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We are committed to supporting farmers to produce food in a sustainable way, whilst taking action to respond to the climate emergency and to help reverse the decline in biodiversity. Funding support for farmers, land managers and associated rural sectors is delivered through a flexible framework of support under the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Objectives set out in The Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023 (‘the Agriculture Act’):

  • to produce food in a sustainable manner
  • to mitigate and adapt to climate change
  • to maintain and enhance the resilience of ecosystems and the benefits they provide, and
  • to conserve and enhance the countryside and cultural resources and promote public access and engagement with them, and to sustain the Welsh language and promote and facilitate its use

Further information on schemes being developed is available at Rural grants and payments | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES.

These guidance notes explain the Ffermio Bro: Farming in Designated Landscapes (Ffermio Bro) scheme and the kind of projects which may be eligible for support. Please read it carefully. If you then consider your plans may be eligible for support under this scheme, please see ‘Applying for a Ffermio Bro grant’ at section I and the How to Complete booklet.  

Section A: introduction

Our Designated Landscapes (National Parks and National Landscapes) [1] are special and unique and need to be managed, enhanced and protected while also supporting the farmers and communities who work within them.

Ffermio Bro has been developed to:

  • Provide additional investment in our Designated Landscapes (DL) to allow farmers to work in partnership with management bodies to deliver bigger and better outcomes for the environment, people and communities.
  • Integrate incentives to integrate positive farming practices with the purposes of Designated Landscapes, strengthening the links between the bodies that are charged with managing these landscapes and those that manage and farm the land. This is an opportunity for DL bodies, farmers and others to work better together, leading work at an individual landscape level and building on existing relationships.
  • Demonstrate what Designated Landscape bodies can deliver through facilitating collaborative delivery. The programme will provide the opportunity for Designated Landscapes to collaborate and share learning, and through evaluation understand what interventions work best where and why. It will enable them to test emerging evidence-based approaches to targeted nature recovery at landscape scale.
  • Support delivery of the commitment to protect 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030 (30by30), and
  • Inform the collaborative layer of the Sustainable Farming Scheme.

The programme is delivered by farmers, working in partnership with Designated Landscape bodies. The bodies and farmers living and working in these areas know the opportunities and challenges facing their landscapes and communities the best. 

Whilst the scheme is separate from the Sustainable Farming Scheme, it will be used to inform the collaborative element during this interim period. This scheme forms part of a preparatory phase of activities which may lead to collaborative projects ready to participate in the collaboration layer of the Sustainable Farming Scheme. 

The scheme will involve environmental, nature recovery and climate mitigation collaborative projects on multiple farms, with these projects also providing opportunities for people to discover, enjoy and understand the landscapes including their cultural heritage.

A wide range of projects will be eligible for funding provided they meet the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) objectives, guidance provided and the priorities of a Designated Landscape body’s management plan. 

The Wales and UK Government have committed to protect 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030 (30by30), to support the global 30by30 target agreed at the UN Biodiversity Summit (COP15) in 2022. The emphasis of Ffermio Bro will be to aid delivery of 30by30 by focussing on projects that improve ecosystem resilience. This will include actions that strengthen and enhance priority and semi natural habitats, improving the connectivity, scale, adaptability, or diversity of semi natural habitats, and strengthening the resilience of Wales’ network of protected sites by working at a landscape scale to improve connectivity and condition.

The scheme can, as part of this work, also provide funding for implementing nature-based solutions, enhancing our carbon-rich soils such as peatlands, tree planting, woodland management and natural regeneration, implementing natural flood risk management, enhancing access and public engagement, and protecting landscape and historic features.  

As a scheme aimed at supporting the agricultural industry, Ffermio Bro will be required to work towards the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) objectives as part of the Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023. 

The Programme will require Designated Landscape bodies to make an application for funding to Welsh Government/Rural Payments Wales up to a total agreed with Designated Landscape bodies. Farmers should not apply directly to Welsh Government but will apply for funding to the local Designated Landscape body managing the scheme in their landscape area. 

Bodies will be required to make clear how the programme will support the scheme objectives, including collaboration, how the activity will integrate with their management plan and other strategies, and ecosystem resilience. 

If successful, you must be able to complete and claim all Capital Works items by 31 March 2026.

Any changes will be publicised via the Welsh Government website, GWLAD online and, where necessary, we will contact you directly.

[1] Designated Landscapes comprise 3 National Parks and 5 National Landscapes (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty). They cover 24% of Wales. 

Section B: scheme phases and key activities

The application process for Ffermio Bro in 2025-26 is in two phases. 

  • Stage 1: 10 – 28 March 2025. The Designated Landscape (DL) management body leading local delivery must submit an application during this period via RPW Online, outlining how they will meet the overall scheme objectives. This will be appraised and, if successful, the body will be offered funding up to the agreed allocation for that body.
  • Stage 2: [June-December].
    • Bodies will invite applications and assess these, then make an award to the farmer.
    • Bodies will need to provide the Customer Reference Number only of the farms on which they have awarded funding via RPW Online. RPW will include these on a revised grant offer (DLs will not need to action anything).
    • RPW will not need to provide any approval for the DL bodies to commence work. However, there is a responsibility for the DL bodies to ensure there is no double funding. The DL bodies will need to determine this in discussion with the farmer, and the farmer should provide a written guarantee/disclaimer in their grant application or acceptance form. If the DL cannot ascertain if double funding has taken place, RPW may be able to carry out checks on an exceptional basis.
    • Formal variations in the work delivered will not need to be notified to RPW by the DL body.
    • DLs can provide CRNs to RPW at any point between June/July 2025 and ending (12/12/2025). DL bodies are advised to submit these in batches, for example after a Local Assessment Panel meets and makes a series of funding awards. Guidance on providing this data will be provided to bodies.
  • Stage 3:
    • Bodies must claim funding via RPW Online by the end of the financial year. You may only claim for funding where projects have been completed satisfactorily.
    • You must complete a quarterly delivery profile as part of your grant award, and update this as required during the year. Claims must be accompanied by supporting documentation:
      • For salaried staff, you will need to provide a spreadsheet of people, the hourly rate and hours worked in the claim period. The Bodies must retain evidence of defrayment, as well as the evidence and background calculation to support the calculation of the hourly rate.
  • For each CRN, RPW will provide a map of all the land registered to that CRN within the claim form for the DL to map where applicable, the actions for which the funding has been provided. 

There are several key activities that need to take place to ensure the scheme is managed effectively both nationally and locally, and that scheme objectives are met.

Before Stage 1, DL bodies must:

  • make internal arrangements to manage the scheme, including planning for any recruitment through a fair and open process
  • discuss the scheme objectives with local stakeholders

Between Stage 1 and Stage 2, DL bodies must:

  • appoint a Ffermio Bro scheme adviser to support local delivery
  • promote the scheme and support farmers to collaborate
  • advise on eligible actions and help farmers develop collaborative projects
  • with the support of a Local Application Panel (LAP), determine which projects should be supported through the scheme

After Stage 2, DL bodies will:

  • advise farmers of their allocations and provide an offer of funding including the authority for RPW to provide farm maps for the body to complete through RPW Online
  • support farmers to deliver the agreed projects
  • monitor delivery and ensure compliance with grant conditions and scheme criteria
  • collect information on the projects supported and provide these to Welsh Government, including RPW, the Programme Manager, and others as agreed

Details on how to apply can be found at: Ffermio Bro - Farming in Designated Landscapes (stage 1): using RPW Online to apply | GOV.WALES 


Designated Landscape bodies will run a window or windows for farmers and land managers in their areas to apply for grant funding through project applications. The application process will be competitive, with applicants assessed regularly throughout the window. Projects that score highly against a set of criteria consistent across all DLs will be offered an agreement. 

Where a single farm application is below £10,000, assessment will be made by the Designated Landscape body itself. Where above this threshold, the project will be assessed by a Local Assessment Panels (LAPs), held regularly throughout the application window. 

LAPs can be convened in person or virtually at the discretion of the lead team. Where a project is going to the panel, the Programme Officer representing each Designated Landscape will make an initial judgement on applications prior to consideration by the LAP. 

LAPs will also receive a record of all funding decisions where made under the £10,000 threshold. 

Panels should include representatives from the relevant Designated Landscape body, the farming community and conservation bodies. Natural Resources Wales representatives should also be invited to attend.

LAPs will meet regularly to assess applications: it will be a matter for local determination by the host body as to how often. Bodies can work together where appropriate in developing joint LAPs where shared resource may introduce efficiency, better suit capacity issues and provide opportunities for shared learning and shared expertise. If a panel is already in operation for awarding grants (e.g. a Sustainable Development Fund panel) consideration could be given to combining panels into a single grants panel, providing it has the required experience and skills.

Full guidance on appointing and running Local Assessment Panels will be provided by the Programme Manager. This will also include assessment criteria and Terms of Reference.

Project delivery

Capital grant funding will be allocated for on-farm delivery in each of the Designated Landscapes according to an agreed formula. However, some DL bodies may decide to formally collaborate by allowing another DL body to manage delivery on their behalf. Payment will be made only to the lead body in those cases. Once bodies have determined which DL body will lead each local programme, and Welsh Government is informed of those arrangements, maximum allocations to each body will be finalised.

Revenue grant funding will also be allocated to enable recruitment within lead DL bodies of Ffermio Bro scheme advisers. Guidance will be provided to bodies on recruitment, including template job descriptions. 

Other revenue costs are not eligible under the application made through RPW online, however the Programme Manager will provide and support national and local training for Ffermio Bro advisers, DL staff supporting the scheme, LAP members, farmers and other stakeholders.

A Ffermio Bro funded project cannot receive funding for activities or works which are already being grant funded through other schemes or programmes delivered for or on behalf of the Welsh Government or any other funding providers.

The scheme may include activities which are eligible under other existing Welsh Government schemes, provided they are not already being funded by the existing schemes or programmes - with the exception of large-scale woodland creation and peatland restoration. These activities should be referred to the relevant schemes and guidance will be provided to bodies. 

Any applications or claims made for activities which would be eligible under existing Welsh Government schemes will be subject to the eligibility, funding rates and terms and conditions of those schemes.

Projects will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the duration of the delivery phase to ensure they are delivering on schedule, within budget, are delivering the expected actions and outputs, and are offering good value for money. If projects are identified as not delivering effectively, then project grant funding will be at risk.  Projects will also be reviewed to assess any impact on project activities from potential regulatory or scheme changes. 

Payments are normally made in arrears (i.e. after the grant recipient has incurred the expenditure). 

Section C: scheme eligibility

Lead body/applicant eligibility

To apply for funding through RPW online, you must be a Designated Landscape management body in Wales or have management responsibility for a Designated Landscape in Wales. This could either be a National Park Authority or a Local Authority-hosted National Landscape team. Farmers should not apply directly for this scheme to Ffermio Bro.

If you are collaborating with another Designated Landscape management body to manage Ffermio Bro in more than one Designated Landscape, this must be agreed in advance with the Welsh Government policy team and the Programme Manager. You cannot proceed if this is not the case.

Bodies must convene a Local Assessment Panel (LAP).

Farmer/land manager eligibility 

The following sections detail eligibility for applicants to the Designated Landscape management body.

All applicants must be engaged in agricultural activity. Agricultural Activity is defined as:

  • The production, rearing or growing of agricultural products including harvesting, milking, breeding animals and keeping animals for farming purposes.
  • Maintaining an agricultural area in a state which makes it suitable for grazing or cultivation without preparatory action going beyond usual agricultural methods and machineries. In Wales, this means the control of non-native invasive weeds and scrub.
  • Carrying out a minimum activity on agricultural areas naturally kept in a state suitable for grazing or cultivation. In Wales, agricultural areas naturally kept in a state suitable for grazing or cultivation are defined as areas of saltmarsh and sand dunes. The minimum activity required is that the area is grazed to a minimum average annual stocking density of 0.01 to 0.05 livestock units per hectare, or the control of non-native invasive weeds and scrub.

Applicants will need to satisfy the following criteria when applying to the Designated Landscape body for the scheme:

  • All projects must meet the following primary Sustainable Land Management objective: Maintain and enhance resilience of ecosystems and benefits they provide.
  • Projects will be strengthened by delivering at least one of the other 3 Sustainable Land Management outcomes, namely:
    • Mitigating and adapting to climate change
    • Sustainable Production of Food and other Goods
    • Conserve and enhance the countryside and cultural resources and promote public access to and engagement with them, and to sustain the Welsh language and promote and facilitate its use
  • Designated Landscape teams should prioritise projects that enable and support existing and new farmer groups or farm clusters to develop collaborative projects which deliver ecosystem and other outcomes at a landscape scale. More information on collaboration can be found below.
  • As the SFS Universal scheme will not be fully operational by the start of this scheme, it will not be mandatory for all applicants to already be in that scheme in 2025-26. This will be kept under review; it may be necessary to introduce a requirement in future years of the programme.


The programme will be delivered in partnership with farmers and other land managers within a Designated Landscape. Designated Landscape bodies and the farmers who live and work within them have the best understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing their landscapes and communities. This programme allows the opportunity for Designated Landscapes and farmers to work better together, leading work at an individual landscape level whilst building on existing relationships. 

In Year 1, Designated Landscape teams should prioritise projects that enable and support groups of farmers to deliver ecosystem and other outcomes at a landscape scale, although farmers must apply individually to the DL for their part in the wider project of work, the local Designated Landscape body will facilitate this by setting out its local priorities for action and through a targeted approach, including working with existing partnerships or groups of farmers. 

In Year 1 it will not be mandatory for all scheme applicants to be part of a wider landscape project, particularly where the proposed project can demonstrate it is contributing to ecosystem resilience at scale. This will be reviewed prior to Year 2 commencing, with an expectation that by Year 2 all or most spend will be targeted at projects delivering wider landscape scale change.

Each farmer where part of a collaboration will need to apply for their element of the project to the relevant Designated Landscape body.

A formal agreement between parties may be required in some cases, and guidance will be provided on this to bodies directly. However, it will be for the DL body, not Welsh Government / RPW, to determine, and manage the risk, if this is sufficient, watertight and offers certainty for the body and all intended beneficiaries.

Each individual farmer must be registered with RPW and have been issued with a Customer Reference Number (CRN). Details for registering with RPW can be found here.

Land eligibility

All land must be in Wales. 

The farm businesses must have their land registered with RPW.

In order to receive funding from Designated Landscape bodies, individual farmers must have at least 3ha of eligible agricultural land registered with RPW in Wales or are able to demonstrate over 550 standard labour hours.

All land types will be eligible for proposed action, including common land and shared grazing. 

Land which is under an existing Agri-environment scheme, or any other agreement/grant award or is intended to be in the future, is eligible, however, any activities or management proposed must be over and above the requirements in those existing agreements/grant awards. 

In Year 1, Designated Landscape bodies may choose not to fund any proposed activity that has the potential to impact a protected site or otherwise require consents, permissions, and licences. As well as SSSI consent, these could include Scheduled Ancient Monument consent, ordinary water consent, and other requirements. These requirements have the potential to add delays to project delivery. However, Designated Landscape bodies can fund such activity where these requirements are in place and providing they still comply with the scheme application and claim deadlines, but should be aware of the inherent risks. 

Bodies can check if land includes or is next to a protected site at Find protected areas of land and sea (on Natural Resources Wales). The proposed activity and type of designation will determine who to contact and what consents or permissions are required. If the project proposals are on designated land, Designated Landscape bodies must ensure the applicant submits to them evidence of engagement or correspondence with NRW. 

All land proposed for the scheme must be under the management control of collaborating partners. Collaborating partners must have full management control and security of tenure of the land within your application for the full period of the proposals. If they do not have full control of the land, they must get the written consent off all other parties who have management control of the land and include evidence of approval with their application (or have a countersignature to the application from the landowner(s) / landlord or relevant body) to the Designated Landscape body.  

Where the project may include land occupied by one or more tenant farmers, evidence should be provided that shows those tenant farmers have been willingly included in the collaboration and decision-making process without non-consensual changes to their tenancy rights or agreements.

Common land

Designated Landscape bodies should ensure that any applications for activity on common land is supported by the written consent of the landowner for any actions which differ from the registered rights over the area of common land in question. It is suggested this also clearly identifies which actions require formal consent under the Commons Act 2006 or other relevant legislation together with those actions which do not. If formal consent is required, the Designated Landscape body should request from the applicant the likely timescale to achieve the necessary permissions.

Where applications on common land do not include all parties with a legal interest over any part of the area of the application, Designated Landscape bodies should ensure applicants clearly set out how the objectives and outcomes of the proposal will be achieved and not compromised by not having all those with a legal interest involved. 

Section D: General scheme requirements

You must be satisfied that farmers meet the following scheme requirements as part of your checks:

  • any works carried out on land managed and/or owned must go beyond legal obligations and requirements
  • projects must demonstrate they cannot proceed without support and that the project would not proceed without grant assistance
  • projects must demonstrate the costs are not excessive for the nature of the activity involved
  • projects must demonstrate legal compliance and financial viability
  • projects must demonstrate long term sustainability
  • projects must demonstrate that the amount of grant being asked for is the minimum gap funding necessary for the project to go ahead
  • project applications must outline planning permission has been sought or obtained, where required all other consents, licences and permissions have been granted
  • key staff must be recruited through fair and open competition
  • compliance with minimum standards and legislative requirements regarding the environment, hygiene, animal welfare and health and safety standards; where appropriate and/or necessary
  • projects must confirm that none of the items covered by the application are replacements under an insurance claim
  • projects must provide confirmation that no other public funding has been sought for proposed activities
  • any publicity given to the project must refer to the part played by Welsh Government in funding it

Section E: eligible activities

Capital funding

Ffermio Bro can provide capital funding linked to on-farm activities.  Activities can include: 

  • Low density targeted tree planting where improving habitat. This could include on steep banks, upland gullies and streams, field corners, and creating wood pasture.
  • Woodland restoration.
  • Natural regeneration.
  • Restoring and creating hedgerows.
  • Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) removal and eradication (where sporadic INNS present and eradication deliverable within year).
  • Natural flood risk management (NFRM) interventions (where consent is not required).
  • Enhancing and creating wetland through re-wetting measures and supporting ponds, lakes, reed beds and fens (where consent is not required).
  • Enhancing and creating riparian habitat.
  • Enhancing upland and unenclosed habitat & peatland (where appropriate, see below).
  • Enhancing and creating lowland habitat.
  • Restoring traditional hay meadows, and creating wild bird, wildlife and pollinator strips and plots.
  • Traditional boundary restoration, stone walls, earth banks and slate fences.
  • Improving access to the countryside through upgrading/enhancing public paths, open access land and green spaces.
  • Targeted measures to support the recovery of the wildlife species and habitats set out in the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 – Section 7 Lists of Habitats & Species of Principle Importance to Wales such as creating and establishing nesting and feeding habitat; including unavoidable predatory controls to support those species as part of the wider landscapes scale actions (only where consents are not required).
  • Targeted measures to improve water quality such as stock control.

Revenue funding

Alongside the capital activities it can fund for on-farm delivery, Ffermio Bro can provide revenue funding to Designated Landscape bodies to co-ordinate the scheme locally. This funding can only be used for: 

  • salary costs for the employment of Ffermio Bro scheme advisers, including NI costs and pension contributions 

Revenue funding cannot be provided to farmers to support the delivery of capital activities.  

Woodland Creation 

If farmers wish to plant areas of woodland, this cannot be supported through Ffermio Bro in Year 1 (2025-26), and instead can be applied for through other appropriate schemes operated by Welsh Government. More information on the Woodland Creation Small Grants can be found at Small Grants - Woodland Creation | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES and more information on the Woodland Creation Grant at Woodland Creation Grant | Sub-topic | GOV.WALES.

The situation for Year 2 (2026-27) will be reviewed following further refinement of the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS).

A key remit for Ffermio Bro advisers will be to signpost and support applicants to submit an application to these Woodland schemes. They should actively discuss woodland creation with farmers they are working with and who are taking forward Ffermio Bro applications, so that the two schemes complement each other.

However, low density tree planting and restoration of woodland using native broadleaf trees can be supported directly through the Ffermio Bro scheme. 

Tree planting under the Ffermio Bro scheme can include:

  • planting on steep banks
  • planting upland gullies and streams
  • planting field corners
  • new planting of trees outside woodlands
  • creating wood pasture
  • supporting and enabling natural regeneration

Woodland restoration under the Ffermio Bro can include:

  • restocking
  • invasive Non-Native Species control
  • scrub clearance
  • fencing and netting to restrict deer access

Further guidance will be provided by the Programme Manager and Welsh Government to applicant bodies. 


Peatlands cover only 3 - 4% of Wales yet sequester around 30% of all soil carbon. Peatlands in good condition regulate water flow by slowing and storing water in winter and releasing it in drier spells over the summer; they reduce wildfire risk; capture and store carbon; and support a range of important habitats and species. Peatlands form at 1mm per year so a 1m depth of peat represents over a thousand years of carbon storage. 

The National Peatland Action Programme (NPAP) provides a structure to coordinate, monitor and report on peatland restoration and condition for Wales. National Peatlands Action Programme (on Natural Resources Wales).

Actions that better manage and maintain peatlands can be supported through Ffermio Bro. Measures supported could include halting degradation measures e.g. scrub, conifer and Invasive Non-native Species clearance, and grazing control or introduction. We will encourage and work with Ffermio Bro scheme advisers to provide information to, and seek guidance from, the NPAP team in delivering projects on the ground.

For actions requiring significant restoration of peatland such as raising the water level through active interventions like bunds are likely to require permits, and also cannot be supported through Ffermio Bro for cost reasons. Nor can any activity on Sites of Special Scientific Interest. Any such potential projects should instead discuss with the NPAP team in Natural Resources Wales. 

Further guidance will be provided by the Programme Manager and Welsh Government to applicant bodies. 

Section F: eligible costs

All costs must be directly linked to project activities which support the aims and focus of the project. Where Welsh Government has a standard cost for an activity/item as part of current schemes, and this is available for this scheme, these Standard Costs must be offered and the technical specification followed. The standard payment rate for these activities is 40% of the cost. 

Where the Technical Specification cannot be used, for example because of environmental considerations, Designated Landscape bodies can calculate the 40% grant value using the actual costs. The body must retain a record of why the standard cost has not been applied and why this procurement routes has had to be followed, along with other information on the project.

If there is a project being carried out where there is not a standard cost available, up to 100% of the costs of a project could be paid where it is directly linked to environmental gain and the farmer will not make a private commercial gain or it is not linked to primary production. 

If the farmer will benefit commercially from a project, then the programme will fund a proportion of the costs. The amount will depend on how much the project will benefit the farmer’s business.

Where standard payment rates are not being used, the procurement rules of each Designated Landscape body managing the grant must be followed. Bespoke activity for environmental benefit and interventions which are primarily delivering public goods will require applicants to obtain quotes for work (following competitive tendering and public procurement rules) on an actual cost basis. This will be up to 100% funded on a cost incurred basis, where it is directly linked to environmental gain and not linked to private commercial gain or primary production. 

Capital items or machinery directly linked to project activities may be eligible if the project can demonstrate they contribute to the focus of the project, leading to significant outcomes and offer good value for money. These should be reviewed on a project-by-project basis by the DL body, and, if deemed eligible a contribution to those costs may be made on that basis. High-cost capital items or machinery linked to primary production or commercial activity are ineligible. If in doubt, advice should be sought from the Programme Manager.

Professional fees, consultant’s fees, technical costs, ecological and hydrological site surveys and fees related to environmental and economic sustainability; planning application fees and costs; fees incurred for statutory permissions, licences and consents are only eligible where the Designated Landscape body considers these as capital costs and essential for the capital works to be undertaken.  

Please note: Any habitat that is created or enhanced under Ffermio Bro will be eligible under the Sustainable Farming Scheme and will count towards the Universal requirements for habitat. Farmers who have carried out appropriate works to support habitat as part of a Ffermio Bro project can benefit through SFS. There is no disadvantage to them. Further guidance will be provided to Designated Landscape bodies.

It is very important that DL bodies retain records themselves that:

  • they have applied standard rates to payments
  • where they haven’t applied standard rates, record this decision with explanation
  • that they are satisfied there is no double funding – refer to Section G: double funding for more information
  • that any consents and other requirements are in place
  • record progress against scheme Indicators. 

The following indicators will be utilised in Year 1. Bodies must retain appropriate and robust data on scheme outputs and beneficiaries, and retain these according to their own data protection and retention rules:

  • Knowledge exchange and dissemination information:
    Number of supported training, advice and awareness actions or units.
  • Schemes for the climate, the environment and animal welfare:
    Number of hectares or livestock and animal welfare units benefitting from eco-schemes.
  • Natural or other area-specific constraints (AONB, SSSI, National Parks):
    Number of hectares benefitting from support for areas facing natural or other specific constraints, including a breakdown per type of area.
  • Environmental, climate-related and other management commitments:
    Area of agroforestry, hedgerows, buffer strips and species-rich field margins
  • Co-operation or units:
    Number of supported other cooperation operations
  • Socio economic:
    Managed access to countryside or coast 
    Area (ha) of woodland supported 
    Area (ha) of peatland habitat re-wetted

Section G: Double funding

An approved Ffermio Bro project cannot receive funding for activities or works that are currently being funded by other schemes or programmes unless the Ffermio Bro activity or management is over and above the existing requirement. 

A project cannot receive funding for like for like replacements of previously funded activities/items unless it’s a continuation of management or further enhancement or restoration of those activities and was not a requirement of the original grant to do so. 

Land within a Ffermio Bro project may be part of and include other programmes or schemes that enhance or complement the project outcomes, but separation must be clearly defined identifying which activities are funded through each programme scheme and any activities or management must be over and above the requirements of the existing contracts.

RPW will not need to provide any approval such as double funding checks for the DL bodies to provide funding offers to farmers to commence work. However, there is a responsibility for the DL bodies to ensure there is no double funding. The DL bodies will need to determine this in discussion with the farmer, and the farmer should provide a written guarantee/disclaimer in their grant application or acceptance form. RPW will however check there is no double funding at claim stage, if double funding is identified, no payment will be made for the amount of double funding. The DL must retain records to evidence they are satisfied there is no double funding including geotagged before and after photos.

Section H: ineligible costs

Ineligible activities 

There are a number of activities and investments that are not eligible for funding under Ffermio Bro:

  • investment in the primary production of agricultural or timber products
  • habitat management payments as set out in current or legacy schemes, and
  • any physical work or any other expenditure incurred before the project start date without prior written approval from Welsh Government

The following items are examples of activities, which are not eligible for grant support. This is not a definitive list, and all items will be considered on a case-by-case basis:

  • Training. Separate arrangements for training provision will be developed by the Programme Manager.
  • Travel and subsistence for Ffermio Bro scheme advisers or other staff required to undertake site visits, and Local Assessment Panel costs including travel. Separate arrangements will be developed by the Programme Manager.
  • Communication and dissemination: you cannot claim costs to support the communication of the proposed project activities; this should be done by the Designated Landscape body in conjunction with the Programme Manager.
  • Evaluation: you cannot claim for the cost of having any evaluation of the project, unless a report is considered an essential requirement, and the Designated Landscape body considers these as capital costs. A key outcome of Ffermio Bro is to understand how both local and national schemes are operating, and the Programme Manager/Welsh Government will therefore be making arrangements to learn lessons from the projects delivered and the programme as a whole.
  • The purchase of land.
  • The purchase of livestock.
  • The purchase of buildings.
  • The purchase of high value machinery and other capital assets not directly linked to environmental outcomes or and the focus for the project or direct project activities.
  • The purchase of cars, vans, motorcycles, bicycles and any other form of personal transport (for whatever purpose).
  • The purchase of vehicles for external transportation (such as lorries, buses, vans, minibuses, or any other kind of vehicle used to transport goods or people).
  • Temporary works not directly related to the execution of the project.
  • Support for activities that can be delivered through other mechanisms outside Welsh Government schemes, such as existing arrangements for sectoral development.
  • Maintenance costs for existing buildings, plant or equipment.
  • Like for like replacement items.
  • Costs connected with a leasing contract such as the lessor’s margin, interest financing costs, overheads and insurance charges.
  • Costs of arranging loans, VAT and other taxes recoverable by the beneficiary, administrative and staff costs or compensation paid to third parties for expropriation, etc.
  • Overheads allocated or apportioned at rates materially in excess of rates for similar costs incurred by other comparable delivery mechanisms.
  • Notional expenditure.
  • Payments for activity of a political nature.
  • Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of assets.
  • Provisions.
  • Contingent liabilities.
  • Contingencies.
  • Dividends to shareholders.
  • Interest charges.
  • Service charges arising on finance leases, hire purchase and credit arrangements.
  • Costs resulting from the deferral of payments to creditors.
  • Costs involved in winding up a commercial company.
  • Payments for unfunded pensions.
  • Compensation for loss of office.
  • Bad debts arising from loans to employees, proprietors, partners, directors, guarantors, shareholders or a person connected with any of these.
  • Payments for gifts and donations.
  • Personal entertainments (including alcohol).
  • Statutory fines and penalties.
  • Statutory taxes (excluding irrecoverable VAT).
  • Criminal fines and damages.
  • Legal expenses in respect of litigation.
  • Reclaimable VAT.
  • Computer software and apps for hosting of systems for general business management / accounts / marketing and promotion / websites / online sales.
  • Support for activities that can be delivered through other mechanisms outside Welsh Government rural development and transitional schemes, such as existing arrangements for sectoral development.
  • Support for the supply chain co-ordination of fisheries and aquaculture products are not eligible under this scheme, and
  • High-cost capital items or machinery linked to primary production or commercial activity.

Section I: applying for a Ffermio Bro grant

RPW Online

You can only complete an application for the Ffermio Bro grant by accessing Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online. If you already have a Customer Reference Number (CRN) you should have received a letter informing you of your activation code to set up your account. If you no longer have this, please telephone the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004 (Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 17:00, Friday 8:30 – 16:30) and tell the operator your CRN. They will send you a new activation code.

To register your business details for the first time, you need to complete the online registration form. Please refer to the how to register guidance for further details. The vast majority of changes to business details can be done online. However, we may require further details on any major changes. Please contact the Customer Contact Centre for further information.

Once registered, you can access your RPW Online account. Ffermio Bro is available from the “Applications and Claims” section of your account.

If you have any questions about registering for RPW Online or completing your application, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004. They will be able to provide advice, including the digital assistance that is available to you.

Further details regarding RPW Online are available on the our website.

Submitting an application 

Guidance on how to submit your application via RPW Online.

It is your responsibility to ensure the application is correctly completed and the information provided in support of your project is accurate.

You must complete the application in full and provide comprehensive documentation in support of the application to enable us to assess the project. Please ensure you follow the guidance as failure to do so may delay the appraisal.

Section J: appraisal

Each application from a Designated Landscape body will be appraised by the Welsh Government policy team with input from the Programme Manager, to ensure local delivery complies with the expectations and objectives of the scheme. 

Ffermio Bro appraisal criteria 

For the grant, all applications will be assessed against a set of selection criteria and scored using a scale of Low, Medium or High.

Sections to be assessed and scores

1 – Programme management: low-high
2 - Strategic context: low-high
3 - Embedding biodiversity: low-high
4 - Value for money: low-high

For each criteria, the assessment will be made based on the information and evidence provided and where projects can demonstrate in the application how the proposed actions and interventions are meeting the strategic aims and outcomes of the scheme. There is no guarantee all of the funds will be allocated, or all applications will be selected to receive the grant if they do not score sufficiently high.

Application questions

Bodies will need to demonstrate the following for the relevant Designated Landscape: 

  • How Ffermio Bro will be managed effectively. This should include, but not be limited to, governance, staffing and management arrangements, assessment arrangements, training and promotion.
  • How they will support landscape-scale delivery through collaboration.
  • How they will ensure that the Sustainable Land Management Objectives, particularly "Maintain and enhance resilience of ecosystems and benefits they provide", will be met through delivery of the grant.
  • How they will align delivery with the priorities set out in the relevant statutory Management Plan(s) and any other key strategic document, e.g. Area Statements, Nature Recovery Action Plans.
  • How they will spatially target delivery to maximise their contribution to the 30x30 target.
  • How they will ensure project costs will be reasonable and appropriate, and how value for money will be embedded. 


The following scoring will be used to appraise Ffermio Bro applications from Designated Landscape bodies:

High: The applicant has provided significant and clear evidence to support their application. They have provided significant and clear evidence that the project will be appropriately managed and will achieve the desired outcomes. 

Medium: The applicant has provided satisfactory evidence to support their application. They have provided sufficient evidence that the project will be appropriately managed and will achieve the desired outcomes, although this could have been strengthened in some areas.

Low: The applicant has provided incomplete or insufficient evidence to support their application. They have not provided sufficient evidence that the project will be appropriately managed and will achieve the desired outcomes.

A score of Low in any of the selection criteria will prevent the application from being considered for the grant. 

Higher scores will be achieved by providing clearly evidenced explanations supported by examples of proposed activities. 

Appraisal outcome and grant award offer

There are 2 possible outcomes from the appraisal:

a. Your project is not eligible for the grant. You will be informed of the reasons why your application was not successful via your RPW Online account

b. Your project is eligible and is approved for an award. A Grant Award Letter will be issued to you setting out the terms and conditions of the award via your RPW Online account. As agreement, you accept the terms and conditions therein. The Grant Award will also provide you with the authority to start work. You will need to accept or decline the Award within 30 days. Failure to accept the award within 30 days will lead to the offer being withdrawn.

We will issue a reminder via your RPW Online account prior to the acceptance deadline.

Full details of when your Award must be accepted and the deadline for claims will be in the Grant Award Letter.

If you accept your Grant Award Letter you will also be required to complete a delivery profile to confirm when you will be making claims and the value.

If, after being selected, you decide not to proceed with your Grant Award or fail to accept the Grant Award within the time permitted, you may not be able to apply for Ffermio Bro in the future. If you decide to withdraw prior to completing the work you may not be able to apply for Ffermio Bro in the future.

Subject to the requirements of the Welsh Governments Code of Practice on Public Access to Information, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004: all information given to the Welsh Government will be treated in strict confidence. You should be aware that if successful, the Welsh Government reserve the right to publish the name of the company and the amount of grant awarded along with a summary of the project.

We want to work with organisations who are proud of their reputation, what they deliver, and their conduct. The following link will direct you to guidance which is designed to highlight and clarify the types of behaviours, cultures and values Welsh Government expects to see ‘lived out’ by its grant recipients. Welsh Government expectations of grant recipients [HTML] | GOV.WALES.

Starting work

You must not start work until you have been offered a Grant Award. If you do start work, the Welsh Government may reject the work started or terminate the Award and recover payment made.

Section K: conditions of grant

Ffermio Bro – Farming in Designated Landscapes is subject to a range of relevant legislation (see Section R). Welsh Government and the applicant/recipient must act in accordance with that legislation.

The offer of a Ffermio Bro grant is made subject to terms and conditions, which will be set out in full in your Grant Award Letter and include those set out below. The grant award period will from the date the award is issued until 31 March 2026.

Failure to meet the terms and conditions of the award could result in the cancellation of your award and/or the recovery of sums already paid, or a reduction of the amount of grant payable.


The award is made on the basis of statements and declarations made by you or your representatives in the application form and the claim form and any subsequent correspondence. The making of false or misleading statements is an offence. 

You must not begin any work on the project without first obtaining written authority to do so from Welsh Government.  

You must meet any legal obligations imposed and UK law.

No alterations may be made to the project, including the location without the written approval of Welsh Government.

The applicant is required to comply with the rules on eligible costs as detailed in the scheme guidance notes.

Projects should be completed within the timetable agreed with Welsh Government. You should not deviate from this without prior written agreement from Welsh Government.

Claims must be submitted via the RPW online contract claim form and supported by all supporting documents as required by the scheme.

Claims must be submitted in accordance with the timetable set out in the grant award letter. You must not deviate from the agreed timing and value of your claims without prior written agreement from Welsh Government.

You must provide confirmation that no other public funding (whether from EU or UK sources) has been sought. If it is found that you have received public funding from another source your claim may be rejected, payments may be recovered, and penalties may be applied.

Records concerning the application and claim for this grant, including all original invoices and any other related documents, must be retained for at least seven years after the project end date.

You must allow representatives of Welsh Government, the Auditor General for Wales or their representatives to inspect the project. On request, you must provide them with information and / or access to original documentation in relation to the project.

The information provided in the application and any supporting documentation is subject to the requirements of the Welsh Government’s Code of Practice on Public Access to Information, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

You should be aware that, if successful, we reserve the right to publish the name of your business or company, the amount of grant you were awarded and a summary of your project.

The information provided in the application is subject to the privacy notice. The privacy notice explains our processing and use of your personal data and your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Section L: payments


Ffermio Bro is only available to claim by the Designated Landscape body using the Contract claim form on your RPW Online account. Payment will be made following the successful validation of your claim.

You may make interim claims during the period of your project. The Contract Claim form how to complete Guide explains how to claim.

Payment will be made following the successful validation of your claim. Claims will be paid when the Welsh Government are satisfied the relevant expenditure has taken place and the work has been completed in accordance with the Grant Award. Payment will be made by electronic transfer to your bank account.

Final claims for payment of grant should be submitted as soon as possible after the physical work on the project has been completed and no later than the contract end date. All final claims must be received no later than 31 March 2026.

  • No extension to the final claim deadline will be granted beyond 31 March 2026.

Failure to complete the project and submit the final claim by the above deadline may result in the grant paid to date being recovered.

Projects MUST be completed within the timetable agreed with Welsh Government. You cannot change this without written agreement from Welsh Government.

During the lifetime of the grant, when claims are submitted, they may be scrutinised to ensure expenditure is eligible and in line with that approved in the original application.

In order to receive a Ffermio Bro payment you must:

  • have accepted the Ffermio Bro award within 30 calendar days of the offer date and adhere to all the requirements
  • ensure that you have only undertaken eligible work to meet the “Purposes” of your Grant Award Letter
  • submit the claims using the contract claim form on your RPW Online account by the claim deadline – 31 March 2026
  • submit Schedule 5 of your Grant Award letter

The payment will be issued to bank account associated with lead CRN on application.

For salaried staff, you will need to provide a spreadsheet of people, hourly rate and hours worked in the claim period.

You can submit evidence by scanning it and sending via “My Messages” in your RPW Online account.

A claim is not considered valid unless it has been submitted via the contract claim form and until all supporting documentation has been submitted.

You can submit your claim at any time once the work has been completed.  

We will issue a maximum of 2 reminders for any outstanding claims via your RPW Online account prior to the closing date.

It is essential that if you have any doubts about anything that you need for your project that you request written confirmation of its eligibility before you incur the costs.

Schedule 5

The Chief Financial Officer or Financial Director of the Designated Landscape body will need to submit a schedule 5 declaration to sign off Local Authority Allocation Certificate. However, if the funding is less than £100,000 this does not need to be submitted.

Incorrect claims and penalties

It is your responsibility to make sure the claim submitted is eligible and accurate, it is only for defrayed expenditure (the money has gone from your bank account), all the items and costs are eligible, and the claim is submitted on time.

All the activity/costs incurred must be after the award has been offered.

Your claim is incorrect if:

  • you have undertaken activity / incurred costs before the award is offered
  • you have not submitted a claim and supporting documents by the claim deadline

If the claim is incorrect then your claim will be reduced to the amount that is eligible and the grant to be paid will be calculated accordingly. However, if the error is more than 10% of the total amount claimed then a financial penalty will be applied. The amount of eligible expenditure will be reduced by the amount of the error and so the final amount of grant to be paid will be lower than expected.


Regulation 13 of the Rural Development Programmes (Wales) Regulations 2014 (No. 3222 (W.327)) establishes criminal offences and penalties in relation to certain aspects of rural development funding. That Regulation and those offences are applicable to Ffermio Bro. Examples of offences include knowingly or recklessly providing false or misleading information in relation to rural development funding, obstructing an inspector or official, and refusing to provide information when requested to do so.

Changes to an approved project

A project change or re-evaluation is the process of agreeing significant changes to an approved project. If your project delivery is going to be different to what was agreed, you need to request a re-evaluation asking for approval of the changes.

Any changes to a project must be agreed by the grantor in writing. When you notify us that your project needs to be modified, we will explain to you how the changes will be treated. 

Section M: competitive tendering and procurement

Where farmers apply to you to fund an item or activity for which there is no equivalent standard cost, you will need to ensure your competitive tendering and public procurement rules are followed, and quotes are obtained for the work on an actual cost basis. You will be asked to provide an overview of your procurement rules as part of your Stage 1 application.

While you will need to ensure your own procedures are followed, you can also refer to the Welsh Government’s guidance and requirements for Competitive Tendering, which are available at Rural grants: competitive tendering guidance.

Section N: changes to scheme rules

Legislation changes (including changes in interpretation)

Legislation may change from time to time, and you and the beneficiaries you fund will be required to abide by any changes to the scheme rules following notification from the Welsh Government.

Changes to scheme rules or grant award

We may need to make changes to the scheme rules and/or your grant award. For example, we may need to update the management conditions to take account of the latest scientific advice, amend scheme rules to take account of any changes. We will publicise changes on our website and where necessary contact you directly.

Section O: controls, monitoring and record keeping


The Welsh Government must enforce the Ffermio Bro rules.

All the details in your application, the details in your claim and the declarations that you made in submitting the application and claim will be checked.

Your claim may be selected for a visit to ensure that your body has followed the Scheme Rules and that procurement rules have been followed before the payment is made to you or it may be selected for a visit after the payment has been made.

We and the specialist control bodies will try to ensure that visits cause you minimum  disruption, but some checks require visits to be unannounced, which means it may not be possible to give you notice. You may be subject to more than one visit in a calendar year. 

If you refuse to allow a visit or obstruct an officer or fail to give reasonable assistance, your claim may not be paid, we may recover payments, and you may be prosecuted. 

You will be asked to provide regular updates on the progress of projects you fund by submitting regular progress reports reporting against your application. 

Key learnings for Welsh Government 

Activity within this scheme will also support the development of processes, methodologies and approaches to inform the continuing development of a collaborative element of the Sustainable Farming Scheme, including gathering more evidence about the effectiveness of interventions at both a farm and landscape management scale.

Welsh Government and the Programme Manager will create a network of Ffermio Bro delivery agents and other involved parties to share knowledge and support the development of networks and to provide recommendations in the support of future programmes.

Monitoring and evaluation 

As a scheme aimed at supporting the agricultural industry, Ffermio Bro will also be required to work towards the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) objectives and as part of the Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023.

You must make it a requirement of your grant offer letter to successful projects that items purchased with the aid of a grant must be kept in situ, operational and in good repair, and used for the same purpose as set out in the original application, for at least five years from the date of completion of the project as set out in the grant award. This is to ensure the longevity of the project and to guarantee primary producers a lasting share of the project’s benefits.

You must inspect the items purchased over this five-year period. Site visits could be made on a percentage of the projects approved within five years following final completion (grant offer letter end date).

You must also cooperate with Welsh Government’s appointed scheme evaluators.

Record keeping

You must keep all records and information you need to evidence that you have provided complete and accurate information and have complied with your undertakings for seven years after the project end date as stated in your grant award.

You will also be required to:

  • supply to us any information about your Ffermio Bro project within the period determined by the us
  • make available to us, our authorised persons or our agents, records, accounts, receipts and other information including access to computer data relating to your project
  • permit us to remove any such document or record to take copies or extracts from them

Section P: appeals and complaints procedure

Appeals procedure

Once you have accepted a grant offer, appeals concerning a Welsh Government decision will be considered under the ‘Independent Appeals Process for Rural Grants and Payments’.  

The appeals process consists of two stages:

  • stage 1: review by RPW officials
  • stage 2: review by an Independent Appeals Panel (if you are dissatisfied with the stage 1 response)

The Independent Panel make recommendations to the Welsh Minister, who make the final decision, which concludes the process.

There is no charge for Stage 1 of the process, but there is a charge at Stage 2 – £50 for a written hearing or £100 for an oral hearing. These charges are repaid in full if the Stage 2 appeal is either partially or fully successful.

Appeals, including supporting evidence, must be received within 60 days of the date of the letter outlining the decision you wish to appeal against.

Further details of the appeals process and how to submit an appeal using the RPW Online appeal form, can be obtained from the RPW Customer Contact Centre or our website at: Rural Grants and Payments appeals: guidance.

Complaints procedure

Complaints will be dealt with under our procedure on Complaints. Further advice on how to make a complaint can be obtained from the Complaints Advice Team:

Welsh Government
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ

Tel: 03000 251378


Website: Complain about Welsh Government

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau’n Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.

You may also choose to contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales:

1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae
CF35 5LJ

Tel: 0300 790 0203

Website: Ombudsman

Section Q: Privacy notice: Welsh Government grants

We provide a wide range of grant schemes to help deliver our policies and create a fairer, more prosperous Wales.

We will be data controller for any personal data you provide in relation to your grant application or request for grant funding. The information will be processed as part of our public task (i.e. exercising our official authority to undertake the core role and functions of the Welsh Government) and will help us assess your eligibility for funding.

Before we provide grant funding to you, we undertake checks for the purposes of preventing fraud and money laundering, and to verify your identity. These checks may require us to process personal data about you to third party fraud prevention agencies.

If we, or a fraud prevention agency, determine that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk, we may refuse to provide the grant funding you applied for, or we may stop providing existing grant funding to you.

A record of any fraud or money laundering risk will be retained by the fraud prevention agencies, and may result in others refusing to provide services, financing or employment to you.

To assess eligibility, we may also need to share personal information relating to your application with:

  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Animal and Plant Health Agency
  • Veterinary Medicine Directorate
  • Welsh Local Authorities
  • Food Standards Agency Wales
  • other UK Government Agriculture Offices
  • regulatory authorities, such as HM Revenue and Customs, Local Authorities, Health and Safety Executive and the Police

We may also share your information with organisations which deliver training, knowledge transfer and innovation advice and support on behalf of the Welsh Government for the purposes of appropriate targeting of support.

Your information, including your personal information, may be the subject of a request by another member of the public. When responding to such requests the Welsh Government may be required to release information, including your personal information, to fulfil its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Act 2004 or the Data Protection Act 2018.

We will publish details of the amounts paid to Rural Support beneficiaries. Data will be published for all beneficiaries and will include the name and locality of the farmer/land manager and details of the amounts and schemes for which grant funding has been paid. However, for those receiving less than the equivalent of £1,250 in grant funding the name will be withheld. The data will be published annually on 31 May and remain available for two years from the date it is published. 

We will keep personal information contained in files in line with our retention policy. If successful in your application, then your personal data will be kept for 10 years after the date of final payment. If you are unsuccessful your details will be kept for one year after the date you provided them.

Under the data protection legislation, you have the right:

  • to access the personal data we hold on you,
  • to require us to rectify inaccuracies in that data,
  • to (in certain circumstances) object to or restrict processing,
  • for (in certain circumstances) your data to be ‘erased’, and
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who is the independent regulator for data protection.

For further details about the information Welsh Government holds and its use, or if you want to exercise your rights under the GDPR, please see contact details below:

Data Protection Officer
Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ


The contact details for the Information Commissioner’s Office are:

2nd Floor, 
Churchill House
Churchill Way
CF10 2HH

Telephone: 0330 414 6421


Should you have any queries regarding this privacy statement please contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre.

Section R: legislation

We are committed to supporting farmers to produce food in a sustainable way, whilst taking action to respond to the climate emergency and to help reverse the decline in biodiversity. Funding support for farmers, land managers and associated rural sectors is delivered through a flexible framework of support under the Sustainable Land Management (SLM) Objectives set out in The Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023 (‘the Agriculture Act’):

  • to produce food in a sustainable manner,
  • to mitigate and adapt to climate change,
  • to maintain and enhance the resilience of ecosystems and the benefits they provide, and
  • to conserve and enhance the countryside and cultural resources and promote public access to and engagement with them, and to sustain the Welsh language and promote and facilitate its use.

World Trade Organisation and subsidy control

Subsidies provided under this scheme are considered to be payments under an environmental programme, which fall within the scope of Annex II of the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and have been classified as ‘green box’. There is the potential for innovative or novel project proposals to require equipment or resources that fall outside this scope.  Where it is deemed essential for the project, the items and actions may be subject to individual subsidy control agreements and will be defined in the project agreement. 

Section S: contacts

Enquiries: Customer Contact Centre

For all enquiries, please contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre.

Enquiries can be submitted via RPW Online at any time.

Access to Welsh Government offices for people with disabilities or special needs

If you have any special needs which you feel are not met by our facilities contact the RPW Customer Contact Centre on 0300 062 5004. Welsh Government officials will then endeavour to make arrangements to accommodate your requirements.

Welsh Government Website

For all the latest Agricultural and Rural Affairs information, visit the our website. By visiting the website, you can also sign up to receive the Rural Affairs e-newsletter which delivers the latest news directly to your e-mail inbox.


The Gwlad e-newsletter is the Welsh Government’s e-newsletter for farm and forestry businesses and all those involved with agriculture and rural Wales.  It contains news stories, guidance and information in an accessible, easy-to-read format.  To keep informed and up to date with all the latest agriculture news and developments in future we would encourage you to sign up to receive the Gwlad e-newsletter. You can do this either at Announcements or at Subscribe to farming and forestry news (Gwlad).