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This evening, the Prime Minister has set out the minor changes, which are proposed to the lockdown rules in England over the next 3 weeks.

First published:
10 May 2020
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

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I set out the modest changes to the stay-at-home regulations we are making in Wales on Friday. These will come into force tomorrow afternoon.

Here in Wales, we will change the regulations so people can exercise more often and allow garden centres to open, if they can comply with social distancing.

Our advice has not changed in Wales.

  • Wherever you can you should stay at home.
  • If you need to leave home for work, exercise or shopping, you should stay local and stay alert.
  • Coronavirus has not gone away.
  • The way we behave over the weeks ahead will continue to have a profound impact on our NHS and our ability to save lives.
  • If you go out, stay local and stay safe.

The Prime Minister also set out his roadmap for the future. This is at an early stage because it depends on how the virus behaves over the coming weeks and months.

Two weeks ago, I published a framework to lead Wales out of the pandemic.

This has helped us decide that schools will not return to normal on 1 June.

We will continue to make decisions, which are right for Wales, using information and expert advice about how coronavirus is circulating here to keep us safe.

The health of the public is paramount. It will inform our decisions and we will continue to inform you as we plan for our future in the weeks ahead.

Thank you for all your help and support. Together we can do this.