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Rebecca Evans MS, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office

First published:
19 July 2024
Last updated:

On 17 July 2024, His Majesty the King formally opened the new session of the UK Parliament and outlined the UK Government’s proposed legislation for the new session. 

Further information on the content of the King’s Speech was subsequently made available in a publication from the Prime Minister’s Office. The Secretary of State for Wales issued a written statement on 18 July setting out the Bills intended to extend and apply to Wales. 

In the period between the General Election and the King’s Speech, Welsh Government officials engaged with UK Government officials on areas of likely impact for Wales. On the morning of the King’s Speech, the First Minister and I discussed the content of the UK Government’s legislative programme with the Leader of the House of Commons and the Secretary of State for Wales. This is a programme that has been introduced at pace following the General Election, and I welcome the early and thoughtful engagement carried out ahead of the King’s Speech. We will continue to engage with UK Government on the detail of proposals throughout the session. 

The principle of legislative consent, as reflected in the Sewel Convention and section 107(6) of the Government of Wales Act, lies at the heart of the devolution settlements and its proper application is vital to ensuring appropriate democratic engagement and legislature scrutiny of relevant Bills. The previous UK Government demonstrated a lack of respect for the Convention in recent years. The Welsh Government has long argued that the Sewel Convention is in need of reform and I look forward to working with the new UK Government, along with other Devolved Governments, with a view to strengthening the operation of this fundamental principle of devolution.  

Our position remains that primary legislation in devolved areas should be enacted by the Senedd. However, the Welsh Government also continues to hold the view that there can be circumstances when it is sensible for provision, which is in the Senedd’s legislative competence, to be included in UK Parliamentary Bills, with the explicit consent of the Senedd. 

The UK Government’s legislative programme covers a variety of areas, including devolved issues  such as transport, planning, energy, social justice, and others. Welsh Government has previously supported proposals for reform in relation to renters’ rights and tobacco and vapes, and we will engage with UK Government on its intentions to legislate in these areas as well as other areas of interest to Wales (including appropriate conversations about legislation in reserved areas in which the Welsh Government and the Senedd will also hold interests). Each of the Bills in the UK's legislative programme will be thoroughly assessed and, where relevant, taken through the legislative consent process. At all times, we will continue to ensure devolved interests and impacts for Wales are properly considered and addressed.

We look forward to sharing further information about relevant Bills when it is possible to do so, and to working with the Senedd on legislative consent processes throughout this new Parliamentary session.