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The Minister for Education, Kirsty Williams, has today proposed to increase pay for newly qualified school teachers by 5% from September, as well as an increase of 2.75% for all other school teachers.

First published:
22 July 2019
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

The announcement coincides with the publication of the first report of the new Independent Welsh Pay Review Body (IWPRB), which provided recommendations for teachers’ pay and conditions from September 2019, following the devolution of powers over teachers’ pay and conditions last year. 

The IWPRB recommended that all statutory pay ranges and allowances be increased by 2.4%. In her response, the minister has proposed a higher pay rise for most teachers, of 2.75%.

The minister has proposed accepting the Review Body’s recommendation to uplift the minimum pay point on the teachers’ main pay range by 5%.

The pay increases will be subject to an 8 week stakeholder consultation.  

Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, said:

I want to continue to promote teaching as a profession of choice for graduates and career changers. That’s why we’re proposing an uplift to the minimum pay point for teachers by 5%, which will help us continue to attract high quality teachers to the profession.

As this year we are using our devolved responsibilities for the first time, I am also proposing a 2.75% pay rise for all school teachers in Wales from September.  

This will have a positive effect on ensuring we continue to attract high quality teachers to the profession in Wales, alongside our reforms to professional learning, the curriculum and teacher training.”