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Secretariat to review and recirculate the SPC procedures document for agreement having taken into account the points raised by (DW and GL in paragraphs 7, and 12 respectively) ahead of the next meeting of the Council.    

Lead: SPC Secretariat    

Update: Discussions on possible revisions to the SPC procedures will be held outside meetings with a view to presenting the final document to the July Council meeting    

Status: On-going


Welsh Government officials to discuss TU involvement in the SPC secretariat as raised by DW with worker representatives.

Lead: Welsh Government Officials    

Update: Welsh Government officials and the General Secretary Wales TUC have discussed and the secretariat will ensure the existing secondee is engaged in its work.     

Status: Completed


AC agreed to feed in discussions from the meeting on local authority level data gathering for the national indicators with the Welsh Government’s Chief Statistician as part of the Annual Well-being of Wales report.

Lead: Welsh Government Official    

Update: The Chief Statistician has been made aware of the Council’s discussions.

Status: Completed


DMSP agreed to share all 56 social partnership reports from public bodies (when available) with the summary report for 2024/25 should SPC members wish to see them.

Lead: SPC Secretariat    

Update: To be actioned when the reports have been published.

Status: On-going


SPC to consider the establishment of a subgroup to look specifically at the procurement of AI software and its impact on the workforce    

Lead: SPC Members    

Update: The WPC sub-group on AI is due to report in November and there is potential for the report to be tabled at the next SPC meeting after publication so the SPC can consider its next steps in order to avoid duplication.

Status: On-going


SH to consider how best to ensure that the SPC is kept up to date via technical briefings on procurement matters as well as the development of the Procurement Subgroup.    

Lead: Welsh Government Official    

Update: An update has been provided to the June meeting as a paper to note. Further updates will be provided as appropriate.

Status: On-going


To add ‘The potential for the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act 2023 to support equality and diversity in the workplace’ to the next SPC meeting agenda.    

Lead: SPC Secretariat    

Update: This paper has been postponed to the July meeting, to ensure there is time for a full discussion, the June agenda is focused on consulting the SPC on the Welsh Government’s legislative priorities and review of well-being objectives.

Status: On-going


DMSP noted that item 11 (Forward Work Programme) would be added to the next SPC agenda.

Lead: SPC Secretariat    

Update: Outline forward work programme has been tabled as a paper to note for the June meeting prior to a full discussion at the July meeting.

Status: Completed


Members to submit any proposals for the next SPC meeting agenda to the SPC secretariat. 

Lead: SPC Members

Update: Members were asked to submit agenda proposals when the draft minutes of first meeting were circulated, and reminded of the request when the date of the June meeting was confirmed.

Status: Completed 


SPC members to share their preferences for the date, location and format for the next meeting of the Council to the SPC Secretariat.

Lead: SPC Members

Update: Members were asked for their views when the draft minutes of the first meeting were circulated. 

Status: Completed 


The SPC Secretariat to coordinate arrangements for the next meeting of the Council.

Lead: SPC Secretariat

Update: Meeting invitation was sent to members on 17 May.

Status: Completed