Biosecurity self-assessment checklists – for keepers of small poultry flocks and commercial poultry.

Self-assessment checklist for keepers of smaller poultry flocks and other captive birds , file type: PDF, file size: 587 KB
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Self-assessment checklist for larger and commercial keepers of poultry and other captive birds , file type: PDF, file size: 922 KB
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These self-assessment checklists are for keepers of small, and larger poultry flocks and commercial units respectively, to provide a clear list of actions to help keep birds free of disease.
- Self-assessment checklist for keepers of small flocks
All bird keepers of small flocks in Wales (with less than 500 birds) should complete this form annually and retain it as a record.
- Self-assessment checklist for commercial poultry keepers
All commercial bird keepers (500 or more) should complete this form annually and retain it as a record.
Keepers may be asked to produce a completed checklist for inspection.
This is a legal requirement when an Avian Influenza Prevention Zone is in place in Wales.