76193 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: PEP
Welsh: PEP
English: PEP
Welsh: PEP
English: peppercorn rent
Welsh: rhent hedyn pupur
English: peppercorns
Welsh: grawn pupur
English: peppers
Welsh: puprynnau
English: pepper-saxifrage
Welsh: ffenigl yr hwch
English: per capita basis
Welsh: fesul pen o'r boblogaeth
English: perceived barriers
Welsh: rhwystrau ymddangosiadol
English: perceived discrimination
Welsh: gwahaniaethu canfyddiadol
English: perceived gender
Welsh: rhywedd canfyddedig
English: perceived sexual orientation
Welsh: cyfeiriadedd rhywiol canfyddedig
English: per cent
Welsh: y cant
English: percent
Welsh: y cant
English: percentage
Welsh: canran
English: percentage deviation
Welsh: gwyriad canrannol
English: percentage of water content
Welsh: canran y cynnwys sy'n ddŵr
English: percentage point
Welsh: pwynt canran
English: percentages
Welsh: canrannau
English: percentage severity
Welsh: difrifoldeb canrannol
English: percentage spend of budget
Welsh: canran o'r gyllideb a wariwyd
English: percentage strength
Welsh: cryfder canrannol
English: percentage tax rate
Welsh: cyfradd dreth ganrannol
English: percentile
Welsh: canradd
English: percentile range
Welsh: ystod canraddol
English: perception-based discrimination
Welsh: gwahaniaethu ar sail canfyddiad
English: perception of crime
Welsh: canfyddiad am droseddu
English: perceptions
Welsh: canfyddiadau
English: perceptive discrimination
Welsh: gwahaniaethu ar sail canfyddiad
English: perch
Welsh: draenogyn dŵr croyw
English: perch
Welsh: clwyd
English: perch
Welsh: clwyd
English: perchery
Welsh: clwydfa
English: percolation saline lagoon
Welsh: morlyn hallt treiddio
Welsh: triniaethau drwy'r croen
English: peregrine
Welsh: hebog tramor
English: Peregrine Path
Welsh: Llwybr yr Hebog
English: perennial
Welsh: lluosflwydd
English: perflourooctane sylphonate
Welsh: sylffonad perfflowrooctan
English: perfluorohexane sulfonic acid
Welsh: asid perfflworohecsan sylffonig
English: perfluorooctane sulfonic acid
Welsh: asid perfflworöoctan sylffonig
English: perfluorooctanoic acid
Welsh: asid perfflworooctanoig
English: perflurocarbon
Welsh: perfflworocarbon
English: perforated ear drum
Welsh: rhwyg yn nhympan y glust
English: perforation
Welsh: llinell rwygo
English: perforation
Welsh: rhwyg
English: perforation
Welsh: trydylliad
English: performance
Welsh: perfformiad
English: Performance Accountability
Welsh: Atebolrwydd Perfformiad
English: Performance and Compliance Manager
Welsh: Rheolwr Perfformiad a Chydymffurfiaeth
English: performance and dance
Welsh: perfformiad a dawns