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Begin the bilingual journey

With over 65,000 children in Welsh-medium or bilingual primary schools in Wales, why do parents consider the Welsh language important for their children?

Welsh names for children
Have you considered giving your child a Welsh name? Here are some of the most popular.
Local 'Cymraeg for Kids' Activities
Support is available across Wales to help you and your child use the Welsh language.
Early words and songs
Speaking a few words and singing simple Welsh songs is a great way to start sharing the language with your child. Here you’ll find the Cymraeg for Kids songbook.
The journey
Cymraeg for Kids sessions
Even in the womb, babies can hear voices and music.
My experience
Oliver moved from Tameside to Ceredigion with his partner Jen and daughter Jess.
So what next?
Any big decision prompts questions. Here is some advice from those with real experience.
Further support
Why not start doing the little things today to help your child learn in Welsh? There are websites and apps out there to help you.
A day full of Welsh for your kids
Information about getting your kids to use more Welsh.

Cymraeg in education

Supporting your child to learn Welsh.