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This action plan sets out the Welsh Government’s overarching strategic agenda for the development and implementation of learning disability policy for the remainder of the current term of government, 2022 to 2026.  

An accompanying delivery plan is being developed which contains specific actions with timelines for each commitment. Co-produced with Welsh Government policy leads, the Learning Disability Ministerial Advisory Group (LDMAG) and key stakeholder partners during a targeted stakeholder engagement exercise in early 2022, this action plan identifies and prioritises the key areas, actions and outcomes that will be pursued over this period.

Building on the success and the momentum of the Improving Lives programme, the action plan aligns fully with Welsh Government Programme for Government commitments and the principles and objectives set out in the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act. It incorporates Improving Lives legacy actions. Key issues identified by the LDMAG in their Policy Priorities report submitted to the Welsh Government in May 2021 and priority actions focussing on helping services and people with learning disabilities as we continue to emerge from ongoing pandemic restrictions are clear.

The action plan (and associated delivery plan) is a living document and will be updated to reflect any changes to priorities and circumstances as they arise. It is designed to be flexible and contains actions that can reasonably be expected to be achieved given the ongoing focus on pandemic recovery and limits on available resources.

It is not intended that these plans be a complete record of all policies affecting people with a learning disability. Neither does inclusion of a specific area in the initial plan indicate that another area is considered less important, e.g. Section 1.3 outlines initial focus on tackling an identified issue in relation to the provision of policy affecting the Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic Community, this does not mean that policies affecting people with other protected characteristics (such as the LGBTQ+ community) are not important, just that they are not being taken forward during this phase of the plan.  LDMAG will oversee progress in delivery of the action plan through receipt of annual progress reports while a formal review of the plan will be undertaken at the end of the second full year, in spring 2024. 

Priority areas

  • Overarching/cross-cutting, including cross-government activity that may not sit in one specific area
  • COVID recovery
  • Health, including reducing health inequalities and avoidable deaths
  • Social services and social care
  • Facilitating independent living and access to services through increased access to advocacy and self-advocacy skills, engagement and collaboration
  • Education including children and young people’s services
  • Employment and skills
  • Housing – appropriate housing, close to home, access to joined-up services
  • Transport

Key themes

Ensuring the views of people with a learning disability, their families and carers and third sector stakeholders is included in the development of all Welsh Government policies as a fundamental principle and full engagement with these groups and individuals will take place whenever possible.

All relevant information and guidance will, wherever possible, be provided in an accessible format with the use of Easy-Read documentation being promoted and encouraged in communications issued by Welsh Government and our partners, at the same time as standard documentation/ guidance.

1. Overarching and crosscutting
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcome
1.1 Publication of a new Learning Disability Strategic Action Plan.

Develop and publish an overarching, cross-government strategic action plan and associated delivery plan for learning disability policy. To include appropriate, measurable, outcome focused actions, monitoring arrangements, reporting agreements and periodic review. Published by Spring 2022 and formally reviewed after two years.

The needs of people with a learning disability are met through the development and implementation of Welsh Government policy over the full term of government.

An inclusive, visible and fully accessible Learning Disability Ministerial Advisory Group that fully meets the needs of people with a learning disability.

Maximise the effectiveness and reach of the Learning Disability Ministerial Advisory Group by increasing its profile and ensuring its accessibility for members, the public and external partners.

A fully inclusive and accessible meeting environment which meets the needs of all members and the public.

Equality and Inclusion.

To consider the impact and effectiveness of learning disability policies on people with learning disabilities, their families and carers from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community.

In year one WG and LDMAG will review the impact and effectiveness of current policies to ensure that the needs of individuals with a learning disability from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities are being met.

Where gaps are identified - take action to ensure that Welsh Government policies fully meet the identified needs

Welsh Government learning disability policies fully meet the needs of people with a learning disability.
1.4 Scope the costs and benefits of establishing a National Learning Disability Observatory for Wales

Work with Improvement Cymru and partners to explore the costs, benefits and feasibility of establishing a Learning Disability Observatory for Wales.

To support the development of a comprehensive body of evidence to inform policy decision making and service planning.

Promote Positive Behavioural support (PBS) and Trauma informed care in health, social care and education.

Implementation of the Reducing Restrictive Practice Framework published in July 2021.

Ensure the Welsh Government’s Reducing Restrictive Practices Framework principles are promoted, understood and embedded in training and services across health, social care, education and childcare. To include appropriate monitoring, recording and reporting.

Work with sectors to ensure they consider and agree actions to support effective implementation of the Restraint Reduction Framework in childcare, education, health and social care.

Improve services for people with a learning disability.

Greater awareness amongst commissioners, providers and practitioners of person centred planning to reduce restrictive practices, promote person-centred planning and prevent harm.

Ensure all restrictive practice used is proportionate, recorded and monitored and compliant with the Welsh Government’s Reducing Restrictive Practice Framework.

1.6 Joint working, co-production and collaboration.

Develop options and opportunities for ensuring collaboration and coproduction, including ensuring that seeking the views of people with lived experiences is maximised during the development and implementation of (and changes to) policies and services.

The needs and opinions of people with a learning disability, their families and carers are fully considered in decisions that affect them.
2. COVID recovery and wellbeing
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcome
2.1 Joint working, co-production and collaboration.

Develop options and opportunities for ensuring collaboration and coproduction, including ensuring that seeking the views of people with lived experiences is maximised during the development and implementation of (and changes to) policies and services.

The needs and opinions of people with a learning disability, their families and carers are fully considered in decisions that affect them.
2.2 To promote and improve Wellbeing amongst people with learning disabilities

LDMAG to contribute to a national task and finish group to understand how social prescribing could aid Wales in its recovery from Covid-19. Introduce an all-Wales framework to roll out social prescribing to tackle isolation.

A national framework for social prescribing which delivers a vision of social prescribing in Wales that is of a consistent high quality standard across the country.

Welsh Government to work with LDMAG and other partners to determine the priorities for action for a renewed strategic approach to well-being.

Integrated and dedicated activities delivered by local authorities for children and young people to support their physical, emotional and social wellbeing through suitable activities including leisure and sport.

3. Health and social care - including the commitment to the delivery of the improving lives legacy health actions
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcomes

Implement recommendations from the 2020 review of Adult Specialised Services “Improving Care, Improving Lives, National Collaborative Commissioning Unit“

Establish a multi-agency/ stakeholder national group to advise and oversee delivery of the national action plan

1. Reduced admissions through increased community based crisis prevention /early intervention support.

2. Access to high quality, safe and effective specialised care as close to home as possible.

3. Individuals supported to return home / close to home as soon as possible.


Mortality Review and Medical Examiner Service (MES )

The new Medical Examiner Service (MES) is being rolled out across Wales. 

Ensure learning disability is embedded in the NHS Wales Mortality Review Process.

Ensure that deaths of individuals with a learning disability are reviewed as part of the new mortality review system and that lessons are identified and shared appropriately.

Contribute to the development of a “Learning from Deaths Framework”, ensuring learning disability issues are reflected appropriately.

Work with partners to establish a proportionate and appropriate process for the systematic review of deaths of individuals with a learning disability.

Provide accurate, robust mortality data that will inform policy development and practise to reduce avoidable deaths.
3.3 Learning Disability Education Framework for healthcare staff.

Roll out, monitor and evaluate the Paul Ridd Foundation Module of the Learning Disability Education Framework for healthcare staff.

Explore options for adapting and widening out this training to Social Care and other public services.

Develop modules to implement tiers two and three of the Framework.

Improve how mainstream NHS services identify and respond to the needs of people with a learning disability and ensure reasonable adjustments are made that reduce diagnostic over-shadowing and ultimately reduce preventable adverse events and avoidable deaths.
3.4 Establish learning disability specific quality and safety standards and metrics for the priority health areas. Develop evidence based quality and safety standards for implementation across Wales.

Strengthen consistent approaches to service delivery across Wales.

Improve evidence based practice in service delivery.

3.5 Increase access to Health Checks for people with a learning disability, ensuring the subsequent development of Health Action Plans

Review health board approaches to delivering health checks, identify effective approaches and disseminate learning across Wales.

Develop national standards for the delivery of health checks. 

Ensure everyone has a personalised Health Action Plan that fully meets their needs.

Improved health outcomes and reduced avoidable deaths through the earlier identification, diagnosis and effective treatment of health conditions.

Improve the consistency of approach to delivering health checks across Wales.

3.6 Development and implementation of a digital Health Equality Framework (HEF)

Undertake an options appraisal to establish a digital platform to support the comprehensive implementation of the Health Equalities Framework (HEF) across Wales.

Undertake phase 1 in 2022-23 – user research – to inform development of a specification for the platform. 

Establishment of a digital system for inputting, collating and analysing data on the impact of services on the health and well-being of the individual.

Establishment of a Wales-wide local and national reporting system.

3.7 Physical Health – Undertake improvement projects to reduce health inequalities, premature and avoidable deaths

Develop policies and/ or guidance to address known/ emerging health issues and improve how mainstream NHS services identify and respond to the needs of an individual with a learning disability:

 Priorities include:

  • identification, diagnosis and treatment of constipation,
  • priority access to vaccinations and improve access to screening services,
  • secure widespread use of the health profile,
  • Secure use of Additional Learning Needs tools, review use of the flagging system and use and potential update to the care bundle
Reduce health inequalities and avoidable deaths through improved service provision
3.8 Loneliness and Isolation

Ensure the ongoing work on tackling loneliness and social isolation continues to link with our learning disability improvement priorities.

Explore the prevalence and causes of loneliness and isolation with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.

Contribute to wider work-stream to identify solutions and ensure needs of people with learning disabilities are considered and addressed.

Promote the importance of maintaining friendships and relationships to reduce loneliness and isolation.

Better understanding of the prevalence and causes of loneliness and isolation for people with a learning disability and action taken to improve inclusion and involvement.

3.9 Promote recovery and new approaches to day services, respite care and short breaks.

Work with stakeholders to review the Post-Covid-19 recovery of LA Day Service provision to ensure services meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers.

Capture innovation and exchange good practice across local authority shorty break and respite provision and raise awareness of new approaches.


Implement the actions in the Delivery Plan that support Priority 3 of the Strategy for Unpaid Carers:supporting a life alongside caring, including working towards better understanding of how a break from caring can be accessed, funded and delivered

Development of effective LA Day Services.

Improved access to flexible respite and short break options that promote inclusion and well-being.

3.10 Enabling integrated care and support through Direct Payments and CHC. Improve the interface between Direct Payments and CHC to maximise impact and effectiveness for people with a learning disability, their families and carers. Improved outcomes through better, integrated person-centred care, support and treatment.
3.11 Supporting parents with a learning disability.

Develop, publish and launch bilingual national guidance for Children’s Social Care Services on best practice about how parents or soon to be parents with a learning disability can be best supported so families stay together and children thrive.

Increased understanding and awareness across services.  Parents with a learning disability receiving improved support and a reduction in children being taken into care.
3.12 Review of the effectiveness of the Social Services and Well-being Wales Act 2014.

Welsh Government to complete work on the review of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014. Work with LDMAG to ensure the views and experiences of people with learning disabilities are reflected in the outcomes of the review to address identified gaps in provision.

Aims and objectives of the Social Services and Wellbeing(Wales) Act 2014 meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers.
3.13 Strengthen Social Care Workforce.

Welsh Government to work with partners to support workforce planning to ensure the recruitment and development of a resilient, appropriately trained workforce. 

Provision of services that fully meet the needs of people with a learning disability, their families and carers.
3.14 Learning Disability Nurse Workforce LDMAG and Welsh Government to work with health boards and stakeholders to ensure the recruitment and development of an effective, appropriately trained Learning Disability Nursing workforce Provision of appropriate services that meet the needs of people with learning disabilities, their families and carers.
3.15 Carers and Carers Policy. Welsh Government to ensure the needs of carers (including sibling carers) of people with learning disabilities and carers with learning disabilities are understood and are being addressed consistently across Wales. The needs of carers of people with learning disabilities and carers with learning disabilities are understood and accessible support is available.
4. Advocacy, self-advocacy, engagement and collaboration
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcome
4.1 To promote voice choice and control for people with learning disabilities and their carers. To include advocacy and self-advocacy and support for sibling carers. Welsh Government to work with stakeholders to explore and review options for advocacy support, in order to develop appropriate, advocacy services for people with learning disabilities and their families in line with Commissioning Guidance.

Provision of advocacy and self-advocacy services that meet the needs of all people with a learning disability.

People with learning disabilities have their voices heard, are listened to and are supported to make choices and control their own lives.
4.2 Digital inclusion and use of technology Review the appropriate use of technology and digital options to maximise engagement and build & improve connections for people with learning disabilities. Improved contact and linkages for people who struggle to get information or have their voices heard
4.3 Friendships and Relationships Explore the potential for the provision of guidance and advice in respect of friendships and sexual relationships for people with learning disabilities, families/carers and service providers Ensure people with learning disabilities Receive appropriate advice that allows them to engage in healthy relationships.
5. Education, children and young people
Number Strategic priority  area Tasks/actions Outcome

Children and Young People’s Learning Disability Services.

Review the provision of children and young people’s services to identify barriers and gaps in support and to share good practice.

Promote collaborative working with stakeholders and service providers including transition services, across health, social care and education.  

To provide a consistent, accessible and easily understood, wales-wide approach to children’s services across the public sector.

Improve all aspects of transition services.

Additional Learning Needs –Implementation.

Ensure the needs of learners with learning disabilities are represented at a national ALN steering group which will co-create an accountability framework to ensure successful implementation of the ALN Act.

Evaluation of the extent to which stakeholders are compliant with the provisions in the ALN Act and the initial effects and impacts of the Act.

Assessment of the extent to which the ALN Act has achieved its intended outcomes

6. Employment and skills
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcome
6.1 To support improved access to employment, training and support for people with learning disabilities to enter and remain in the workplace Develop appropriate employment policies that fully incorporate the needs of people with a learning disability. Improve employment opportunities for people with a learning disability.
6.2 Supported Apprenticeships

Maximise opportunities for people with a learning disability to access apprenticeship schemes and provide support during the lifetime of the scheme.

To achieve and maintain apprenticeship starts for disabled people at above 10%.

7. Housing (including provision of joined up support within health and social care to ensure provision of appropriate housing as close to home as possible
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcome
7.1 Promote Regional Partnership Boards engagement with stakeholders to ensure inclusion of the voice and views of people with a learning disability

Ensure RPB needs assessment and planning arrangements include meaningful engagement with key stakeholders including those with a learning disability.

As part of Welsh Government’s ‘Rebalancing Care and Support’ work programme, work with RPBs to promote and facilitate coproduction and inclusion of service user and carer voice in service design and delivery.

  • Citizen, carer and third sector reps are supported and enabled to make a full contribution to the work of RPB boards.
  • The views of disabled people are represented at board level and across the wider regional partnership.
  • Co-production is embedded in the work of RPBs, and people with learning disabilities are able to be fully engaged in the work of the regional partnerships at all levels. 
7.2 The Regional Integration Fund Ensure the needs and views of people with learning disabilities are fully taken into account in future co-ordination of the new Regional Integration Fund revenue and Capital programmes. Alignment of revenue and capital fund guidance, planning and decision making processes to maximise opportunities for delivering integrated/seamless support to people with learning disabilities in their own home or community.

Housing and Accommodation – voice and control in decision-making.

Improve choice and control for people with learning disabilities including where they live and who they live with, within community housing, supported living and private tenancies. People with learning disabilities are living in housing which meets their needs and promotes their wellbeing.
8. Transport
Number Strategic priority area Tasks/actions Outcome
8.1 People with learning disabilities have improved access to public transport across Wales which meets their needs.

Ensure services operated by public transport providers recognise and meet the diverse needs of users. Including ensuring accessibility of timetables in all areas of Wales, through engagement with experts by experience on developing policies such as Active Travel and the Wales Transport Strategy.

Maximise collaboration with representative groups to share experiences, work collaboratively and develop appropriate digital solutions that assist the use of public transport.
Public transport meets the needs of people with learning disabilities to fully engage in their communities.