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Frances Duffy, Chair
Saz Willey, Vice Chair
Bev Smith, member
Dianne Bevan, member
Sara Rees, secretariat
Shan Whitby, secretariat


The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (“Panel”) met on Tuesday 13 February 2024. 

Apologies were received from Kate Watkins.

The aim of the meeting was to:

  • update from Panel Chair
  • agree January 2024 meeting notes (full and summary), note actions and secretariat updates
  • discuss Annual Report 2024 to 2025 and communications of report
  • review Summary of Determinations 2023 to 2024 
  • review budget expenditure 2023 to 2024
  • discuss guidance requirements
  • stakeholder engagement update
  • review 2024 to 2025 workplan
  • discuss any other business

Chair update

The Panel noted work being undertaken regarding transition of both the Panel and Local Democracy and Boundary Commission (“Commission”) prior to establishing the Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru (DBCC) in April 2025.

The Panel agreed to work with the Commission to exchange knowledge, information and also understand the type of skills required by the DBCC.

The Panel noted the large review of Community and Town Councils (CTCs) being undertaken by the Democratic Health Task and Finish Group (DHFTG). 

January meeting notes (full and summary)

All Panel members present, agreed the full and summary notes of January’s meeting. 

The Panel discussed and noted the secretariat update, which included actions and queries from various stakeholders. 

2024 to 2025 Annual Report and communications

The Panel discussed publishing and communications of the draft final Annual Report.

2023 to 2024 Determinations summary

The Panel agreed to publish determinations for 2023 to 2024 on the website. From 1 April 2024, these determinations will be replaced by a summary of 2024 to 2025 determinations.

Guidance for principal councils, community and town councils, national park authorities, fire and rescue authorities and corporate joint committees in Wales: remuneration of members

The Panel agreed to publish Guidance for Principal Councils, Community and Town Councils, National Park Authorities, Fire and Rescue Authorities and Corporate Joint Committees in Wales remuneration of members.

Budget expenditure 2023 to 2024

The Panel agreed expenditure for 2023 to 2024. 

Stakeholder engagement update

The Panel noted feedback from the Chair’s meeting with the Chief Executive and Chair of One Voice Wales.

The Panel agreed to 2 members attending the One Voice Wales Conference (“Conference”) on 27 March and sponsoring the Democratic Health Award following the Conference.

2024 to 2025 workplan

The Panel agreed to the Commission’s support in delivering specific areas of the 2024 to 2025 workplan.

The Panel noted feedback from the Chair’s meeting with policy officials from Scottish Government, Convener of the Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee (SLARC) and COSLA, the voice of Local Government in Scotland, regarding remuneration of elected members in Scotland.

The Panel noted the recent appointment of commissioners to South Wales fire and rescue authority.

Any other business

The next scheduled meeting will take place on 12 March: Strategy Day.