76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: bioseicogymdeithasol
English: biopsychosocial
Welsh: biosynhwyrydd
English: biosensor
Welsh: biotechnoleg
English: biotech
Welsh: biotechnoleg
English: biotechnology
English: Plant Health and Biotechnology
Welsh: biotechnolegol
English: biotechnological
Welsh: biotig
English: biotic
Welsh: biowybodeg
English: bioinformatics
Welsh: biowyddoniaeth
English: bioscience
Welsh: bio-ynni
English: bio-energy
Welsh: Birkenhead
English: Birkenhead
Welsh: Birthrate Plus
English: Birthrate Plus
Welsh: BISD
English: BISD
Welsh: bisffenol A
English: bisphenol A
Welsh: bisglycinad fferrus
English: ferrous bisglycinate
Welsh: Bishop's Castle
English: Bishops Castle
Welsh: BISI
English: BISI
Welsh: bison
English: bison
Welsh: bitiau yr eiliad
English: bits per second
Welsh: Biwmares
English: Beaumaris
Welsh: Biwro Cenedlaethol y Plant
English: National Children's Bureau
Welsh: Biwro Cenedlaethol y Plant
English: NCB
Welsh: Biwro Cyflogaeth a Menter
English: Employment & Enterprise Bureau
English: European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages
Welsh: Biwro Gwirfoddol Interlink
English: Interlink Volunteer Bureau
English: Black Association of Women Step Out
Welsh: Black Leadership Group
English: Black Leadership Group
Welsh: blacmel
English: blackmail
Welsh: blacmelio
English: blackmail
Welsh: blacmeliwr
English: blackmailer
Welsh: blacmel rhywiol
English: sextortion
Welsh: Blacon
English: Blacon
Welsh: Blaenafon
English: Blaenavon
Welsh: Blaenau
English: Blaina
Welsh: Blaenau
English: Upper
Welsh: Blaenau Cwm Rhymni
English: Upper Rhymney Valley
Welsh: Blaenau Gwent
English: Blaenau Gwent
Welsh: Blaenau'r Cymoedd
English: Heads of the Valleys
Welsh: Blaenau'r Cymoedd ar y Blaen
English: Heads Up
English: Heads - We Win... A Strategic Framework for the Heads of the Valleys
Welsh: blaenbrosesu
English: foreground processing
Welsh: blaen-brosesydd
English: front-end processor
Welsh: blaendal
English: deposit
Welsh: blaendal
English: deposit
Welsh: blaendal cadw
English: holding deposit
Welsh: blaendaliadau
English: deposits
Welsh: blaendaliadau tai
English: housing advances
Welsh: blaendir
English: foreground
Welsh: blaendraeth
English: foreshore
Welsh: blaendwyn
English: fore-dune