Dawn Bowden MS Minister for Children and Social Care

Responsibilities of the Minister for Children and Social Care
- Safeguarding
- Children and young people’s advocacy including complaints, representations and advocacy under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
- Information sharing under the Children Act 2004
- Adoption and fostering services
- Cafcass Cymru
- Carers
- Policy and oversight of the provision of all social service activities of Local Authorities in Wales, including the issue of statutory guidance
- Oversight of Social Care Wales
- Older People
- Regulation of residential, domiciliary, adult placements, foster care, under 8s care provision and private healthcare
- Inspection of, and reporting on, the provision of social services by Local Authorities (via Care Inspectorate Wales), including joint reviews of social services and responding to reports
- Children’s and young people’s rights and entitlements, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Early years, childcare and play, including the Childcare offer and workforce
- Flying Start for children 0-3
- Families First and play policies
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
Dawn Bowden was born in Bristol and educated at St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School and Soundwell Technical College (now named Academy). She worked for the National Health Service between 1979 and 1982, and for Bristol City Council from 1982 to1983. In 1989, Dawn moved to South Wales to become the youngest and first female District Officer in the area. She rose through the ranks of her union to become the UNISON Cymru/Wales Head of Health, a position she held up to her election as Assembly Member for Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney in May 2016. She counts amongst her proudest achievements leading on the negotiations that delivered the Living Wage into NHS Wales in 2014.
Dawn was elected as a Member of the Senedd for Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney in May 2016. In the last Senedd term, Dawn served on the Health, Social Care and Sport; Culture Welsh Language and Communications; External Affairs and Additional Legislation; Climate Change and Rural Affairs; Children, Young People and Education and Equalities, Local Government and Communities Committees. She also Chaired the Committee on Senedd Reform and represented the Welsh Parliament at the European Congress of Regions and was a Member of the Valleys Taskforce.
On 13 May 2021 Dawn was appointed Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport and Chief Whip.
On 21 March 2024, Dawn was appointed Minister for Social Care
On 11 September 2024, Dawn was appointed Minister for Children and Social Care.