76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: Arolwg Cenedlaethol
English: National Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Cenedlaethol Cymru
English: National Survey for Wales
English: National Learner Satisfaction Survey
English: NLSS
English: National Employers’ Skills Survey
English: Development Control Quarterly Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Ciplun o Ymatebion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i Anghenion Gofal Parhaol Pobl Hŷn yng Nghymru
English: A Snapshot Survey of Social Services' Responses to the Continuing Care Needs of Older People in Wales
Welsh: arolwg cipolwg
English: grab survey
English: Welsh GP Patient Survey
Welsh: arolwg creiddiau
English: core survey
Welsh: Arolwg Cwmpas y Cyfrifiad
English: Census Coverage Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Cwmpas y Cyfrifiad
English: CCS
English: point prevalence survey
English: all-Wales condition survey of listed buildings
Welsh: Arolwg Cyflwr Masnachu
English: State of Trade Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Cyflwr Tai Cymru
English: Welsh House Condition Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Cyflwr Tai Cymru
English: Welsh Housing Conditions Survey
Welsh: arolwg cylch cyfan
English: 360º survey
Welsh: Arolwg Daearegol Prydain
English: British Geological Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Daearegol Prydain
English: BGS
Welsh: arolwg defnyddwyr adeiladau
English: building occupants survey
Welsh: arolwg deiliadaeth
English: occupancy survey
Welsh: arolwg ecolegol
English: ecological survey
Welsh: Arolwg Enillion Newydd
English: New Earnings Survey
Welsh: arolwg epidemiolegol
English: epidemiological survey
Welsh: arolwg geodetig
English: geodetic survey
English: Childcare and Early Years Survey Wales 2009
Welsh: Arolwg Gwariant a Bwyd
English: EFS
Welsh: Arolwg Gwariant a Bwyd
English: Expenditure and Food Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Gwerthuso Digidol
English: Survey Digital Evaluation
English: Wales Outdoor Recreation Survey
English: WORS
Welsh: Arolwg Heintiadau COVID-19
English: COVID-19 Infection Survey
Welsh: arolwg hydredol
English: longitudinal survey
English: National Longitudinal Survey of Youth
English: NLSY
English: Longitudinal Small Business Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Iechyd Cymru
English: Welsh Health Survey
English: Welsh Heath Survey 2007: initial headline results
English: Adult Dental Health Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Ieuenctid
English: Youth Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Integredig o Gartrefi
English: Integrated Household Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Llafurlu Lleol Cymru
English: Welsh Local Labour Force Survey
English: 2008 Schools Learner Voice Survey
Welsh: Arolwg Monitro Agregau
English: Aggregates Monitoring Survey
Welsh: arolwg Mori
English: Mori poll
English: Street Quality Index Survey
Welsh: Arolwg o Adnoddau Teulu
English: Family Resources Survey
Welsh: Arolwg o Adnoddau Teulu
English: FRS
Welsh: arolwg o agweddau
English: attitudinal survey