Animal health
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect infection
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect African swine fever
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect infection
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect Aujeszky’s disease
Guidance and services
Includes restrictions for keeping birds, symptoms, reporting a case
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect bat lyssavirus
Guidance and services
Healthy bee strategy
Guidance and services
Help to comply with the law on handling animal by-products
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Vaccines, symptoms and what to do if you suspect bluetongue
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Policy and strategy
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
Guidance and services
Includes moving cattle, buying cattle, eradication programme
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Policy and strategy
CollectionBovine TB Eradication Programme Board
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect bovine viral diarrhoea
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Impact assessment
A list of breeds considered at risk which may be spared from any cull
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect brucellosis
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect chronic wasting disease
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect infection classical swine fever
Guidance and services
Our contingency plan for exotic diseases
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Policy and strategy
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect enzootic bovine leukosis
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect epizootic haemorrhagic disease (EHD)
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect equine infectious anaemia
Guidance and services
Purchase record, administration record, sheep drenching
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect infection
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Policy and strategy
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect Hydatid disease
Guidance and services
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect Johne's disease
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect infection
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect infection
Guidance and services
Major livestock diseases you must report
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect peste des petits ruminants (PPR).
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect rabies
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect salmonella
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect schmallenberg virus
Guidance and services
Clinical signs and what to do if you suspect scrapie
Guidance and services
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect sheep scab
Guidance and services
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect swine vesicular disease
Guidance and services
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect infection transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
Guidance and services
Policy and background Includes strategy, reports, projects and assessments.
Symptoms and what to do if you suspect West Nile virus