Our strategy to restore our natural environment and make it more resilient.

Nature recovery action plan: Our Strategy for Nature, 2015 , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB

Nature Recovery Action Plan 2020-21 , file type: PDF, file size: 2 MB
The Nature Recovery Action Plan (NRAP) for Wales was originally published in December 2015 as the Nature Recovery Plan. It is the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Wales.
Part 1: Our Strategy for Nature, sets out the commitment to reversing the loss of biodiversity in Wales, and the objectives for action.
It sets out how the United Nations Environment Programme’s Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (and the associated Aichi Biodiversity Targets for 2011-20 in Wales) is addressed in Wales.
Part 2: Our Action Plan, has been refreshed for 2020-21 to provide focus and prioritisation within a fast changing policy context and the emerging ecological crisis.
The 2015 Strategy for Nature will remain in place until it is realigned to address the post 2020 framework for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.