We have improved safety, journey times and active travel routes.
Why we did it
This project (known locally as Black Cat) was part of the all-Wales programme that will:
- make journeys safer
- make it easier for people to walk or cycle along the route
- reduce traffic at junctions
- improve journey times
- improve air quality
- lower noise pollution.
The project was designed to work with local authority transport routes to link communities and key educational, economic and cultural centres.
Completion of WelTAG stage 2 outline business case and identification of preferred option: spring 2020
WelTAG stage 3 full business case and detailed design for preferred option: summer 2020
WelTAG stage 4 construction: winter 2020/21
WelTAG stage 5 post construction benefits realisation: spring 2021
What we did
We have:
- upgraded traffic lights, road surfaces and drainage to make the road safer and to lower journey times
- improved cycling and pedestrian paths to make it easier and safer for people to travel without a car
- upgraded street lighting to use LED bulbs that use 100% renewable energy
- planted new trees and wildflowers so that there are more habitats and food for wildlife
In the 6 months since we finished the initial works, benefits have included:
fewer reported collisions
- 50% of vehicles travelling more slowly
- smaller queues on approaches to the junction
- 67% more people using the route to travel by bike or on foot
The project was delivered by the North and Mid-Wales Trunk Road Agent (NMWTRA) on behalf of Welsh Government. Local consultants and contractors were commissioned where possible.
How we consulted
The initial consultation took place in 2016.
A public consultation took place in autumn 2019.