76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: ymataliaeth
English: continence
English: graded response and deployment
Welsh: ymateb atgyrchol
English: reflexive response
Welsh: ymateb bwriadol
English: intentional response
Welsh: Ymateb Cyflogadwyedd
English: Employability Response
Welsh: ymateb cyflym
English: rapid response
Welsh: Ymateb Cyflym i Salwch Acíwt
English: Rapid Response to Acute Illness
Welsh: Ymateb Cyflym i Salwch Acíwt
English: RRAILS
Welsh: ymateb diofyn
English: default response
English: Qualification Evaluation Response
Welsh: ymateb hunan-gyfyngol
English: self-limiting response
Welsh: ymateb i argyfwng
English: emergency response
English: Responding to issues of self-harm and thoughts of suicide in young people: Guidance for teachers, professionals, volunteers and youth services
English: responsive repairs
Welsh: Ymateb i Her Newid
English: Meeting the Challenge of Change
Welsh: ymateb imiwnyddol
English: immune response
Welsh: ymatebion erbyn
English: responses by
English: Responses to Welsh farming and the environment: consultation on a new approach: an entry level agri-environment scheme for Wales
Welsh: ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad
English: consultation responses
English: Direct Payments Consultation Exercise Responses
Welsh: ymatebion i ymgynghoriad
English: consultation returns
Welsh: Ymatebion y Llywodraeth
English: Government Responses
English: Committee Responses to Commissioning Paper
Welsh: ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad
English: consultation response
English: Response to a Consultation on Investing in Skills
Welsh: ymateb llidiol
English: inflammatory response
English: Welsh Assembly Government's Response to Audit Committee Report 03-02: Securing the Future of Cardiff Bay
English: Welsh Assembly Government Response To The Audit Committee Report, “OSIRIS: The PFI Contract for Information Technology in the National Assembly for Wales”
English: The Welsh Assembly Government's response to the Report Recommendations of the Audit Committee, following the presentation of their report (05/02) on 19 June 2002
English: Welsh Assembly Government's Response to the Report's Recommendations
English: Welsh Assembly Government Response to the Victoria Climbie Inquiry: September 2003
Welsh: Ymateb Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru i ymgynghoriad ar Bennu Safonau Prentisiaethau i Gymru (SASW)
English: Welsh Assembly Government Response to a consultation on the Specification of Apprenticeship Standards for Wales (SASW)
Welsh: ymatebolrwydd y fam
English: maternal responsiveness
Welsh: ymateb o sylwedd
English: substantive response
Welsh: Ymateb trwy Hyfforddi a Datblygu: Ymateb i’r Adolygiad Cenedlaethol o Ymddygiad a Phresenoldeb
English: Responding through Training and Development: Response to the NBAR
Welsh: ymatebwr brys
English: emergency responder
Welsh: ymatebwr cyntaf cymunedol
English: community first responder
Welsh: ymatebwr cyntaf cymunedol
English: CFR
Welsh: ymatebwyr
English: respondents
Welsh: ymatebydd
English: respondent
Welsh: ymateb ymaddasol
English: adaptive response
Welsh: ymateb ymddygiadol
English: behavioural response
Welsh: ymateb ymhlith defnyddwyr
English: DSR
Welsh: ymateb ymhlith defnyddwyr
English: demand side response
Welsh: ymateb yr heddlu
English: police response
Welsh: ymbelydredd
English: radiation
Welsh: ymbelydredd
English: radioactivity
English: PAR
English: photosynthetically active radiation
English: resonant microwave radiation