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  • Sharon Lovell (SL) (Chair)
  • David Williams (DW)
  • Joanne Sims (JS)
  • Lowri Jones (LJ)
  • Sian Elen Tomos (ST)
  • Marco Gil-Cervantes (MG) 
  • Shahinoor Alom (SA)
  • Hannah Wharf, Deputy Director, Support for Learners Division (WG) (HW)
  • Dyfan Evans, Head of Youth Engagement Branch, Welsh Government (WG) (DE)
  • Dareth Edwards, Senior Youth Strategy Work Manager, Welsh Government (DaE)
  • Gethin Jones, Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (GJ)
  • Donna Robins, Senior Youth Work Strategy Manager, Welsh Government (DR)
  • Tom Kitschker, Support for Learners Team Support Officer (TK)
  • Umaira Chaudhary, Youth Work Information Officer, Welsh Government (UC)


  • Simon Stewart (SSt)
  • Deb Austin (DA)

Conflicts of interest

None declared.

31 January 2024 meeting: minutes and action points

The Board approved the minutes and action points from the last meeting held on 31 January 2024. Progress on actions was reviewed.

Strengthening the legislative basis for youth work

The remainder of the meeting was given over to a workshop in which Board members focused on consideration of three key areas in relation to strengthening the legislative framework for youth work in Wales, namely: 

  • Clarifying the definition(s) and functions of youth work.
  • Developing an effective planning cycle for youth work.
  • Introducing a refreshed youth work entitlement for young people.

Any other business (AOB)

Members agreed to the proposal to establish a dedicated Task and Finish Group to act as a sounding board in the period up to and including formal consultation on the legislative proposals. 

Date of next meeting: 29 April 2024