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75684 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: cure
Welsh: cyweirio
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: leather
Last Updated: 20 December 2007
English: cure
Welsh: cochi
Status C
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: fish
Last Updated: 20 December 2007
English: cure
Welsh: halltu
Status C
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: meat etc.
Last Updated: 20 December 2007
English: cured fish
Welsh: pysgod wedi'u cochi
Status B
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Adjective
Last Updated: 25 January 2012
English: cured meat
Welsh: cig wedi'i halltu
Status B
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Adjective
Last Updated: 25 January 2012
English: curfew
Welsh: cyrffyw
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 6 September 2005
English: curfew order
Welsh: gorchymyn cyrffyw
Status B
Subject: Justice and Order
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 31 July 2012
Welsh: gofyniad cyrffyw
Status B
Subject: Justice and Order
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 31 July 2012
Welsh: Partneriaeth Curiad Calon Cymru
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 23 June 2010
Welsh: ymchwil a ysgogir gan chwilfrydedd
Status A
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Notes: Cyfyd yng nghyd-destun addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-orfodol
Last Updated: 7 March 2018
English: curious
Welsh: chwilfrydig
Status B
Subject: General
Part of speech: Adjective
Context: It is important to remember that some learners will know that they are non-binary or trans, some may be questioning this, and some might be curious and want information in relation to other people, for example family members, friends, people in the school community, or people in wider society.
Notes: Ee yng nghyd-destun cwestiynu o ran rhywedd.
Last Updated: 1 May 2024
English: curled dock
Welsh: tafolen grech
Status A
Subject: Plants
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Plural: tafol crych
Definition: Rumex crispus
Context: * i. spot treat and control injurious weeds to the minimum extent this is necessary, including spear thistle, creeping thistle, curled dock, broad-leaved dock and ragwort; and to control invasive non-native species, like rhododendron, Himalayan balsam, giant hogweed: or [1]
Last Updated: 27 February 2024
English: curlew
Welsh: gylfinir
Status A
Subject: Birds
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Numenius arquata
Context: Lluosog: gylfinirod.
Last Updated: 14 May 2008
Welsh: bachau cyrliog
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 16 January 2006
English: currency
Welsh: arian cyfred
Status A
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Yr arian a ddefnyddir yn swyddogol mewn gwlad benodol.
Notes: Ni ddefnyddir 'arian cyfredol' oherwydd amwysedd y ffurf honno.
Last Updated: 4 December 2018
Welsh: troswr arian cyfred
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: troswyr arian cyfred
Context: Mae gan y GE droswr arian cyfred penodol sy’n gorfod cael ei ddefnyddio i gyfrifo cymorth de minimis.
Last Updated: 10 February 2016
English: currency risk
Welsh: risg arian cyfred
Status A
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Plural: risgiau arian cyfred
Definition: Y risg y bydd gwerth teg neu lif arian parod yn y dyfodol yn amrywio oherwydd newidadau yng nghyfraddau cyfnewid arian tramor.
Last Updated: 4 December 2018
Welsh: symbol arian
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: current
Welsh: cerrynt
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: current
Welsh: cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Adjective
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: current
Welsh: cyfredol
Status A
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Adjective
Notes: Term o faes cyfrifyddu.
Last Updated: 4 December 2018
Welsh: cyfrif cyfredol
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 7 October 2004
Welsh: Y Rhaglen Ymchwil Economaidd ar Hyn o Bryd ac yn y Dyfodol
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 3 October 2005
Welsh: asedau cyfredol
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 16 July 2002
Welsh: Deiliaid presennol y gwobrau
Status C
Subject: General
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 27 January 2010
Welsh: ymwybyddiaeth gyfredol
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 9 January 2003
Welsh: Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Ymwybyddiaeth Gyfredol
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 20 May 2003
Welsh: cronfa ddata gyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: current date
Welsh: dyddiad cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: current font
Welsh: ffont cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: current index
Welsh: mynegai cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: llyfrgell gyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: prisiau diweddaraf y farchnad
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 20 January 2006
Welsh: gweithred gyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: Barn offthalmolegol gyfredol wrth sgrinio a rheoli retinopatheg diabetig yng Nghymru
Status A
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Teitl dogfen
Last Updated: 4 June 2004
Welsh: adran gyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: gosodiad cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: corlun cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: newidyn cyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
Welsh: ffenestr gyfredol
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 July 2005
English: curricula
Welsh: cwricwla
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Definition: Plural form of curriculum.
Last Updated: 2 August 2010
English: curriculum
Welsh: cwricwlwm
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Yr addysg ffurfiol a gynigir gan ddarparwyr dysgu. Cafodd cwricwlwm diwygiedig ar gyfer disgyblion 3 i 19 oed yng Nghymru ei weithredu ym mis Medi 2008.
Context: The formal education offered by learning providers. A revised curriculum for 3 to 19-year-olds in Wales was implemented in September 2008.
Last Updated: 22 July 2010
Welsh: Cangen Cwricwlwm 14-19
Status C
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 2 May 2008
Welsh: Cangen Cwricwlwm 7-14
Status C
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 2 May 2008
Welsh: Yr Is-adran Cwricwlwm ac Asesu 3 - 14
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Yr Adran Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes
Last Updated: 20 September 2005
Welsh: Y Bil Cwricwlwm ac Asesu
Status B
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 22 October 2020
Welsh: Yr Is-adran Cwricwlwm ac Asesu
Status C
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Context: CAD
Last Updated: 2 May 2008
Welsh: Rheolwr Cwricwlwm ac Asesu
Status C
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 14 November 2011
Welsh: Newyddion cwricwlwm ac asesu
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 25 February 2008
Welsh: Deddf Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Cymru) 2021
Status A
Subject: Titles of legislation
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 6 September 2021