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A summary of the group's purpose and how it will work.


The Consenting Strategic Advisory Group (CSAG) will nominate members to sit on the Science and Evidence Sub Group (SEAGP).


The SEAGP is a sub-group to CSAG. It will initially review the science and evidence needs for Marine Renewable Energy (MRE – W&T) projects in Wales and it is proposed it will be chaired in the interim by the Chair of CSAG. It covers primarily but not exclusively science, evidence and data issues. It is set up on a time-limited basis to provide advice to CSAG related to MRE developments. Its membership consists of members of CSAG. The Chair will report to CSAG.

Terms of reference

1. To review current and emerging science, evidence and data from various sources and to consider if these are a) applicable, specific and transferable b) adequate in scope, scientifically rigorous and contain robust data and evidence, avoiding duplication and adding to lessons learnt c) consistent with relevant legislative processes and technical and quality requirements.

2. To advise CSAG[1], as necessary, on scientific principles and processes associated with the environmental assessments, evidence gathering and data platforms.

3. To review the findings from these sources to ensure that they meet agreed specifications and expectations and that outputs are/can be applicable to Wales for filling evidence/knowledge gaps.

4. To advise on potential data sharing options and storage platforms ensuring open access.

5. To consider any next steps arising from findings that require further investigation.

6. To provide advice and recommendations to CSAG.

[1] Individual developers should also seek advice, where required, from NRW on environment assessments. What is produced by SEAGP doesn’t take away the need to engage with NRW as the regulator for marine licensing or any other relevant decision-maker.


7. Membership of the SEAGP shall consist of individuals chosen by CSAG.

8. Other attendees (e.g. additional subject experts, industry/eNGO’s/government/academics with knowledge of specific issues, individuals with specific roles on projects, may be invited to SEAGP meetings at the discretion of SEAGP Chair.


9. The SEAGP will meet every 2 months for the initial duration of 1 year. A review of the group will take place at 6 months to evaluate the purpose and discuss its future.


10. The secretariat function for the SEAGP will be provided by Welsh Government.

11. The secretariat will make available the SEAGP terms of reference on request.

12. The secretariat will provide high-level notes of meetings and record any actions by the SEAGP.

13. If any SEAGP member has a conflict of interest relevant to the remit of the group, s/he must declare it to the secretariat.

14. Should an issue arise which requires urgent advice from the SEAGP, the Chair has discretion to convene a relevant subset of the SEAGP in order to provide it.