
- contains a living individual’s personal sensitive data
- is abusive, racist or graphic
- is potentially libellous or pertaining to criminal activity
By submitting the Video or audio evidence submission sheet you confirm that:
- your video evidence does not contain any of the unacceptable content described
- any person identifiable from your video evidence has given their consent to appear
- you have obtained the owner’s permission and paid any relevant license fee for all copyrighted content
Maps and plans
Maps and plans must:
- show scale, orientation and paper size
- be printed to scale
Document naming requirements
Keep names simple and do not use unnecessary jargon, reference numbers or commas.
We recommend you use the following format: [Date of submission YYYY-MM-DD – Document Title – Other information]
For example: 2024-02-13 – Figure 1 – Site Location Plan
Please number and name appendices and submit them as separate documents. Make sure the first page includes the appendix number. Filenames should show what appeal they are for and their sequence.
For example: 2024-01-01 – Appeal statement Appendix 2 - Traffic census
Use ‘Part 1 of 3’ etc in the file name if you have split up a large document.
Hard copies
You must submit hard copies for some case types (for example Developments of National Significance applications).
These should be:
- appropriately bound
- sent to our offices by courier or delivered by appointment