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This scoping research looks at the views of parents and professionals to inform the national rollout of baby bundles.

The research involved expectant and new parents; members of the workforce who have an interest in baby bundles, such as midwives and health visitors; and stakeholder organisations that work with or support parents.

The objectives of the research were to gather evidence to inform the delivery of the baby bundles scheme, identify the essential items that should be included in the bundle, and determine the subject area and format of any information provided to parents as part of the bundle. The research also explored views on registration and delivery of the bundle, as well as options for introducing information about the baby bundles to expectant parents.

Main findings

  • Parents, stakeholders, and professionals alike were supportive of the project’s aims and intentions and welcomed the initiative.
  • Most of the proposed items were considered appropriate and would be used, but a few items were identified as possibly being unsuitable or as potentially going to waste.
  • Parents were generally supportive of reusable items – over three quarters of those surveyed said they were likely to use reusable breast pads, and two thirds thought a reusable nappy starter pack would be useful.
  • Most parents wanted to receive information in the bundle as hardcopy, such as leaflets.
  • Almost all midwives and other professionals thought that parents should be informed of the baby bundles during a midwife appointment.
  • Most parents would like to register for the bundle using an online form in their own time, but some would prefer to do this with a midwife during an appointment. Most professionals thought it would be best to offer parents both options.
  • Most parents and professionals thought the best time for the delivery of a baby bundle would be between week 30 and week 36 of pregnancy.


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Abigail Ryan

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.


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