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The Independent Advisory Group on the Future Electricity Grid for Wales met on October 28th, 2024. The agenda was largely arranged to allow sub-groups to convene for the first time and discuss work to take forward.

Introductory Discussion

Practical considerations for the sub-groups were discussed including reviewing draft frameworks, agreeing on expectations and outputs, practicalities on compiling evidence, and appropriate communication across sub-groups.

The challenges of cost analysis were highlighted, including navigating commercial sensitivity and gathering meaningful data. Work is likely to cover publicly available cost information and then identify gaps for further investigation.

Breakout Sessions

  • Sub-group 3 discussed the challenges in estimating costs for grid infrastructure, noting the difficulty in predicting costs due to fluctuating raw material prices and the evolving supply side. They emphasised the importance of being cautious with current cost estimates, as they may decrease over time as technological advancements become routine.
  • Sub-group 2 discussed various matters related to evidence and infrastructure work, including a commissioned common youth appetite survey, local area energy plans, flood risk maps, and land values. They noted the need to contact National Grid for criteria on underground projects and highlighted potential evidence gaps.
  • Sub-group 1 focused on interpreting the scope to ensure it is achievable within the timeframe. They highlighted the need for extensive transmission development in the UK for net zero, particularly in Wales, and the potential gap in distribution data10. Innovation in technology, such as multi-terminal HVDC and higher voltage A/C, was also mentioned as future solutions.

AOB and Next Meeting Planning

An extension to the timeline for sub-group work and reporting was agreed to ensure thorough analysis and evidence gathering. It was agreed that working until February or March is realistic and necessary, as tasks cannot be completed by the end of December 24.