76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: Waterfront and Western Valleys
English: Female Offending Blueprint
Welsh: y glasoed
English: adolescent
Welsh: y glasoed
English: adolescents
Welsh: y glasoed
English: puberty
Welsh: y glust allanol
English: outer ear
Welsh: y glust ganol
English: middle ear
Welsh: y glust, y trwyn a'r gwddf
English: ear, nose and throat
Welsh: y glust, y trwyn a'r gwddf
English: ENT
English: cost implications for industry and the consumer
Welsh: y godog
English: sainfoin
English: The Long Forest - A Community Hedgerow Project
Welsh: Y Gofeb Ryfel Genedlaethol
English: National War Memorial
Welsh: y gofrestr amddiffyn plant
English: child protection register
English: National Joint Registry
English: National Vascular Registry
Welsh: Y Gofrestrfa Tir
English: Land Registry
English: Register of Landscapes of Historic Interest in Wales
Welsh: Y Gofrestr Renti
English: Rent Register
Welsh: Y Gofrestr Sŵn Morol
English: Marine Noise Registry
Welsh: y gofyn am gyfalaf
English: capital requirement
Welsh: y gofyniad adnoddau net
English: net resource requirement
Welsh: y gofyniad am adnoddau
English: resource requirements
Welsh: y gofyn i gadw
English: residency requirement
English: minimum point requirement
Welsh: Y Gogledd a Menter
English: North and Enterprise
English: The BEST for Special Education
English: The BEST for Teaching and Learning: the BEST Programme: Building Excellent Schools Together
Welsh: Y Gorau o Gymru Wledig
English: Best of Rural Wales
English: The Proposed Organ and Tissue Donation LCO
Welsh: Y Gordal Iechyd Mewnfudo
English: Immigration Health Surcharge
English: Professional Darts Corporation
English: British Broadcasting Corporation
Welsh: Y Goron Driphlyg
English: Triple Crown
Welsh: Y Goruchaf Lys
English: The Supreme Court
English: unclaimed animal penalty
Welsh: Y Graig
English: Graig
English: Graig and Pontypridd West
Welsh: Y Grant Adeiladau Hanesyddol
English: Historic Buildings Grant
English: Public Highways Refurbishment Grant
English: The Woodland Investment Grant
Welsh: Y Grant Caledi i Denantiaid
English: Tenancy Hardship Grant
English: Supporting Voluntary Youth Work Organisations Grant
Welsh: Y Grant Cydlyniant Cymunedol
English: Community Cohesion Grant
English: Welsh Medium Education Capital Grant
English: Gypsy and Traveller Site Capital Grant
Welsh: Y Grant Cyflog Athrawon
English: Teachers Pay Grant
Welsh: Y Grant Cymorth Ieuenctid
English: Youth Support Grant
Welsh: Y Grant Cymorth Tai
English: Housing Support Grant
Welsh: y Grant Cymraeg mewn Addysg
English: WEG