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  1. Apologies.     10.30
  2. Introductions.  
  3. Declaration of Interests.   
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2024, and Matters Arising.    10.35
  5. Chair’s Announcements.     10.40
  6. Items from the Regional Groups.     10.45
  7. Fairbourne – Coastal Adaptation Update – Llion Wyn Pritchard, Gwynedd Council and Keith Ivens, Natural Resources Wales.   11.00
  8. Using LoRaWAN sensors to assist flood wardens with asset management - Rob Williams and Emyr Gareth, Gwynedd Council.    11:30

    ---Break--- 11:55
  9. Facilitating Natural Flood Management at Catchment Scale – A case study from the Thames Region; Tom Hayek - Senior Project Manager (Nature-based Solutions), Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust.  12.05
  10. Planning for Flood Risk: Training for Planners and Flood Risk Professionals - Celia Davis, Projects and Policy Manager, Town and Country Planning Association.    12.30
  11. Welsh Government FCERM Update – Clare Fernandes, Deputy Director, Water Flood and Coal Tip Safety Division   12.55

    ---------Lunch Break---------    13.10
  12. Sub-Committees  -     
    12.1 Resources Sub-Committee -     13.50
    12.1.1 To receive the minutes of the meetings on:17.10.24 and 14.11.24  - Chair
    12.1.2 To consider the following report: Insurance & Flood Re – A Wales Perspective - Karen Potter;    
    12.2 To receive the minutes of the following meetings:    14.15
    12.2.1 Research Sub-Committee 10.09.24 - Karen Potter;    
    12.2.2 Section 19 Sub-Committee 11.10.24 – Darren Thomas;  

    12.2.3 Policy & Legislation Sub-Committee 05.11.24 – Andrew Stone. 


  1. Building Resilience to Flooding in Wales by 2050: Review by the National Infrastructure Commission for Wales – FCEC Response – Chair.    14.30
  2. Wales Coastal Groups Forum – Annual Update and Challenges – How can FCEC support? – Anne-Marie Moon.   14.55
  3. Committee Work Programme - To consider the report of the Chair on the update of the Work Programme    15.20
  4. Any other business previously notified to the Chair.    15.25
  5. 1.    Date and venue of next meeting – Wednesday 19th February 2025, Microsoft Teams – Virtual.      

Close    15.30