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The Seren Academy is a fully funded programme to support the aspirations and ambitions of the most able learners, helping to widen their horizons, develop a passion for their chosen field of study, and reach their academic potential. The Seren Academy is available to years 8 to 13 learners from state schools and further education colleges across Wales who have been identified by their institution as meeting the eligibility criteria.

The vision is for Seren learners, regardless of socioeconomic background, to have the ambition, capability, and curiosity to fulfil their potential and excel in the future educational goals at the highest level.

To achieve this we support Seren learners in their pursuit of excellence via three strategic objectives:

  • Ignite learners' curiosity and motivation for their learning.
  • Empower learners to make ambitious, informed choices about their future educational pathway.
  • Advance learners' ability to reach their potential and succeed at leading universities.

Underpinning our objectives are 4 values promoted throughout The Seren Academy:

  1. Promote equity of opportunity, fair access, and provision in Seren with the needs of the learner at the core.
  2. Promote a global outlook, celebrating the ambition, achievement, and success of young people in Wales on the world stage. 
  3. Promote collaboration across the tiers of our education system, government departments and industry. 
  4. Promote continuous improvement of The Seren Academy through monitoring and evaluation, underpinned by evidence-informed practices implemented with rigour.

National programme

If you would like to get in contact with The Seren Academy team, please email