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  • Sharon Lovell (SL) (Chair)
  • Simon Stewart (SSt)
  • Kelly Harris (KH)
  • Marco Gil-Cervantes (MG)
  • Sian Elen Tomos (ST)
  • Deb Austin (DA)
  • David Williams (DW)
  • Joanne Sims (JS)
  • Young Persons Committee Co-Chair (1) – present for part of the meeting
  • Young Persons Committee Co-Chair (2) – present for part of the meeting
  • Rudina Koka, Young Persons Committee Facilitator (RK) – present for part of the meeting
  • Gareth Kiff, Estyn (GK) - present for part of the meeting
  • Linda Howells, Estyn (LH) - present for part of the meeting
  • Robert Leigh, Wrexham Glyndŵr University (RL) - present for part of the meeting
  • Darrel Williams, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (DaW) - present for part of the meeting
  • Dyfan Evans, Head of Youth Engagement Branch, Welsh Government (DE)
  • Donna Robins, Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (DR)
  • Dareth Edwards, Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (DaE)
  • Victoria Allen, Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (VA)
  • Kirsty Harrington, Youth Work Policy Manager, Welsh Government (KHa)


  • Shahinoor Shumon (SSh)
  • Lowri Jones (LJ)
  • Hannah Wharf, Deputy Director, Support for Learners Division, Welsh Government (HW)

Conflicts of interest

The following conflicts of interest were noted:

  • SSt is Dean of Faculty of Social and Life Sciences at Wrexham Glyndŵr University – one of the HEIs involved with the funding review
  • KH is Chair of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales’ Advisory Panel
  • KH is also a Quality Mark Assessor

Meeting 8 February 2023: minutes and actions

The minutes and actions from 8 February 2023 have now been published on the Welsh Government’s website. DE provided an update on outstanding actions.

Young Person’s Committee (YPC)

RK gave feedback on the progress of the committee to date, noting that the YPC are currently focusing on recruiting new members and ensuring the membership is fully reflective of the young people of Wales. A YPC co-chair provided an update on current levels of attendance in YPC meetings and outlined how attendance is managed. YPC members acknowledged the importance of new members, offering their support to help with recruitment once the pathway has been opened.

Action point 1: KH to meet with RK and YPC co chairs to discuss how she and other Board members can support the YPC. 

Implementation Participation Groups (IPGs)

VA provided an update on progress of the IPGs, noting that the focus at next meetings will be on agreeing Terms of Reference and developing workplans. Those Board members who chair IPGs provided feedback and reflections from meetings held to date.

Board members would like an opportunity to attend IPG Chair meetings to gain an understanding of work in progress and to use those opportunities to look at the interdependencies between the IPGs.

Action point 2: VA to invite all board members to IPG Chair meetings.

Independent funding review

RL and DaW joined the meeting on behalf of the HEI consortium undertaking the independent funding review for this item only to set out the progress to date and to provide details of the methodology used during this first phase of the review.  

The Chair and Board members thanked RL and DaW for their presentation and noted the diversity of the youth work sector and complexity of its funding, governance and decision-making structures provides validation for the methodology undertaken and the decision to gather both quantitative and qualitative methods. They recommended that the research team engage with the YPC or other groups of young people as this work progresses, and an offer was made for the review team to attend a future meeting of the YPC.

Action point 3: RK to invite representatives from the funding review team to attend a future YPC meeting.

Budget summary

DE presented a high-level budget on expenditure to date and allocated funding to provide context for the independent funding review and the Board’s wider work to take forward the Interim Board’s recommendations “Time to deliver for young people in Wales”

Action point 4: Members were asked to feedback any comments or questions on the funding summary to DE via email.

Workforce development: including Estyn and Quality Mark

WG officials shared the rationale for the workforce development pilot.  Following on from activity through the previous Workforce Development SPG, there is a clear need to undertake some further work to support the workforce to enable them to better support young people. Funding has been made available through the ETS grant to enable this to happen.

Board members were invited to comment on the draft plan. This will be shared with the Workforce Development IPG for further consideration. It is likely that a workforce development officer will be recruited as part of this activity to support the implementation of an agreed plan.


GK and LH joined the meeting for this item only to explain more about the proposed inspection model for youth work services in Wales, and how they intend to engage with the youth work sector to develop the framework.

Estyn have developed a methodology to reflect the different nature of youth work. Three pilots have been undertaken which were well received. The pilots were based on the Youth Work principles in Wales and looked at what young people and youth work has achieved.

Estyn are currently undertaking a consultation on the development of standalone youth work inspections. The closing date for the consultation is 15 May.

Action point 5: DaE to arrange a meeting before end of May for members to submit a collective response to the consultation.

Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales

DR provided an overview of the background and current arrangements for the Quality Mark for Youth Work in Wales as well as current plans for future arrangements, which will include consultation with current Quality Mark holders, assessors and the wider youth work sector. A paper will be provided to Board members with further details.

Action point 6: DR to circulate a paper regarding the Quality Mark to Board members.

Marketing and communications update

DE provided an update on the 2023 to 2024 marketing and communications plan, noting that more detailed discussions on the plan would take place at the Marketing and Communications Group on 20 April. Board members welcomed the approach being taken and requested details of key dates in 2023 to 2024 once confirmed.

Action point 7: KHa to share calendar of events with Board members when confirmed.


SL provided an update on the progress to date by the Legislation Task and Finish Group, which has now met twice.

DE provided an update on resourcing within the Youth Engagement Branch, including the latest on recently advertised secondment opportunities.

The Board agreed that discussions at the next meeting (15 June) would focus on an implementation plan and recommendation 5 (that the Welsh Government should establish a national body for youth work services in Wales). The Board also noted their wish to hold a future meeting of the Board in person at a youth work setting to provide an opportunity to gather information first-hand.