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The Cattle Health Certification Standards (CHeCS) provides the TB health status of herds.

The status is represented by a score. This score is based on biosecurity and the number of years since the last herd TB breakdown, it runs from 0 to 10:

  • 0 is where there has been a breakdown in the past year
  • 10 is where it is 10 or more years since the last breakdown

For Welsh cattle keepers, the benefits of joining CHeCS include:

  • knowledge of the risks involved in buying cattle
  • recognition of lower risk animals within herds across Wales which may not have recently had (or ever had) a TB breakdown
  • a chance to improve their risk score year-on-year and use this status when selling homebred cattle
  • a Post-Movement Test will  not be needed after  moving an animal from a level 10 herd in the Intermediate or High TB Areas into a herd in the Low TB Area

The accreditors of the CHeCS TB scheme are:

  • HiHealth Herdcare (Biobest)
  • Premium Cattle Health Scheme (SAC)

Go to the CHeCS website to participate and find out more about Bovine TB herd accreditation.