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75423 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: disease prevention
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 6 July 2005
English: suspension of registration
Status C
Subject: Social Services
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 9 February 2009
English: Suspension of Registration
Status C
Subject: General
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 6 November 2003
English: primary prevention
Status B
Subject: General
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Yng nghyd-destun rheoli risg, atal neu leihau'r risg y bydd problemau'n codi a hynny fel arfer drwy bolisïau cyffredinol.
Notes: Gweler hefyd secondary prevention/atal eilaidd a tertiary prevention/atal trydyddol.
Last updated: 14 April 2022
English: preventing homelessness
Status C
Subject: Social Services
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 6 April 2004
English: Preventing Homelessness and Promoting Independence: A Positive Pathway to Adulthood
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Notes: Dogfen gan Lywodraeth Cymru, 2016.
Last updated: 3 October 2016
Welsh: atal dopio
English: anti-doping
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 27 May 2004
English: draught-proofing
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 21 October 2008
English: suspend
Status A
Subject: General
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: to suspend someone from work
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun swyddi.
Last updated: 11 June 2020
English: suspension
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 2 November 2005
English: stay
Status B
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Rhoi'r gorau i weithrediadau cyfreithiol neu gamau gorfodi, am gyfnod.
Context: Rwy’n ysgrifennu i dynnu eich sylw at y ffaith y dyroddwyd Cyfarwyddyd Ymarfer er mwyn atal dros dro achosion cymryd meddiant ac unrhyw gamau gorfodi yn ystod pandemig y coronafeirws.
Last updated: 16 April 2020
Welsh: atal dweud
English: stammer
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 14 November 2023
Welsh: atal dweud
English: stutter
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Atal dweud (a elwir hefyd yn siarad ag atal neu ddiffyg rhuglder) – lleferydd a nodweddir gan lawer o ailadrodd neu estyn synau, sillafau neu eiriau, neu gan lawer o betruso neu oedi sy'n tarfu ar lif rhythmig y lleferydd. Dim ond os yw'n ddigon difrifol i darfu'n sylweddol ar ruglder y lleferydd y dylid ei gategoreiddio’n anhwylder.
Last updated: 3 November 2016
English: secondary prevention
Status B
Subject: General
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Yng nghyd-destun rheoli risg, targedu unigolion neu grwpiau sy'n wynebu risg uchel neu sy'n dangos arwyddion cynnar o broblem benodol er mwyn ceisio atal y broblem honno rhag codi neu waethygu.
Notes: Gweler hefyd primary prevention/atal cychwynnol a tertiary prevention/atal trydyddol.
Last updated: 14 April 2022
English: windbreak
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 1 September 2004
English: anti-money laundering
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 10 January 2007
Welsh: atal HRhC
English: Suspend a DCN
Status A
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Dog Control Notice
Last updated: 16 January 2013
English: suicide prevention
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Verb
Notes: 'Hunanladdiad' yw'r enw cyfrif unigol a'r enw torfol.
Last updated: 1 March 2024
English: stay
Status B
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Achos o roi'r gorau i weithrediadau cyfreithiol neu gamau gorfodi, am gyfnod.
Context: Mae’r ataliad dros dro ar waith ar hyn o bryd am gyfnod o 90 diwrnod.
Last updated: 16 April 2020
English: suspension
Status B
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Rheoliadau’r Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (Datgymhwyso Dros Dro Ddeiliadaeth Swydd) (Cymru) (Coronafeirws) 2020
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun swyddi.
Last updated: 11 June 2020
English: secondary suppression
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 15 March 2004
English: cardiac arrest
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: The cessation of effective pumping action of the heart. This may be because the heart stops beating altogether (asystole), because there is normal electrical activity without mechanical pumping activity (pulseless electrical activity), or because there is rapid, chaotic, ineffective electrical and mechanical activity of the heart (ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia). There is abrupt loss of consciousness, absence of the pulse, and breathing stops.
Notes: Nid yw ataliad y galon yn gyfystyr â thrawiad ar y galon.
Last updated: 11 May 2017
Welsh: ataliaeth
English: restraint
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: when disciplining
Last updated: 23 October 2003
English: flood prevention
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 14 November 2005
English: full stop
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 July 2005
English: suspend Standing Orders
Status A
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: atal (nid 'gohirio') a ddefnyddir yn y Rheolau Sefydlog eu hunain
Last updated: 17 May 2004
English: anti stalking and harassment
Status B
Subject: Justice and Order
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 29 August 2012
English: exclusion of payments
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Verb
Context: Cynllun Troi at Ffermio Organig.
Last updated: 26 January 2010
English: Firebrake Wales
Status A
Subject: Fire and Rescue
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 23 October 2003
English: crime prevention
Status C
Subject: Justice and Order
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 17 March 2003
English: tertiary prevention
Status B
Subject: General
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Yng nghyd-destun rheoli risg, ymyrryd pan fydd problem wedi codi er mwyn ei hatal rhag gwaethygu, ac unioni'r sefyllfa.
Notes: Gweler hefyd primary prevention/atal cychwynnol a secondary prevention/atal eilaidd.
Last updated: 14 April 2022
English: cable restraint
Status A
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: atalyddion cebl
Last updated: 21 July 2022
English: protein kinase inhibitor
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: atalyddion cinasau proteinau
Last updated: 26 March 2020
English: phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: atalyddion ffosffodiesteras
Last updated: 6 November 2019
English: hormone-blocker
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: atalyddion hormon
Notes: Meddyginiaeth a roddir fel rhan o driniaeth ar gyfer dysfforia rhywedd, ymysg cyflyrau eraill.
Last updated: 23 September 2016
English: PARP inhibitor
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: atalyddion PARP
Last updated: 26 March 2020
English: Stop the Rot in Wales
Status A
Subject: Estates and Cadw
Part of speech: Proper noun
Definition: Campaign by Cadw.
Last updated: 25 June 2013
English: puberty suppression
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Rhan o driniaeth bosibl ar gyfer pobl ifanc drawsryweddol, lle defnyddir meddyginiaethau i beri oedi i'r prosesau newid corfforol yn ystod y glasoed.
Last updated: 17 June 2024
English: suspension of the Right to Buy
Status C
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 17 March 2009
English: suspend the right to buy
Status C
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 21 July 2011
English: Preventing Smoking in Secondary Schools
Status C
Subject: Health
Definition: ASSIST. A stop smoking in schools trial.
Last updated: 14 September 2007
Welsh: a TAW
English: plus VAT
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Last updated: 12 June 2006
English: ATB Landbase
Status A
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Neutral
Last updated: 30 November 2004
English: To all Directors of Education
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Preposition
Last updated: 9 June 2009
English: supplement
Status B
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: A substance to remedy the deficiencies in a person’s diet.
Last updated: 25 October 2006
English: supplements
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 25 October 2006
English: dietary supplement
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: atchwanegiadau deietegol
Notes: Gweler y cofnod am supplement / atchwanegiad.
Last updated: 25 June 2020
English: nutritional supplement
Status B
Subject: Food
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 8 March 2012
Welsh: ATCO
English: ATCO
Status C
Subject: Transport
Definition: Association of Transport Co-ordinators (ATCO) Wales
Last updated: 11 October 2004
English: non-agricultural use
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 29 July 2003