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Frances Duffy, Chair
Saz Willey, Vice Chair
Bev Smith, member
Dianne Bevan, member 
Sara Rees, secretariat
Shan Whitby, secretariat


Kate Watkins, member


The aim of the meeting was to:

  • discuss the Chair’s meeting with the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government, Housing and Planning held on 24 June
  • review and agree the minutes and summary of the May meeting, note the secretariat and budget updates and review and update the operational plan for 2024 to 2025
  • discuss and consider the remuneration of co-opted (lay) members of corporate joint committees (CJCs)
  • discuss and consider the framework and methodology for the remuneration of senior roles
  • review and update risk register
  • review Community and Town Council reporting requirements

Chairs items

The Chair updated the Panel on a number of matters and confirmed the meeting with the Cabinet Secretary was constructive and informative. The discussion included the following:

  • an update on the issues the Panel is currently working on
  • the challenges associated with the transition work in advance of the transfer of its functions to the local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales (to be renamed Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru) subject to the passage of the required legislation
  • the development of a legacy plan which will be prepared to support transition

Actions and budget update

The Panel agreed the minutes and summary from May’s meeting and noted the budget update. 

The Panel reviewed and discussed correspondence received  from 3 Principal Councils and its response to each one. It also considered a recent South Wales Argus news article related to a senior role at a Principal Council. The Panel agreed to contact the Council concerned to request information for further information. 

Remuneration of co opted (lay) members of corporate joint committees

The Panel considered the remuneration of co-opted (lay) members of corporate joint committees (CJC’s).

The Panel agreed to issue a draft supplementary report (consultation) seeking views about aligning the approach taken to remunerate lay members of CJCs with the remuneration of co-opted members across the relevant authorities within the local government family. 

The Panel will consider the results from the consultation.

Framework and methodology for remuneration of senior roles

The Panel considered a paper about the review of the framework and methodology for the remuneration of senior roles within Principal Councils, Community and Town Councils (CTCs), Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs) and National Park Authorities (NPAs) and Corporate Joint Committees (CJCs). 

In order to understand the present situation regarding remuneration and workload of senior roles, the Panel discussed the current determinations, existing evidence and gaps in the evidence.

The Panel agreed to develop a more detailed scope for this work in Autumn 2024, undertake further research and identify information and potential actions for inclusion in the legacy report for future consideration by the Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru (DBCC). 

Risk register

The Panel reviewed and agreed to some revisions to the risk register. 

Review Community and Town Council reporting requirements

Any other business

The Panel noted that Stage 3 of the proposed Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Bill has been delayed to 2 July.

Next meeting

The Panel’s next meeting will be held on 23 July 2024.

Should you have any matters you wish to raise with the Panel, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the Secretariat by emailing