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Terms of reference on a Shadow Broadcasting and Communications Authority for Wales.


The Expert Panel (‘the Panel’) will carry out this work as part of the broadcasting commitments made in the Co-operation Agreement and Programme for Government.

Title and type

The Panel is an advisory body reporting to the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport and the Chief Whip and the Designated Plaid Cymru Member. The Panel is established and appointed on a task and finish basis for a period not exceeding one year from its first meeting.


The main purpose of the Panel is to provide options and recommendations on delivery of the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru Co-Operation Agreement commitment to explore the creation of a shadow Broadcasting and Communications Authority for Wales.

In offering an outlook and perspective based upon individual knowledge and expertise, the Panel will complement and add value to wider sources of advice provided by the civil service, industry partners and other mechanisms, such as community engagement.

Scope and remit

The Panel will have specific regard to the above shadow Broadcasting and Communications Authority commitment. Its work will be guided by the wider context of the broadcasting and media commitments set out in the Co-Operation Agreement. Further detail is set out at Doc 1.

The Co-operation Agreement details the types of functions a shadow Broadcasting and Communications Authority could deliver, including action to close the information deficit in Wales, to align existing efforts to strengthen media in Wales with innovations to support the Welsh language on all media platforms and in the digital sphere and development of plans for an alternative framework in Wales in readiness for the devolution of broadcasting and communication powers.

The Panel will be expected to build on the initial thinking set out in the Co-operation Agreement to consider and make recommendations on achieving those aims. This work will need to include recommendations on:

  • remit and scope
  • structure and position in the wider government and regulatory framework
  • transparency and accountability
  • governance arrangements
  • funding implications and ongoing sustainability
  • any other relevant options for realising the ambitions of the broadcasting commitments in the Co-operation Agreement.

As an element of its work, the Panel will be expected to identify best practice and learning from other nations and regions in the UK and internationally and demonstrate how such examples might be used to inform thinking in Wales. The work of the Panel will be integral to developing the evidence base and business case for the devolution of broadcasting and communication powers to Wales.


The Panel is ultimately accountable to the Welsh Government and reports will be provided to both Welsh Ministers and the Designated Plaid Cymru Member.


These Terms of Reference will be subject to review and change as agreed with Welsh Ministers and the Designated Plaid Cymru member.

Co-operation Agreement broadcasting and media commitments


While the pandemic has raised the profile of Wales and Wales’s democracy in the UK media, there is a broad consensus that the current broadcasting and communications framework is inadequate, is hampering the democratic life of our country and is not serving the needs of, or ambitions for, the Welsh language. The current system is therefore not capable of delivering the media Wales needs. There are also ongoing threats to, and attacks on, public service broadcasting from the UK Conservative Government. Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Government agree that broadcasting and communications powers should be devolved to the Senedd.

  • We will work together, and with industry experts, communities and wider partners, to explore the creation of a shadow Broadcasting and Communications Authority for Wales.
  • The remit of this body would include aiming to strengthen Welsh democracy and close the information deficit; bring together and coordinate in a structured way the Welsh Government’s existing efforts to strengthen the media in Wales and innovations to support the Welsh language in the digital sphere such as; enhance media pluralism and the use of the Welsh language on all media platforms.
  • The new Authority would also be tasked with drawing up plans for, and steps towards, an alternative broadcasting and communications framework for Wales in readiness for the devolution of broadcasting and communications powers

This approach will allow us to strengthen the sector despite the challenges posed by a UK government that is failing to engage constructively with Welsh devolution.

Media financial support

As an initial intervention, we will provide additional investment to develop existing and new enterprises seeking to improve Welsh journalism and to support Welsh-based media to tackle the information deficit.