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Terms of reference of the Streamlining Welsh Benefits Steering Group.


As part of the Programme for Government commitment, under the co-operation agreement, to explore the infrastructure required for further devolution of the administration of welfare benefits Ministers have agreed to progress the following actions:

  1. Welsh Benefits Charter: Progress Charter from draft into final published version, securing collective sign up from public sector partners. Implementation and evaluation framework to be developed. 
  2. Streamlining delivery: [co-]develop an implementation plan for a common approach to the administration of grants/payments, informed by the recommendations in the Policy in Practice report.
  3. Procure further research relating to the definition of “administration” of welfare benefits: this will provide the basis to come to a shared agreement on what constitutes the administration of welfare and inform decisions on devolution of functions. 

The above actions will not only prepare the infrastructure for any future devolution of welfare benefits so they can be delivered in a compassionate and fair manner but are also a key part of the Welsh Government’s response to the cost-of-living crisis and its longer-term response to tackling poverty.

There is a high level of interest and expectation in this area of work from the Senedd and key external stakeholders. This is a complex area of work with multiple strands which will require external expertise and development of bespoke solutions. 


To achieve the culture shift and practical changes required to ensure that the range of grants/payments and programmes governed by the Welsh Government are not only having the maximum impact on people in Wales but are being delivered in an inclusive, compassionate and joined up way. This programme of work will involve a number of key objectives.


These are not in any order of priority:

  • To oversee and drive forward the above 3 strands of work reporting to the Partnership Council for Wales on progress. 
  • Support the implementation of the Charter for the delivery of Welsh Benefits.
  • Examine evidence provided by the Welsh Government and other stakeholders such as Policy in Practice to develop an implementation plan with practical solutions which will help to create a more coherent Welsh Benefits system. 
  • Actions within the implementation plan to be prioritised to those that can be achieved in the short term and those that will take longer to be realised and interim solutions will be expected to be developed. 
  • Solutions must be both inclusive and future proof and ensure that the views of the end user and delivery partners are considered. 


Independent chair

  • Fran Targett, Independent.


  • Amanda Main, Caerphilly County Borough Council.
  • Anna Friend, Flintshire County Council.
  • Claire Germain, Welsh Government.
  • Helal Uddin, Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team.
  • Joanna Goodwin, Centre for Digital Public Services.
  • Katie Till, The Trussell Trust.
  • Lindsey Phillips, Chief Digital Officer for Local Government, Welsh Local Government Association.
  • Lisa Hayward, Welsh Local Government Association. 
  • Matthew Evans, Welsh Revenue and Benefit Managers Group on behalf of Society of Welsh Treasurers. 
  • Miranda Evans, Disability Wales. 
  • Nigel Griffiths, Bridgend County Borough Council.
  • Sean O Neill, Children in Wales.
  • Simon Hatch, Citizen’s Advice Cymru.
  • Steffan Evans, The Bevan Foundation. 
  • Victoria Lloyd, Age Alliance Wales.

It is recognised that there might be a need to call upon additional people to attend meetings when a specific issue requires additional expertise.

Frequency of meetings

The group will aim to meet on a regular basis, at least quarterly although there is an expectation that they will be more regular initially. 

There will be a requirement for themed subgroups to be developed (e.g. to progress specific work on key issues such as design solutions, data sharing and eligibility criteria and so on). 

These meetings will take place outside of the steering group’s meetings but will report to the group on progress. Membership will be agreed once they are developed.