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This is a list of changes to the technical guidance. For current guidance, please follow the relevant links.

First published:
17 December 2018
Last updated:
Changes to technical guidance
Guidance change location Summary of change

Landfill Disposals Tax weighing methods and water discount: technical guidance

Amendments to:

  • LDTA/3000 Calculating the taxable weight of material and water discounts - minor changes have been made to clarify that water discounts are operated differently in Wales and gives more detail on the penalties LDTA/3010 Calculation of the taxable weight of material by you – using a weighbridge – insertion of relevant act of parliament
  • LDTA/3020 - Calculation of the taxable weight of material by you – alternative methods of weighing now has a sub heading to reflect breakdown outside WRA opening hours
  • LDTA/3030 Discount in respect of water content of material – now specifies the full evidence required to support the application and gives a list of possible water discount approval conditions (not exhaustive)
  • LDTA/3060 Penalty for applying water discount incorrectly has been expanded to include circumstances in which a penalty may be reduced
  • LDTA/3070 has had minor layout changes to the table in method 2. The paragraph ‘if you’re unhappy with our decision’ has been moved to the end of the section
  • Minor changes have been made throughout the document to change LSOs to you/your and WRA to us/we.

Site Restoration relief: technical guidance

Amendments to:

  • LDTTA 4110 Application for site restoration relief to include addition of subheadings and separation of content: Qualifying material, Applying and Evidence required to support an application.
  • also included addition to include reference and the link to applying for a non-disposal area (NDA) for future site restoration if the LSOs need is to store material
  • minor changes to clarify the wording in the paragraphs noted above
  • evidence to support the application – re-worded and added a list of the evidence required
  • new paragraph added to specify that WRA does not consider landfill restoration to include raising levels to meet an approved landform under planning control
  • LDTA/4120 the paragraphs relating to ‘WRA requests for further information’ has been re-worded to clarify time periods
  • LDTA/4130 the paragraph relating to ‘WRA decision’ has been split into sub-paragraphs and sets out at paragraph: ‘WRA decision not made within agreed time periods’ clear reference to what to do if you’re unhappy with our decision and includes links to relevant guidance
  • LDTA/4140 the paragraph covering ‘WRA Approval’ has been re-worded
  • LDTA/4150 the paragraph covering ‘Variation of approval’ has been split into: ‘LSO request’ and ‘WRA initiates variation’ and headings added. Sub paragraph 3 relating to the LSO request paragraph has had links to guidance added to the time periods on terms to vary the approval and to the time periods for WRA to issue a notice of decision
  • LDTA/4160 has had minor changes made
Landfill disposals tax qualifying mixtures of materials: fines notice

Amendments to:

  • Section 3.2.4 late or missed tests, to include that for late and missed tests, the standard rate of tax should be applied to disposals made after the load of the late or missed test an LSO should have carried out, rather than the date.
  • Section 3.5 LOI record keeping requirements, to include an additional requirement for landfill site operators to keep a record of the transaction ID of the load from which a sample was taken from.
  • Section 3.7.1 information on the LDT tax return, to include the following, which is contained in the tax return:
  • the number of LOI tests that passed
  • the number of tests that are awaiting a result
  • the number of missed tests
LDTA4090 Penalties
Amendments to line 4, to include that the standard rate of tax should be applied to disposals made after the load of the late or missed test an LSO should have carried out, rather than the date. This is in line with amendments to the landfill disposals tax qualifying mixtures of materials: fines notice.

LDTA4040 Qualifying mixtures of materials: fines and loss on ignition test

Amendments include:

  • further examples of waste treatment processes that involve mechanical treatment by a machine
  • an example of due diligence for pre acceptance checks
  • clarity on the frequency of testing for new mixtures of fines material
  • that for late and missed tests, the standard rate of tax should be applied to disposals made after the load of the late or missed test an LSO should have carried out, rather than the date. This is in line with amendments to the landfill disposals tax qualifying mixtures of materials: fines notice
  • an advisory requirement that LSOs should send a sample to a laboratory within 5 working days of it being taken
  • information that should be provided in the tax return regarding LOI tests
Unauthorised disposals and Landfill Disposals Tax
Amendments made in line with WRA’s communications approach and guidance.

LDTA/6030 Amount and payment of tax

Amendments made in line with WRA’s communications approach and guidance.

LDTA/4030 Qualifying mixtures of materials

Guidance amended to include examples of what constitutes qualifying mixtures of materials and what we mean by an incidental amount of material.
Registration for Landfill Disposals Tax: technical guidance
Guidance amended to set out our approach to cancellation of registration and our assessment of any penalty relating to notification of cancellation.
Determining whether Landfill Disposals Tax is payable
Amended to clarify and give further detail of the features of temporary and permanent roads.

LDTA/6030 Amount and payment of tax

Updated to reflect the WRA’s approach to waste calculation methods, to determine the taxable weight of material disposed for unauthorised disposals

Filing Landfill Disposals Tax return guidance

Minor amendments and the addition of missed tests and pending tests

LDTA/5080 Postponement of recovery of tax

Minor amendments

LDTA/5070 Duty to maintain landfill disposals tax summary

Minor amendments; simplified language, link to penalties guidance

LDTA/5060 Payment of tax

Minor amendments; links to penalties guidance and customer insolvency credit guidance

LDTA/5050 Landfill invoice

Minor amendments

LDTA/5040 Tax chargeable in respect of accounting period and landfill invoices

Re-write of the guidance to clarify language and better reflect legislative position

LDTA/5030 Records

LDTA 8010 is now LDTA 5030 with minor amendments

LDTA/5020 Varying accounting period or filing date

Minor amendments; simplified language 

LDTA/5010 Duty to make a tax return

Minor amendments; clarity on accounting periods

LDTA/5000 Accounting for tax

Re-write of the guidance to add clearer introduction

LDTA/3060 Penalty for applying water discount incorrectly

Added line to clarify that the penalty could apply to a breach of water discount approval conditions

LDTA/4030 Qualifying mixtures of material

Added link to LDTA/4030

LDTA/4020 Qualifying material

Added detail on Waste Duty of Care Code of Practice

LDTA/6030 Amount and payment of tax

Added detail on how the WRA will determine the taxable weight

LDTA/6020 The procedure

Clarity on preliminary notices and charging notices

LDTA/6010 The charging condition

Minor rewording

LDTA/6000 Unauthorised disposals

Minor rewording

LDTA/4280 Recovery in the event of failure to keep records or other evidence

New content to reflect legislation

LDTA/4270 Recovery in the event of customer payment

Minor rewording

LDTA/4260 Customer insolvency credit record

Minor rewording

LDTA/4250 Evidence in support of claims

Minor rewording

LDTA/4240 Claims by other persons

New guidance on qualifying accounting period

LDTA/4230 Claims by persons carrying out taxable disposals

Reworded introduction to clarify legislative basis for the claim

LDTA/4220 Determining the amount of a claim for bad debt relief

Reworded to clarify meaning of insolvency event

LDTA/4210 Customer insolvency

Reworded to clarify requirements

LDTA/4200 Circumstances giving rise to entitlement to credit

Minor rewording

LDTA/4190 Customer Insolvency Credit

Minor rewording

LDTA/4180 Reliefs

Update to reflect legislative change to relief for refilling open-cast mines and quarries

LDTA/4110 Application of site restoration relief

Update to reflect legislative change to relief for site restoration
LDTA/2080 Consequences of breaching the requirements associated with an NDA
Minor rewording; link to guidance on exempt disposals
LDTA/2070 Duties on a landfill site operator including keeping and preserving records
Minor rewording
LDTA/2060 Reviews and appeals relating to designation of non-disposal areas
Link to reviews and appeals guidance
LDTA/2050 Varying or cancelling an NDA designation
Minor rewording
LDTA/2040 Designation of the NDA
Minor rewording; addition of paragraph on annual reviews
LDTA/2030 Non-disposal areas
Rewording of introduction; removal of references to UK system
LDTA/3110 Register of persons who carry out taxable operations

Addition of detail of the register of LSOs

LDTA/3100 Duty to register for landfill disposals tax
Removal of sentence on transitional arrangements
LDTA/1010 Overview of LDT and its application
Change from future to present tense
LDTA/2020 List of taxable disposals
New section on permanent and temporary roads
LDTA/4090 Penalties
Update to add references to the relevant paragraphs of the WRA Notice
LDTA/4070 Step 3: Loss on ignition reporting
Update to summary of steps to be taking following a failed loss on ignition test
LDTA/4060 Step 2: Loss on ignition-related requirements
Removal of erroneous reference
LDTA/4050 Step 1: Pre-acceptance requirements
Removal of reference to examples
LDTA/4040 Qualifying mixtures of materials: fines and loss on ignition test
Removal of repeated section
LDTA/4020 Qualifying material
Update to reference the waste classification codes
LDTA/4010 Calculation of tax chargeable
Removal of reference to 2018 tax rates, replaced with link to Welsh Government page on tax rates and bands
LDTA/3080 Alternative weighing methods
Change of numbering to 3070; Minor rewording
LDTA/3070 Penalty for applying water discount rate incorrectly
Change of numbering to 3060; Addition of link to TCMA guidance
LDTA/3060 Penalty for failure to determine weight properly
Change of numbering to 3050; Addition of link to TCMA guidance
LDTA/3050 Calculation of taxable weight of material by WRA
Change of numbering to 3040
LDTA/3040 Discount in respect of water content of material
Change of numbering to 3030; minor rewording
LDTA/3030 Calculation of the taxable weight of material by a landfill site operator- alternative methods of weighing
Change of numbering to 3020; addition of detail on application form
LDTA/3020 Calculation of the taxable weight of material by a landfill site operator- using a weighbridge
Change of numbering to 3010; addition of links
LDTA/3010 Calculating the taxable weight of material
Deletion of important points moved to LDTA 3000
LDTA/3000 Registering for Landfill Disposals Tax
Updated wording as to content of guidance
LDTA/4040 Qualifying mixtures of materials: fines and loss on ignition test; LDTA/4050 Step 1: Pre-acceptance requirements; LDTA/4060 Step 2: Loss on ignition-related requirements; LDTA/4070 Step 3: Loss on ignition reporting; LDTA/4080 Record keeping; LDTA/4090 Penalties; LDTA/4100 Transitional arrangements
A sentence with a link has been added to all of these sections, to direct users to consult the Qualifying Mixtures of Materials: Fines notice.
LDTA/3040 Discount in respect of water content of material
There have been several additions to this section, namely: details as to when water discounts do not apply; details of conditions to applications; an example of a timescale for backdating of application approvals; and details of review periods for applications.
Landfill Disposals Tax
This home page has been updated with the key details of the tax
How to pay Landfill Disposals Tax
Update to reflect the correct BACS payment process schedule
Guidance on Reliefs and Exemptions
Details of all reliefs and exemptions are now collected with site restoration relief
LDTA/5010 Duty to make a tax return in respect of accounting for tax
Reference added to state that errors in amendments cannot be adjusted in later accounting periods
LDTA/8010 LDT records required to be kept and preserved
Reference added to detail required time periods for record-keeping.
Water Discount
Reference added to state WRA’s position on water discount applications for disposals that occurred before submission of the application
Site Restoration Relief
Reference added to state that site restoration relief is available for material consisting entirely of qualifying material or entirely of top-soil from 11 October 2018, alongside a definition of top-soil
How to amend your Landfill Disposals Tax return
Reference added to direct customers to their customer relationship managers should they require help in amending a return, and to state that errors in amendments cannot be adjusted in later accounting periods
LDTA/4070 Step 3: Loss on ignition reporting
Reference updated to direct customers to their customer relationship managers should they require a template loss on ignition test result form
LDTA/4050 Step 1: Pre-acceptance requirements
Reference updated to direct customers to their customer relationship managers should they require a template pre-acceptance questionnaire
LDTA/4040 Qualifying mixtures of materials: fines and loss on ignition test
Reference to ‘qualifying fines flowchart’ removed; the flowchart is available from customer relationship managers