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75492 results
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English: fiscal growth
Status B
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 14 December 2022
English: inclusive growth
Status A
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Twf economaidd sy'n creu cyfleoedd i bob rhan o'r boblogaeth ac sy'n dosbarthu elw'r ffyniant, yn elw ariannol ac fel arall, yn deg ar draws y gymdeithas.
Last updated: 26 September 2019
English: economic growth
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 17 March 2009
English: exponential growth
Status B
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 9 December 2020
Welsh: Twf Glas
English: Blue Growth
Status A
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Twf a datblygiad economaidd sy'n ategu tegwch cymdeithasol ac yn sichrau bod asedau naturiol yn parhau i ddarparu adnoddau a manteision amgylcheddol.
Context: Drwy Dwf Glas mae mwy o swyddi a chyfoeth yn cael eu creu sy’n helpu cymunedau arfordirol i ddod yn fwy cydnerth, ffyniannus a theg gyda diwylliant bywiog.
Last updated: 6 June 2019
Welsh: twf gwyrdd
English: green growth
Status A
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: In terms of policy.
Last updated: 1 October 2013
English: Green Growth Wales: The business of becoming a sustainable nation
Status A
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Proper noun
Notes: Teitl dogfen.
Last updated: 26 January 2016
English: population growth
Status B
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 14 December 2022
English: Jobs Growth Wales
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Neutral
Definition: JGW
Last updated: 27 September 2011
English: JGW
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Neutral
Definition: Jobs Growth Wales
Last updated: 13 July 2012
English: Jobs Growth Wales +
Status A
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Proper noun
Notes: Ar lafar, dywedir "Jobs Growth Wales Plus" yn Saesneg a "Twf Swyddi Cymru Plws" yn Gymraeg.
Last updated: 18 November 2021
Welsh: twf trefol
English: urban growth
Status B
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 13 August 2020
Welsh: twf uchel
English: high growth
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: industries
Last updated: 9 January 2006
English: Going for Growth: developing the timber sector
Status A
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Proper noun
Definition: A series of events.
Last updated: 11 December 2013
Welsh: twibbon
English: twibbon
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 28 August 2012
Welsh: TwitPic
English: TwitPic
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 28 August 2012
Welsh: Twitter
English: Twitter
Status A
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Proper noun
Context: Company name.
Last updated: 18 June 2010
Welsh: twlc
English: pig pen
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 10 October 2007
Welsh: twlc
English: sty
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: pig pen
Last updated: 10 October 2007
Welsh: twll
English: burrow
Status B
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Used by birds.
Last updated: 26 June 2012
Welsh: twll dianc
English: escape gap
Status A
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: In a lobster-pot.
Last updated: 31 March 2014
Welsh: twll dianc
English: escape hole
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: tyllau dianc
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun cewyll pysgota
Last updated: 23 March 2017
English: intimate piercing
Status A
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Term o Fil Iechyd y Cyhoedd.
Last updated: 8 June 2015
English: trial pit
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 17 January 2013
Welsh: twll turio
English: borehole
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 17 October 2005
English: ridge outlet
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 15 July 2014
Welsh: twmpath
English: mound
Status C
Subject: Estates and Cadw
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 5 February 2008
Welsh: twmpath
English: mounding
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: twmpathau
Definition: Pentwr o bridd ar gyfer plannu coeden neu blanhigyn ynddo.
Last updated: 30 June 2022
English: road humps
Status C
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Definition: Weithiau mae 'twmpathau' ar ei ben ei hun yn addas.
Last updated: 6 May 2005
English: hinge mounding
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: twmpathau colynnog
Definition: Pentwr o bridd ar gyfer plannu coeden neu blanhigyn ynddo, lle claddwyd twll gan ddefnyddio peiriant ac y gosodwyd y dywarchen ar ei gwaered wrth ymyl y twll.
Notes: Cymharer ag inverse mounding / twmpath wyneb i waered.
Last updated: 30 June 2022
English: speed hump
Status C
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 29 October 2014
English: road hump
Status C
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Weithiau mae 'twmpath' ar ei ben ei hun yn addas.
Last updated: 6 May 2005
English: anthill
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 August 2010
English: inverse mounding
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: twmpathau wyneb i waered
Definition: Pentwr o bridd ar gyfer plannu coeden neu blanhigyn ynddo, lle claddwyd twll gan ddefnyddio peiriant ac y gosodwyd y dywarchen yn ôl yn y twll ar ei gwaered.
Notes: Cymharer â hinge mounding / twmpath colynnog.
Last updated: 30 June 2022
English: shumai
Status B
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Plural: twmplenni shumai
Definition: Math o dwmplen Tsieineaidd.
Last updated: 13 June 2019
English: funnel
Status C
Subject: Politics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Part of the Senedd building.
Last updated: 4 May 2005
Welsh: twnelau
English: tunnels
Status B
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 19 August 2003
English: Brynglas Tunnels
Status C
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 31 January 2003
English: polytunnels
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 2 July 2007
Welsh: twnnel
English: tunnel
Status B
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 August 2003
English: flesh tunnels
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: twnelau cnawd
Definition: A flesh tunnel is a hollow, tube-shaped variety of body piercing jewellery.
Last updated: 16 August 2018
English: Spanish tunnel
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 27 January 2004
Welsh: Two Locks
English: Two Locks
Status A
Subject: Place Names
Part of speech: Proper noun
Definition: Torfaen
Last updated: 14 August 2003
Welsh: Two Locks
English: Two Locks
Status A
Subject: Place Names
Part of speech: Proper noun
Notes: Ward etholiadol ym Mwrdeistref Sirol Torfaen. Dyma'r enwau a ragnodwyd yn Gymraeg a Saesneg ar gyfer y ward yng Ngorchymyn Bwrdeistref Sirol Torfaen (Trefniadau Etholiadol) 2021.
Last updated: 17 August 2022
Welsh: töwr
English: roofer
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 April 2006
Welsh: Twrcaidd
English: Turkish
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Adjective
Last updated: 13 May 2008
English: Turkish/Turkish Cypriot
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Adjective
Last updated: 22 June 2007
Welsh: Twrcelyn
English: Twrcelyn
Status A
Subject: Place Names
Part of speech: Proper noun
Notes: Ward etholiadol yn Sir Ynys Môn. Dyma'r enwau Cymraeg a Saesneg a ragnodwyd ar gyfer y ward yng Ngorchymyn Sir Ynys Môn (Trefniadau Etholiadol) 2021.
Last updated: 17 August 2022
Welsh: twrch
English: hog
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: (a) A domesticated pig esp. a castrated male reared for slaughter;. (b) Any (wild) pig of the domesticated species sus scrofa. (c) Any of various other animals of the pig amily etc - OED..
Last updated: 17 June 2004
Welsh: Twrci
English: Turkey
Status A
Subject: Place Names
Part of speech: Proper noun
Notes: Safonwyd yr enw hwn gan ddilyn yr egwyddorion a nodir yn yr erthygl 'Dynodi enwau gwladwriaethau, tiriogaethau a chenhedloedd diwladwriaeth' yn yr Arddulliadur.
Last updated: 17 August 2021