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RPW Online: home screen

In RPW Online

  • select the Home tab to access the Home screen
  • in the Start a Form section at the bottom of the Home screen, click the Agricultural and Horticultural Survey 2024 link

Start application

This page provides some information prior to starting the survey. It includes a Customer Contact Centre link if required, and details of the Customer Details and Online Preferences we hold for you. You should check and amend these before starting your survey if they are incorrect. Please note: For any problems with RPW Online you should contact the Customer Contact Centre. For any queries regarding completion of the survey which aren't answered by this guide see the Introduction section of this guide, or within the survey.

Continue application / start again

Once you start your survey, you have the option to leave it and return to it again. If you are accessing a survey you have started previously, on this screen you will now be able to:

  • select Continue


  • select Start Again

Please be aware – if you choose to Start Again, this will un-set all of the questions you have answered and remove all of the information you have added. If you are sure you wish to Start Again, click Yes or if you do not click No.


You have now accessed the survey, and the Introduction part of the online form. Ensure you read all the Introduction notes on this section.

Please note: If you have any queries regarding completion of the survey which are not covered by this guide, please contact the Agricultural Survey Helpline on 03000 252244 or e-mail

Except where stated to the contrary, all answers should be based on the status of your holding on 3 June 2024.

This section lists the County Parish Holdings (CPHs) covered by this survey. You should only provide answers related to these CPHs. If you need to make any corrections to the CPHs shown, you can do so in the Additional Information section. 

There is a link to this How To Complete Guide at the top left. Additionally, a blue and white help symbol appears on some sections – click these symbols for additional help within the survey.

On the left the different sections are displayed. A red cross indicates you either have not accessed each section yet, or you have errors on the section(s). A green tick will display once you have completed each section and there are no errors we can identify. There are various navigation buttons at the top and bottom of the survey. Also, if you wish to switch between English and Welsh there is a button to do so at the bottom left of the screen. Once you have finished on this section, click Next.

Privacy notice

Next you will see the Privacy Notice. Ensure you read the information on this section, which states what the data provided is used for. There is a link which accesses the full Agricultural and Horticultural Survey: privacy notice if required.

Land on the holding

The Land on your holding section is split into two sub-sections:

Land by tenure

  • if you answer No to the question Do you currently retain any land for agricultural & horticultural purposes? - you will need to answer the additional questions which display to explain what has happened to your land
  • you will also need to answer the question Do you keep livestock? - if you do not keep livestock you may now go straight to the Additional Information section
  • if you answer Yes to the question Do you currently retain any land for agricultural & horticultural purposes? - you will need to answer the additional questions which display

All areas declared should be entered in hectares, to two decimal places. A conversion table is shown which helps convert from acres to hectares.

  • enter the areas Owned, Rented in, and Let out as at 3 June 2024
  • the Land Kept by you will then be automatically calculated and displayed

Land by type

  • enter the total area in hectares for each category of land. Leave any categories you do not have blank – you do not need to enter zeroes
  • Rough grazing where you have sole rights – do not include areas of common land. If you graze any of your livestock on common land, you can indicate this in the next question
  • Do you graze any of your animals on common land? – answer Yes or No
  • Other crops not mentioned above – if you grow crops other than those mentioned (excluding grass exclusively for hay and/or silage) select Add Crop
  • Add Crop – enter the Name of Crop and Area of Crop. If you are only adding one type of crop here, click Save and Return. If you have more to add click Save and Add Another, and repeat until you have entered all types of crop you need to add. If you have made a mistake you can select Modify or Delete to correct this
  • Do you have any commercial glasshouses or plastic covered structures? – answer Yes or No. If you answer Yes you will also need to add the Total area of glasshouses and plastic covered structures in square metres
  • All other land – including non-agricultural land (e.g. buildings, yards) – if you have land of this type, you will need to provide further details in the additional box that appears

Once you have started to complete this section, the message There is a significant discrepancy between the declared area in “Land by tenure” and the “Land by type” section. Please change the numbers you have entered or explain the reasons for the difference below. will appear. When you have finished adding the areas for your types of land this message should disappear. If it is still showing, and all the areas you have entered are correct, you will need to add an explanation for the difference in the box provided.

Summary – this will automatically show the totals for the different crop categories.

Livestock on the holding

  • for each category declare the number of animals you owned on 3 June 2024
  • do not include other people’s animals that were on your land. You should leave answers blank for any categories which were not present on your holding on 3 June 2024, you do not need to enter zeroes
  • if you do not know exact numbers, informed estimates are acceptable
  • Have the majority or all of your lambs been sold or have gone to slaughter on or before the 3 June 2024. If you do not keep lambs, answer 'No' – answer Yes or No
  • WARNING: The number of lambs compared to the number of ewes looks unusual – this message will appear if relevant. If it does, check the figures you have entered are correct and change them if necessary. Otherwise, please provide an explanation in the box provided
  • Scanning of your flock. Do you currently ultrasound (scan) your flock either by yourself or with a contractor? – this question will appear if you have any sheep or lambs. Answer Yes or No
  • Cattle. We obtain cattle numbers from the Cattle Tracing System. Do you keep any cattle? – answer Yes or No
  • Additional CPHs - if you answer Yes to keeping cattle this message will appear. You only need to add additional CPHs that you use for reporting cattle to CTS if they are not already listed 
  • Add CPH – enter the CPH in the format 99/999/9999. If you are only adding one additional CPH here, click Save and Return. If you have more to add click Save and Add Another, and repeat until you have entered all additional CPHs. If you have made a mistake you can select Modify or Delete to correct this
  • Poultry. If you normally keep poultry but your sheds were empty on 3 June 2024 please tick this box - tick if appropriate

People working on the holding

  • ensure you read the detailed guidance shown in the blue boxes, including who should be included and who should not be included
  • for each category declare the number of people who worked on the holding on 3 June 2024. Include people who work regularly throughout the year even if they were not working on 3 June 2024. Casual workers should only be included if they were working on 3 June 2024
  • each person working on the farm should only be included in one box
  • remember to count yourself in the relevant category
  • Full-time principal farmers – full-time is defined as working on average at least 39 hours per week on the farm
  • Part-time principal farmers – part-time is defined as working on average less than 39 hours per week on the farm
  • Regular full-time workers – full-time is defined as working on average at least 39 hours per week on the farm
  • Regular part-time workers – part-time is defined as working on average less than 39 hours per week on the farm
  • Casual Workers on 3 June 2024 – casual workers are people employed for shorter periods – typically when there is a higher workload than usual (e.g. lambing, harvesting)
  • No one is shown as working on the holding – this message will appear if no workers have been declared. Please either correct this or provide a short explanation why this is the case in the box provided

Additional information

  • Any other comments – add any other comments you wish to include here, including any amendment or correction to the CPH numbers shown in the Introduction section
  • Please indicate the approximate length of time taken to complete this form (in minutes) – enter the appropriate number of minutes taken


The Submission section is split into three sub-sections:

Errors, information and summary errors

This sub-section will show any Errors or Information Messages on your survey, and a Summary of the survey.

There are errors present on your form. Please review and correct any errors – this message will be displayed if your form has any errors that must be corrected. On the section list on the left of the form, a red cross will display against the section(s) with any errors. You will need to go back to the section(s) with errors to correct these before you are able to submit the survey.

Declaration and undertakings

In this sub-section:

  • read the Declaration and Undertakings
  • I agree to the above declarations and undertakings – once you have read these, tick the box to confirm you agree to these


The Submit sub-section enables you to submit the survey to the Welsh Government.

When you have finished completing the survey, click the Submit button.

Submission confirmation

A Submission Confirmation section will now display.

  • you should save or print the Submission Confirmation, by selecting the

Print this Screen button

  • click the Exit button to leave the survey and return to the Home section of your RPW Online account

A copy of your survey will appear on your RPW Online account within one working day.