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Map showing the potential for mine water heat to play a part in our net zero ambitions.

First published:
29 August 2024
Last updated:

Coal mines are a legacy of Wales’s mining past. They may now offer a potential source of heat to support the development of new mine water heat networks. 

We commissioned a mine water heat opportunity map for Wales. This shows potential mine water heat scheme sites.

The map features many factors considered by technical experts, including:

  • underground working depths
  • known mine water levels
  • mine water level recovery status
  • evidence of opencast mine workings

Good opportunities (areas where there appear to be ideal conditions for a mine water heat scheme with few challenges).  

Possible opportunities (areas are where there appear to be challenges for developing mine water heat).

Challenging opportunities (areas where conditions do not appear ideal for developing a mine water heat scheme).

The guidance document Mine water heat opportunity map: background and guidance contains full details of the criteria for each level.


These represent known locations where mine water is at the surface. Relevant permissions and appraisal are required to support schemes at this site.


The locations shown on this map are not a guarantee of any future mine water heat schemes. Schemes must be subject to: 

  • detailed feasibility studies 
  • permits, licences, permissions and agreements from all relevant bodies.

The mine water heat opportunity map is subject to change. Mine water levels change, especially where they are recovering post mine-closure.